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The California Scholarship Federation (CSF) is an organization started in 1921 by Charles F. Seymour. In particular, CSF seeks to recognize students living in the state of California who possess high standards in academics.
Specifically, members of the California Scholarship Federation are eligible for a variety of tuition scholarships available at universities across the state and in select colleges nationwide.
Besides, regional subcommittees can nominate several members as Life Members based upon character, leadership abilities, and volunteer service.
Then, fifty of these students will receive $2,000 each. Also, CSF will award five (one from each region of California) an additional $3,000 toward their college tuition.
Approximately, one thousand chapters are located in various secondary schools across the state.
The organization continues to promote the education of academically motivated students, encouraging them to get involved in their communities through volunteer service.
Additionally, CSF also has a subdivision called the California Junior Scholarship Federation. Particularly, the subdivision awards scholarships to middle school students.
Today, we’ll take a look at a list of FAQs on the California Scholarship Federation. But before that, shall you bookmark the page for future reference?
What is the purpose of the California Scholarship Federation?
The California Scholarship Federation, Inc. is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to recognize and encourage academic achievement and community service among middle and high school students in California.
Approximately, there are 1,500 chapters in middle school and high schools throughout the state.
Furthermore, each chapter consists of students’ members who meet eligibility requirements where a staff adviser leads each chapter.
Since the organization’s inception, over 1,500 CSF chapters have been approved.
And, today’s chapters continue to foster the recognition, motivation, and education of academically talented students.
Additionally, chapter memberships actively promote the CSF ideal of service to their communities.
Who qualifies for California Scholarship Federation?
Membership in the organization signifies excellence in academic achievement. Hence, to apply you must have a minimum G.P.A. of 3.5 and have taken core curriculum classes.
Also, eligible students can become members by submitting applications based on their report card grades.
However, the membership is for one semester, and membership drives are eligible each semester within certain periods.
Besides, the conferences are available annually, and student awards recognizing scholastic achievement and community service are present.
1. Requirements for Semester Membership
In fact, students can earn membership in CSF if they apply and have earned 10 (ten) CSF points. All in all, they can earn the points from the previous semester according to the following scale.
- A = 3 CSF points
- B = 1 CSF point
- C = 0 CSF points
- D or F in any course, even if not counted for CSF, disqualifies the student from membership
Additionally, they also have to fulfill the following requirements.
- 4 (Four) of the 10 (ten) points must come from List I courses.
- 7 (Seven) of the 10 (ten) points (including the four List I points) must come from List I and II courses. Of course, all seven points may come from List I.
- The last 3 (three) points may come from any list.
- Only 5 (five) courses (or 25 credits) may be used to earn the 10 (ten) points.
Also, keep in mind that courses such as P.E., teacher assistant, office aide, or repeated courses do not earn any CSF points.
Unfortunately, poor citizenship may disqualify students from membership.
Thus, it is the adviser and principal’s prerogative to determine disbarment.
2. Requirements for the Life Membership
Besides, seniors may achieve Life Membership (Sealbearer status at graduation) if they have been a member of CSF for four semesters during the second semester of sophomore year through the second semester of senior year.
Firstly, a senior must qualify for the second semester of the senior year even if they have four prior semesters of membership.
Actually, it is because one semester must be based on grades earned in the senior year.
Then, a senior needing one additional semester to qualify for Sealbearer may use final grades in the last semester of senior year.
However, this is only applicable if they qualify and complete a CSF application in May/June.
When can you join CSF?
In fact, upon completion of the first semester of the sophomore year, students may apply for membership.
Particularly, this is the first semester that counts towards CSF honor graduation or Lifetime membership.
Is California Scholarship Federation an honor?
Of course, it is!
In reality, the award is one of the highest scholastic honors given to secondary school graduates in the state of California.
How do you qualify for CSF?
To qualify for CSF membership each semester, follow these guidelines:
- Earn a minimum of 10 CSF points from the previous semester’s grades.
- Use no more than 5 courses to qualify.
- No CSF points are given for physical education, courses are taken in lieu of physical education, subjects repeated to improve a grade, courses involving school services such as a Teacher’s Assistant or Office Assistant.
- CSF points are granted as follows: A = 3 CSF points; B = 1 CSF point; C = 0 CSF points, even if it is an Honors or AP course. Nevertheless, one additional point shall be granted for a grade of A or B in an AP or Honors course, up to a maximum of two such additional points are allowed per semester. Also, a grade of D or F in any course, even in one you cannot use to qualify, disqualifies you for CSF membership for that semester.
Is CSF good for college?
Some say that many colleges look favorably among CSF life members.
However, it doesn’t appear as extravagant if the student receives good grades for only four out of the six semesters.
Also, colleges already receive a student’s transcript with their grades and GPA on it. As result, the CSF title shouldn’t make a difference on a college application.
Surprisingly, when applying to CSF there is a mandatory fee of $15 that each student must pay. This fee covers the costs of the cards that students receive, the certificates, and the pin and cowl received at graduation.
Obviously, this seems unreasonable that students need to pay just to have their hard work and grades acknowledged.
Hence, it would be helpful if the organization gave more information on the purpose of the CSF when students are applying for it.
So, without knowing what they are getting into, students may not feel the urge to apply when the time comes around.
Also, without further information, students may be unaware of the fact that all that is received from this federation is the title and a possibility to tutor other students.
All in all, the CSF program aims to acknowledge the achievements of hard-working students. Unfortunately, it lacks a real purpose other than the title on a college application.
Nevertheless, if you’re looking for legit scholarships for high school seniors, check out our guidelines on University of Chicago scholarships.