How to Write a Resume for Law School?

Law is one of the most attractive career options for students across the world. Life as a lawyer offers great opportunities in terms of career so every year, many students try to do their best to get into a reputed law college.

The importance of a resume for law school cannot be overstated. It’s a powerful way to improve your application process. It sheds light on your unique qualities and complements your personal statement and other application elements. Mastering the art of creating an effective law school resume is the key to gaining admission to your dream college.

resume for law school
Photo: Freepik

Creating Your Law School Resume: a Step-by-step Guide

Every profession has some unique attributes. And every college has its own set of processes. This means, your resume for law college has to be written by being very specific. It should reflect your keen interest in the field and your high level of willingness to study law. The resume should carry the best aspects of your academic journey.

To impress the admissions committees, you need to do your best. We have been talking about resumes and there are several other things like interviews and group discussions that you need to prepare for. However, the first stage is the most crucial one so you need to seek guidance from the best law school consultants online. Once you have the guidance on your resume and other important things, take out time and start writing. The trusted name, Edureviewer, is the top choice for students across the world. To make resume writing work easy for you and ensure that you get into a good law school, here are seven simple steps on how to create one, along with valuable tips.

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1. Start with a head-turning header

Begin your resume with an attention-grabbing header. Include essential contact details such as your name, phone number, and professional email address. Also mention your location (city and state are enough, your full address isn’t necessary). Providing both an email and phone number ensures the school can reach out to you with convenience.

2. Craft a professional summary

Beneath your contact information, compose a concise professional summary. This brief statement should include your identity as a student and your aspirations. Mention your undergraduate degree and any relevant experiences. Also include internships or noteworthy achievements during your undergrad years. It could be some awards or some significant research projects.

3. List your educational journey

List the colleges or universities you attended. Include their locations, your degree or certificate earned, and the dates of your attendance. If you didn’t get a degree, simply include the dates of your enrollment. Don’t forget to mention any enriching study abroad experiences. This section helps the law school assess whether you have the prerequisites for their program.
If there is some part of your academic journey where you have not performed well, don’t worry about it. Include it without any fear. Your application is weighed based on your overall performance in the past. It is not judged based on one specific part of it. But, you should provide a confident answer if asked about the reason for low or not-so-good performance.

4. Highlight the certifications

If you’ve received any certifications relevant to a law school’s admissions criteria, include them in your resume for law school applications. Showing your commitment to legal studies or a specific area of interest sets you apart from other applicants with similar backgrounds.

5. Include your legal skills

After detailing your courses and certifications, it’s time to show your legal skills. Presenting these skills reveals your accomplishments. These state your areas of interest within the legal field. Include both soft skills, which are transferable to various industries, and hard skills, which come from formal legal education and apply primarily to the legal domain.

For instance, consider highlighting skills like research, information analysis, and client confidentiality. It’s natural that your law subject understanding won’t be at a pro level. The idea is to at least have the basics clear and that should reflect well in your law school application

6. Share your work and internship experiences

List any job positions and internships you’ve undertaken. Feature your job title, employer’s name, location, and employment dates. Describe your specific responsibilities in each role. Use present tense verbs for current positions and past tense verbs for previous roles. If possible, quantify your achievements with measurable outcomes. It could be something like improving sales by 20% during your first year at a company. Arrange your experiences in reverse chronological order. Put the most recent at the top.

7. Proofread diligently

Before submitting your resume, do thorough proofreading. Read your document aloud to identify errors. Seek assistance from friends or family members for constructive feedback. Your resume serves as the initial impression you make on an admissions committee. So presenting a clear, concise document summarizing your academic journey and future goals plays a key role.

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Pro Tips for Crafting an Impressive Law School Resume

1. Consistent formatting

Pay meticulous attention to your resume’s format. Ensure it is not only suitable but also consistent throughout. For example, if you use periods at the end of bullet points in descriptions, maintain this format consistently or omit periods entirely.

2. Clear language

Industry jargon might be appropriate in job resumes. But it can create confusion for admissions committees. Use straightforward language. Provide brief explanations or definitions for any acronyms or specialized terminology.

3. Academic excellence

Include details about your academic performance. It could be the title of your thesis and any significant research projects you’ve undertaken.


Going to a good college transforms our career. But that’s everyone’s dream so we need to do our best to get into the best college. In law colleges, the competition to get a seat is immense. This is why writing a compelling law school resume should involve careful attention to detail. You need to have a clear presentation of your academic and professional journey. While writing, adhere to simple, effective language. By following these tips, you can create a standout resume for law school. It strengthens your law school application and increases your chances of admission.

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