Five Tips for Attracting Clients and Building Your Reputation as a Student Freelancer

Attracting Clients

There are way too many things that you need to take care of when you’re in college. Yes, at first glance, studying is your top and only priority. While you can probably agree that it’s your top priority, it’s far from being the only one. Paying rent and tuition, as well as maintaining a certain lifestyle, forces you to look for a job. And here, you run into several problems.

Finding a job that you can easily balance with your studies is not that easy. Odd jobs will surely do, but are there any other options? Since digitalization allows you to work from any part of the world, why not try freelancing? You can do the tasks from wherever you are, and you get more than a flexible schedule. The most important thing is sticking to deadlines. But how do you get into freelancing?

The first step is determining your skill set. What are you good at? Sometimes the answer lies on the surface. You can be good at doing written assignments, and we all seek help from an essay writing service from time to time. So, if you’re good at writing, why not work for an admission essay writing service as a freelance writer who would craft assignments for others? But don’t limit yourself.

You may be good at tutoring others in anything from another language to math. Do you want to become a software developer? You can start by freelancing. Translate something. Contribute to magazines. The options are countless, but you need to figure out what you’re good at. The next steps after that are quite simple:

  • Check out freelance websites and networking events
  • Choose the best opportunity
  • Craft a portfolio or pass an interview
  • Pitch yourself
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With all that out of the way, you can start working. But there’s one thing that still bothers you. How are you going to attract customers? Passing an interview at an online company is one thing. However working through freelance websites can be more difficult. Things are going to get easier as you build your reputation, but you need to get clients first. So, here are some tips on how to do that.


A portfolio is the first thing that will attract prospective customers in the beginning. It generally consists of your bio and pieces of your best work. For example, if you decide to become a freelance essay writer, your portfolio should include your writing samples. First, you can use your own college essays. Then, after executing several orders, you can induce them into your portfolio.

The main point of the portfolio is to attract the attention of prospective customers. Thus, it’s crucial to provide the best examples of what you can do in your chosen niche. If you’re an up-and-coming software developer, your portfolio should contain your pet projects. If you don’t know how to do a portfolio properly, you can easily google portfolio constructors.


Another way to get clients is by networking with other freelancers. You either communicate on the platform, but it’s strongly recommended to visit networking events in your niche. There’s always a chance that a more experienced freelancer you know will be too busy with orders. So, they can suggest their clients seek help from you.

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The main point is that other freelancers know about your existence, so they will recommend you to their clients from time to time. Make sure to tell your peers what you are good at. You can even showcase your skills. That’s a sure way to get extra customers and cement your freelance standings.

attract clients freelancing
Photo: Per Lööv on Unsplash

Exceed Client’s Expectations

It’s always better to exceed customers’ expectations. There are several ways to do that. Sometimes it’s following their guidelines meticulously. In other cases, you should add a pinch of creativity. If they order an essay from you and don’t specify materials to use, offer to use those that you think will work the best for the paper.

Also, you can offer free revisions of the work. Finish the paper before the deadline. Just show them that you truly care about the work that you’re doing and their requirements. This will help you build a perfect reputation among your customers. Which will surely bring new ones.


Once again, we are going to use assignment writing as an example. The main difference between the so-so and the best paper writing services is the possibility of selecting a writer on your own. And here, customers’ testimonials play a crucial role. Working and academic experiences are important as well, but, as a prospective client, you want to know what past customers have to say about working with you.

The same goes for any other freelancing niche that you can take. So, always encourage your clients to leave reviews and testimonials about their experience cooperating with you. After all, what your customers have to say about you can build or tarnish your reputation. Reviews that claim that you’re one of a kind in your niche will surely attract new clients.

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Word of Mouth

Another way to attract customers is through word of mouth. You can’t control it. Here, you have to rely solely on your past clients. But what you can do is make sure that your customers have the best experience from hiring you. That will surely make them talk with their friends, colleagues, or relatives about you. And who knows? Some of their acquaintances may be in need of your services.

Closing Thoughts

As you can see, getting a freelance job is not that hard. Attracting customers and building and maintaining your professional reputation is a bit harder, but still far from impossible. It’s always easier to do things when you know the steps. Follow the tips provided above, and you will succeed.

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