Posse was established in 1989 and recognizes public high school students with outstanding academic and leadership ability that standard college selection methods would miss. Posse expands the ability for these students to achieve professional and academic success by putting them in 10 peer assisting, inclusive teams. Posse affiliated colleges and universities offer four-year full-tuition leadership scholarships to Posse Scholars.
To find out more information regarding the Posse Scholarship, please check out the detailed explanation below in the form of frequently asked questions.

What is Posse Scholarship?
Posse Scholarship is a financial aid offered by Posse Foundation, an American non-profit organization offering grants and scholarships to disadvantaged students.
What is Posse Foundation?
The Posse Foundation is a nationally recognised growth and college access initiative for community leadership that recognizes, hires, and prepares diverse teams of high school public students and sends them to top colleges and universities. To date, more than 9,200 Posse Scholars have been admitted into top-level higher education institutions around the world. Such youth earned more than $1.4 billion from Posse’s college and university sponsors in full-tuition leadership grants, and became drivers of social change on their campuses.
Posse’s special, tightly organized, three-month screening process selects applicants using parameters that go beyond academic excellence, including leadership abilities, motivation to excel and willingness to interact constructively with individuals from diverse backgrounds. Posse’s high school by college curriculum makes it one of the nation’s most intensive of its kind programs. President Obama named The Posse Foundation as one of ten global, non-profit groups to obtain a portion of his Nobel Peace Prize grant in 2010.
The foundation is poised to double in size in the next ten years and increase its global influence significantly.
What is a Posse scholar?
Posse Scholars are Posse Scholarship recipients who earn full-tuition leadership scholarships from affiliate colleges and universities in Posse. The Posse Foundation recognizes, hires and prepares all academics with enormous capacity for leadership. Meanwhile, a Posse is a group of 10 same-city students chosen for their teamwork and intellectual abilities and heading to college together. Across the schools, they support each other and are involved members of their campus society.
What city is Posse in?
Atlanta, Bay Area, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York, and Washington D.C.
What is Posse’s reputation?
Posse has brought 7,728 students around the country into top tier colleges and universities since 1989. Posse is one of the most recognized student achievement programs in the United States today, in ten cities. The Posse Foundation was chosen as one of only 10 non-profits in 2010, in order to obtain a share of the Nobel Peace Prize money from President Obama. Posse Scholars are pioneers of the school, persisting and graduating at a pace of 90 per cent.
How many students get the Posse Scholarship?
Thus far, more than 15,000 candidates have been eligible for the Posse Scholarship, and 670 have been chosen as the program’s recipients. The top-tier college and university partners at Posse have awarded four-year full-tuition scholarships worth $108 million to the new Scholars.
What does the Posse Scholarship cover?
Posse is an undergraduate scholarship. That will not cover registration charges. That means Posse students are also responsible for paying room and board, meal plans, fees for health care, etc. It’s not a free ride; it’s a merit-based scholarship that the students win. Posse scholars are chosen in the same manner as athletic scholarships are given to students with certain talents, because they add desirable qualities to the table.
All Posse Scholars must complete the Free Federal Student Aid Program (FAFSA) form. This application lets a college or university assess the eligibility of the applicant in the application of scholarships, loans or work study to obtain extra financial assistance. Please see the Federal Student Aid website at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/ for more information. You should help your student filling out this form and include any relevant material that might be needed.
Are Posse Scholars responsible for covering their own travel costs?
Yes, students are charged for their own travel to and from the Posse office, as well as to and from their universities and schools.
How do you get a Posse Scholarship?
To be eligible, a high school senior must:
- Be nominated by their high school or a community-based organization
- Be in the first term of their senior year in high school
- Demonstrate leadership within their high school, community or family
- Demonstrate academic potential
- Apply on time; depending on the Posse city, nominations are accepted in the spring and summer before senior year begins (contact your local Posse office for specific deadlines)
The Posse Scholarship is neither a minority, nor a scholarship dependent on need. This is available to students of all backgrounds.
What is Posse looking for?
Posse seeks students who are:
- Leaders in their high schools and communities
- Committed to their education and those who demonstrate academic potential
- Interested in teamwork and diversity
- Positive, motivated, talented, ambitious young people
Posse and its partner colleges and universities are looking for innovative leaders that can be committed members of the student body as part of a team through on campus academic and social leadership.
What to expect if I am admitted to Posse?
An award ceremony will be held to attract the newest Posse Scholars into the program. Then, beginning in January and running through August, the student will take part in a 2-3-hour weekly session held at the Posse office. Such workshops concentrate on academic achievement, cross-cultural collaboration, leadership growth and team building and help the student get better prepared for college success.
When on campus, a tutor and an academic adviser are appointed to Posse Scholars, who will both assist the student. Scholars meet as a team with the coach twice, and each other week separately. Furthermore, Posse personnel visit each campus several times a year to meet with Scholars and run services on campus to help them excel in education.
What is Posse Access?
If a student t is a finalist but is not chosen to be a Posse Scholar, his or her profile will appear in Posse Access, an online portal designed to provide access to unassigned finalists to Posse affiliate colleges and universities. Then, these youth can be eligible for regular admission. While finalists who do not earn the Posse Scholarship do not receive Posse programs or Posse Scholarships, they benefit from being introduced to the full lineup of college and university collaborators of Posse. This increases their probability of acceptance to a major higher education institution dramatically. Students who are eligible for financial aid and other scholarships are also considered.