University of Central Punjab (UCP) Scholarships for Undergraduate, Graduate and Alumni

Do you plan to attend the University of Central Punjab? Lucky for you! Providentially, the university offers various types of scholarships for deserving students like merit-based scholarships, need-based scholarships, general financial aid and many more.

Potential students are encouraged to seize the opportunities by regularly visiting the University of Central Punjab (UCP) Scholarship Portal where the complete information of the scholarships are posted. While on the subject, in today’s post, we’ve rounded up the summary of some of the best UCP scholarships, including merit scholarships and alumni scholarships like PGC Scholarships.

Keep reading to find out more about these generous offerings. Also, learn how to make use of the University of Central Punjab (UCP) Scholarship Portal to claim your award.

University of Central Punjab (UCP) Scholarship Portal
Photo: @mikhail-nilov on

List of UCP Scholarships

Here is the list of several UCP Scholarships that both undergraduate students, graduate students and alumni can apply for. Also, there are other scholarships available for certain students, such as students with disabilities and financial hardships.

1. Undergraduate Scholarships

Based on the information posted on the University of Central Punjab (UCP) Scholarship Portal, undergraduate students from the following faculties may be entitled to receive the scholarships:

  1. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
  2. Faculty of Engineering
  3. Faculty of Information and Technology
  4. Faculty of Law
  5. Faculty of Life Sciences
  6. Faculty of Management Studies
  7. Faculty of Media and Communication Studies
  8. Faculty of Pharmacy
  9. Faculty of Sciences

Particularly, students with outstanding academic records may be qualified for UCP Merit-Based Scholarships. However, the eligibility requirements vary from one faculty to another.

For instance, the following requirements apply to the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of Management Studies, Faculty of Media and Communication Studies, and Faculty of Sciences:

  • 100% fee exemptions are available for freshmen with 75% obtained marks.
  • 75% fee exemptions are available for freshmen with 70% obtained marks.
  • 50% fee exemptions are available for freshmen with 65% obtained marks.
  • 25% fee exemptions are available for freshmen with 60% obtained marks.
  • 5% fee exemptions are available for students on their second semester and onwards.
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On the other hand, students from the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology, and Faculty of Life Sciences are required to meet the following requirements to apply for the scholarships:

  • 100% fee exemptions are available for freshmen with 85% obtained marks.
  • 75% fee exemptions are available for freshmen with 80% obtained marks.
  • 50% fee exemptions are available for freshmen with 75% obtained marks.
  • 25% fee exemptions are available for freshmen with 70% obtained marks.
  • 5% fee exemptions are available for students on their second semester and onwards.

Lastly, the following requirements are only applicable to the Faculty of Law and Faculty of Pharmacy:

  • 75% fee exemptions are available for freshmen with 80% obtained marks.
  • 50% fee exemptions are available for freshmen with 75% obtained marks.
  • 25% fee exemptions are available for freshmen with 70% obtained marks.
  • 5% fee exemptions are available for students on their second semester and onwards.

Note: These scholarships are extendable, meaning that students may continue receiving them until graduation only if their continuation CGPAs are qualifying for the extension.

2. Graduate Scholarships

The University of Central Punjab offers academically excellent graduate students with multiple merit-based scholarships. The scholarships are offered to students from the following faculties:

  1. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
  2. Faculty of Engineering
  3. Faculty of Information Technology
  4. Faculty of Law
  5. Faculty of Life Sciences
  6. Faculty of Management Studies
  7. Faculty of Media and Communication Studies
  8. Faculty of Pharmacy

Below are the details of the academic requirements that students must fulfil to claim the award:

  • 75% fee exemptions are available for students with a 3.80 CGPA.
  • 50% fee exemptions are available for students with a 3.60 CGPA.

In fact, these requirements apply to all faculties.

Note: Just like the undergraduate scholarships, these scholarships are also extendable, meaning that students may continue receiving them until graduation only if their continuation CGPAs are qualifying for the extension.

3. Alumni Scholarships

Fortunately, UCP alumni are also entitled to receive scholarships that enable them to pursue their higher studies.

Thus, according to the statement posted on the University of Central Punjab (UCP) Scholarship Portal, students with an Intermediate from Punjab College and UCP undergraduate students are eligible to apply for the scholarships in pursuit of their degree.

Basically, the alumni scholarships fall into two categories: PGC Scholarships and UCP Graduates Scholarships.

