International Students Life in Boston
College is costly even before the pandemic when you include tuition and student housing in Boston. To make finances meet, many individuals will depend on their student loan debt and grants.
Most students work part-time to supplement their income and there are, however, ways to make your money go farther and to make more money. But all of this failed when the pandemic struck at the onset of March 2020.
It was a difficult time for international students to save money when they were losing their part-time jobs because the whole world was shutting down.
After a year most of Americans are now vaccinated but still, cases are on the rise because of the new delta variant. Students are scared that another lockdown can make their finances worse again.
Budget Hacks for International Students
This list will showcase the budget hacks for international students in Boston to survive the Pandemic.
If you’re not planning on staying in a dorm, you have a few alternatives for housing.
When it comes to leasing in college, there is one thing that will always save you money: sharing the costs with roommates.
Another benefit of living with housemates is that you may be fortunate to live in a home that is nearer to Boston University or Boston College, the downtown, or wherever you prefer to live since the combined expenses reduce the prices down.
Use of Bikes
Many institutions in Boston are encouraging people to ride bicycles instead of driving vehicles.
They’re significantly less expensive and good for the environment. The finest universities offer extremely low-cost bicycles to students and have bike repair shops on-site that provide free tune-ups and minimal maintenance.
Furthermore, several universities engage in bike-sharing systems, allowing people to use their city’s bike-sharing programs for free.
This is a fantastic way to augment a student lifestyle that relies heavily on public transit.
Health care

Even if you have health insurance, everyone understands that American healthcare is ridiculously costly.
However, there are methods to save expenditures. If you require treatment or surgery, you can inquire about the costs at several hospitals.
A government-run hospital also might provide the operation for free. Of course, in an emergency, you should put your health first, but if the problem isn’t life-threatening, it makes more sense to shop around for the cheapest price.
Many colleges like Boston College provide options for international students for cheap healthcare.
Look for inexpensive things
Freebies are available at every institution in America, even in Boston.
Not everything will appeal to you, but you may have been overpaying for something.
Many universities will provide free yoga, entertainment, gym memberships, outdoor gear, counseling, and other services to their students.
Keep in mind that the funds for these free college events and services come from your fees, then you’ve already spent for it.
Then why shouldn’t you make use of something you’ve already spent money on?
Every college degree requires the use of textbooks. While it may appear to be simpler to just buy a new version at the shop, you really should search for used editions on eBay, Facebook, Google Search, or even at used bookshops.
Some books will not be needed in the long run, so you may probably borrow them from the campus library.
Last but not least, ebooks are a fantastic supply that you might not have explored.
Some websites will provide you an ebook for free or for a lower cost than a paper version.
Free software
For commercial and private use, many students purchase Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, and other applications.
However, many of these apps offer free equivalents that work quite as well.
Open Office, rather than Microsoft Office, provides almost everything a learner might require.
GIMP is a free alternative to Adobe Photoshop. Numerous alternative antivirus choices are suggested by reputable sources instead of Norton Antivirus.
The lesson is clear: seek for and test out a free option before investing in costly technology.
When you’re done with something, sell it
Why not resell a guidebook from your first semester to a pupil in the year below you if you’re not using it in your second semester?
You’ll both benefit since you’ll make money and the next student will acquire the book at a lower price.
This isn’t limited to textbooks, either. If you’ve become tired of a specific sport, you can sell the gear. You can resell your old device, even if it’s damaged if you buy a new model.
Shop for supplies and prepare meals with your housemates

If you reside with individuals you get along with, sharing your grocery budget can spare you a huge amount of money.
If you all enjoy the same foods, purchase the components in volume and divide the bill.
Cooking and eating dinners together may transform this cost-cutting strategy into a recreational interaction.
Accept secondhand and thrift shop purchases with open arms
Every student must purchase clothing. Purchasing them from department stores may soon be expensive. Clothing is available at a discounted price in thrift stores.
And secondhand buying isn’t limited to apparel. Always seek pre-owned things first if you want to reduce the price on electronics, furniture, equipment, tools, jewelry, and other stuff.
When it comes to selecting used items, students now have more options than ever before.
Students may utilize eBay, Craigslist, Poshmark, and a variety of other websites and applications to locate the greatest deals on used products.
So, that’s everything, for now, people! I sincerely hope you all take advantage of these basic and straightforward money-saving suggestions for students studying and living abroad in Boston.
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Author’s Bio
Archit is an avid writer who is currently pursuing his bachelor’s in political science from Delhi University. When not writing, he can be found reading, taking the Metro and then questioning this decision, and haunting local bookstores.