The Levine Scholarship by UNC Charlotte: An A-Z Guide

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC Charlotte) offers a wide range of scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate students. The Levine Scholars Program, also known as the Levine Scholarship, is one of the most coveted scholarships offered by the university.

It is considered the university’s highly competitive and prestigious merit scholarship. The program is exceptionally talented and high-achieving students. Once selected as Levine Scholars, students receive a comprehensive package of resources and support.

If you’re a current high school senior planning to attend UNC Charlotte, you may be eligible for the Levine Scholarship. Learn more about the program in the sessions below.

Levine Scholarship: An Overview

Levine Scholarship
Photo: garetsvisual via

The Levine Scholarship at UNC Charlotte is a prestigious scholarship opportunity that attracts the best and brightest students. It provides not only financial support, but also a rich array of resources and experiences to help these students grow academically, socially, and as leaders.

Levine Scholars appreciate the benefits of the challenging and rigorous academic programs offered at UNC Charlotte.

In fact, UNC Charlotte is the only university in North Carolina that is located in an urban setting with a strong emphasis on research in a variety of fields. Levine Scholars benefit from this environment by participating in a variety of experiences that can enhance their personal and academic growth.

The university is known for its innovative interdisciplinary programs. Interdisciplinary programs involve the integration of knowledge and methods from multiple academic disciplines, allowing students to explore complex issues from multiple perspectives.

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Meanwhile, Levine Scholars’ educational experience extends beyond the classroom. They have access to a wide range of opportunities and experiences outside of traditional lectures and coursework.

Program Benefits

The scholarship covers the entire cost of the scholar’s academic program, ensuring that the scholar does not have to pay tuition out of pocket. In addition to tuition and fees, Levine Scholars receive a room and board allowance. This includes housing (residence hall or on-campus housing) and meal plans.

Selected students also receive a grant to complete a service or outreach project in partnership with a local nonprofit organization. This grant allows them to apply their academic and leadership skills to real-world projects that benefit the community.

In addition, over the course of their four years as Levine Scholars, recipients will have the opportunity to participate in four unique summer experiences. These experiences are designed to develop their leadership skills, enhance their social awareness, and provide them with a global perspective.

In summary, the scholarship package is very valuable, with an estimated total value of over $115,000 for in-state students and over $172,000 for out-of-state students, making it an attractive opportunity for high-achieving students. If this sounds like you, read on to learn how you can qualify for this scholarship.

Eligibility & Requirements

To be considered for the Levine Scholars Program, students must either be nominated by a high school counselor or college advisor or self-nominate. This means that a school official or you can initiate the application process.

In addition, applicants must:

  • Plan to apply to UNC Charlotte immediately after graduating from high school.
  • Be either a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident of the United States. International students and those with other immigration statuses may not be eligible.
  • Have a high GPA, rigorous coursework, and a demonstrated commitment to learning.
  • Be role models who can positively influence and motivate their peers.
  • Have actively participated in volunteer or service activities that benefit their communities.
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In short, the program values individuals who are not only academically talented, but also dedicated to making a positive impact on their communities and the world. Read on to find out how you can be nominated if you think you have what it takes to be a future Levine Scholar.

How to Apply for the Levine Scholarship

There are four steps to the application process. Please follow the guidelines below to ensure that you have the best chance of winning the scholarship:

1. School Nomination or Self-Nomination

Students interested in the Levine Scholarship may be nominated in one of two ways:

  1. School Counselor Nomination: The student’s high school counselor may submit the student’s name as a potential candidate for the scholarship program.
  2. Self-Nomination: Alternatively, students may initiate the application process on their own without a nomination from their school counselor.

Most importantly, multiple students from the same high school may be nominated for the scholarship. Schools are encouraged to nominate as many eligible candidates as they believe meet the criteria.

On the other hand, homeschooled students who are interested in the scholarship can also participate in the nomination process.

They may be nominated by a professor or teacher who is not related to them. Similar to students attending traditional high schools, homeschooled students may choose to self-nominate for the scholarship.

2. Application for Admission to UNC Charlotte

You can use this link to begin and complete your application for admission to the University. You are not required to submit SAT or ACT scores as part of your application. This is due to the fact that UNC Charlotte has adopted a test-optional admissions policy.

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However, SAT or ACT scores are considered supplemental information. You may submit them if you wish.

3. Supplemental Scholarship Application Completion

You will receive an email after you are nominated for the scholarship. This email will contain instructions and a link to the Levine Scholars Portal. This is where you will complete the application process.

Within the Levine Scholars Portal, you will find the supplemental scholarship application. It has several components:

  1. Reference Information: Provide information about individuals (typically teachers, mentors, or community leaders) who will write letters of recommendation on your behalf.
  2. Three Essay Questions: The application includes three essay questions that students must answer.
  3. Activities List: You may be asked to list your extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and community service involvement.

4. Submission of Online Recommendations

You may submit up to three recommendations, but only two are required. The first should focus on academic potential and achievement, the second on community service and ethical leadership, and the third is optional and can be from anyone in an academic or community setting.

It’s important to choose recommenders who can provide meaningful insight into your qualifications and character.

Closing Date

Nominating begins August 15 and ends October 15. You must then submit your UNC Charlotte admission application by November 1, followed by the Levine Scholarship application by November 15, to be considered for the scholarship.

Be sure to meet these deadlines to ensure your eligibility for the program and consideration for the scholarship.

Contact Details

If you have any questions or would like to receive more information about this scholarship program, please fill out this form.

Levine Scholarship Official Website

To learn more about the scholarship, visit the official Levine Scholarship website at Alternatively, you can click here to start your nomination now. For those who struggle with writing letters of recommendation, we have this great guide on how to write one from scratch.