PGC Scholarships

PGC scholarships are available for bright students from the following programmes and faculties:

  1. Associate Degree Programme
  2. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
  3. Faculty of Engineering
  4. Faculty of Information Technology
  5. Faculty of Law
  6. Faculty of Life Sciences
  7. Faculty of Management Studies
  8. Faculty of Media and Communication Studies
  9. Faculty of Pharmacy
  10. Faculty of Sciences

Students from the Associate Degree Programme, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences, Faculty of Management Studies, Faculty of Media and Communication Studies, and Faculty of Sciences are required to meet the following academic requirements to be qualified for PGC scholarships:

  • 50% fee exemptions are available for students with a 3.25 CGPA or higher.
  • 25% fee exemptions are available for students with a 3.00 CGPA or higher.
  • 5% fee exemptions are available for students with a 2.50 CGPA or higher.

Meanwhile, students from the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology, Faculty of Law, and Faculty of Pharmacy must fulfil the following requirements:

  • 25% fee exemptions are available for students with a 3.00 CGPA or higher.
  • 5% fee exemptions are available for students with a 2.50 CGPA or higher.

UCP Graduates Scholarships

The UCP Graduates Scholarships provide the following fee exemptions for students who successfully acquire certain CGPA during their previous studies:

  • 50% fee exemptions are available for students with a 3.50 CGPA.
  • 25% fee exemptions are available for students with a 3.00 CGPA.

Although successful candidates are awarded scholarships, they are still obligated to pay half of the total admission fee.

Note: While these scholarships are extendable, according to the terms posted on the University of Central Punjab (UCP) Scholarship Portal, students must maintain their CGPA to extend the acceptance period.

4. Other Scholarships

As mentioned at the beginning of this guide, UCP provides multiple scholarships for its deserving students, some of which are:

  • Contingency-Based Scholarships
  • Disabled Scholarships
  • Employee Discount
  • Kinship Discount
  • Need-Based Scholarships
  • Talent-Based Scholarships

Clearly, the aforementioned scholarships have their own terms and conditions. If you’re interested to apply for one of them, then keep reading. Make sure you are meeting all the proposed requirements to secure your spot.

Contingency-Based Scholarships

Upon the demise of a parent or guardian, UCP offers contingency-based scholarships. The scholarships aim to help students complete their degrees to the best of their ability without the additional pressure of meeting educational expenses. Deserving students will receive a 50% tuition fee exemption on the sad demise of their fathers or guardians during their studies.

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Scholarships for Students with Disabilities

UCP invites students with disabilities to attend the university without having to worry about the funding, thanks to its grant programme. Upon admission, they are eligible for 25% to 100% tuition fee exemptions based on the assessment of the university’s Official Disability Certificate and Committee.

Employee Discount

Staff members are allowed to apply for employee discounts to get a tuition discount of 25% (for employees with satisfactory service for three years) and 50% (for employees with satisfactory service for five years). UCP staff members can check their suitability for the programme by visiting the University of Central Punjab (UCP) Scholarship Portal.

Kinship Discount

The University of Central Punjab also offers a Kinship Discount when two or more siblings are currently enrolled at the university. UCP hopes that the initiative can help lessen the educational expense burden upon parents or guardians. For every first kin enrolled in PGC or UCP, students will receive 25% tuition fee exemptions. On the other hand, 50% of tuition fee exemptions are available for every second kin enrolled in UCP.

Need-Based Scholarships

Students with monetary barriers are given the same chance to further their studies at UCP thanks to its need-based scholarships. They can ask for need-based scholarships by reaching to the university’s committee.

Talent-Based Scholarships

Students showing exceptional achievements in curricular and extracurricular activities are encouraged to apply for UCP’s talent-based scholarships. The scholarships are aimed at remarkably skilled students. The committee will assess your eligibility for the programme.

Application Instructions

Applications for all of the above scholarships can only be made by enrolling with UCP, meaning that prospective candidates do not need to send separate applications to apply to any of the UCP scholarships. Each prospective student will be considered for financial assistance by the university’s admissions committee.

The University of Central Punjab invites applications for admissions twice a year, in the Fall and Spring semesters. However, admissions in the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Pharmacy and Faculty of Law are open in the Fall semester only. Interested students can apply by completing the online form available at

University of Central Punjab (UCP) Scholarship Portal Official Website

Click here to access the University of Central Punjab (UCP) Scholarship Portal and get the latest information on all its scholarship programmes.

While we try to keep the information up to date and accurate, information is subject to change without prior notice. Thus, please always refer to the official website of the scholarships provider, or in this case, the University of Central Punjab (UCP) Scholarship Portal, for complete and updated information.

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