3 Scholarships to Study Abroad for Nigerian Students

Any Nigerian student can dream about having the chance to study abroad, but only those who actually make an effort can turn their dreams into reality. They can try by improving their academic grades, getting actively involved in extracurricular activities, volunteer in public service, and, of course, apply to a foreign university. However, outstanding skills and academic records are not the only things to consider to study abroad – financing study also matters in this case. Although so, you shouldn’t worry too much. There are a number of available international scholarships for Nigerian students available to support their studies abroad. Below are some of the overseas and latest scholarships for Nigerian students that are offered annually.

Photo: @priscilladupreez on unsplash

Commonwealth Medical Fellowships

Commonwealth Medical Fellowships are for mid-career medical staff from low and middle income countries, to enhance their clinical skills. The fellowships are funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), and enable talented and motivated individuals to gain the knowledge and skills required for sustainable development. These fellowships are offered under one of the CSC’s six themes:

  • Science and technology for development
  • Strengthening health systems and capacity
  • Promoting global prosperity
  • Strengthening global peace, security and governance
  • Strengthening resilience and response to crises
  • Access, inclusion and opportunity

Applicants of these fellowships must be citizens of or have been granted refugee status by an eligible Commonwealth country, or be a British Protected Person. They must also be permanently resident in one of the eligible Commonwealth countries: Bangladesh, Cameroon, the Gambia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Samoa, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, Vanuatu, Zambia.

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Applications will be considered according to the candidate’s academic merit, the quality of proposal (minimum 200 words), and the potential impact of the work on the development of the candidate’s home country. Each fellowship provides:

  • Approved airfare from the candidate’s home country to the UK and return at the end of his/her award
  • Research support grant
  • Stipend (living allowance) at the rate of £1,656 per month, or £2,055 per month for those at university hospitals in the London metropolitan area
  • Reimbursement of the fee for a single English language test and the fee for General Medical Council (GMC) registration
  • Warm clothing allowance
  • Study travel grant towards the costs of approved travel within the UK
  • If the candidate is widowed, divorced, or a single parent, child allowance of £466 per month for the first child, and £114 per month for the second and third child under the age of 16, if the candidate is accompanied by his/her children and they are living with him/her at the same address in the UK

For more information, see the Commonwealth Medical Fellowships’ web page.

Humphrey Fellowship

The Humphrey Fellowship Program provides mid-career professionals from designated countries including Nigeria with an opportunity to enhance their professional capabilities through participation in specialized non-degree programs developed specifically for small clusters of Humphrey Fellows at selected US universities.

The Humphrey Program is funded by the US government through the United States Department of State and other co-sponsors.  The types of university programs arranged for Humphrey Fellows depart from s traditional discipline-oriented focus and have a problem-solving and experience-sharing emphasis. The programs are not degree-related or aimed at providing scholarly preparation or basic training in a field. The objective is to provide Humphrey Fellows with an overall experience that broadens their perspectives, enhances their capability to assume greater career responsibilities, and provides opportunities to establish useful professional contacts.

Selection for the Humphrey Fellowship Program is based on the applicant’s potential for national leadership and commitment to public service, in either the public or private sector in the eligible Humphrey fields:

  • Agriculture and rural development
  • Communication / journalism
  • Substance abuse education, treatment and prevention
  • Economic development
  • Finance and banking
  • Educational administration, planning and policy
  • HIV/AIDS policy and prevention
  • Human resource management
  • Law and human rights
  • Natural resources, environment policy, and climate change
  • Public health policy management
  • Public policy analysis and public administration
  • Teaching of English as a foreign language
  • Technology policy and management
  • Trafficking in persons, policy and prevention
  • Urban and regional planning

For further details, visit Humphrey Fellowship.

IWC Master’s International Scholarships

The International WaterCentre (IWC) offers scholarships for international students to study the IWC Master of Integrated Water Management (MIWM) program. Up to three international scholarships include:

  • Type A – Up to two full tuition fee and full living costs scholarships for future water leaders from priority countries in the Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East (note: one scholarship will be reserved and awarded to a female candidate)
  • Type B – One full tuition fee scholarship for a future water leader from selected countries in North America, Europe and parts of Asia.

Each of the ‘Type A’ scholarships will cover the following costs (up to the total value of $92,645):

  • Full tuition fees for full-time study of the IWC Master of Integrated Water Management program (up to $53,250 for 18 months of study)
  • Living expenses stipend (valued at $36,000 for 16 months, payable in equal monthly installments)
  • Return air travel to Australia (pre-approved, economy class airfares up to the value of $2,500)
  • Cost of student visa for a single student (up to $560). Student visa costs will be refunded to the recipient’s Australian bank account upon provision of receipt
  • Costs of the Overseas Student Health Cover for single student (valued at $989 for 18 months)
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The ‘Type B’ scholarship values up to $56,739 and covers the following:

  • Full tuition fees for full-time study of the IWC Master of Integrated Water Management program (valued at $53,250 for 18 months of study)
  • Return air travel to Australia (pre-approved, economy class airfares up to the value of $2,500)
  • Cost of the Overseas Student Health Cover for single student (valued at $989 for 18 months)

The ‘Type B’ scholarship does not include travel, student visa, accommodation or living expenses and the recipient will be responsible for paying all remaining study and living expenses.

Selection for the IWC Master’s International Scholarships will be based on the following criteria:

  • Leadership qualities
  • Professional and volunteering record
  • Academic record
  • Commitment
  • Potential outcomes

For more information, visit the IWC Master of Integrated Water Management Scholarships web page.

Think Big Postgraduate Scholarships

The University of Bristol offers Think Big Scholarships for postgraduate studies at the University, to support outstanding  individuals from countries around the world so that they are able to pursue postgraduate studies in any one-year, full-time taught postgraduate program. The scholarships are available to those who are classed as an overseas student for fee purposes and have applied to start a one-year, full-time taught postgraduate program at the University of Bristol in the upcoming academic year.

The following awards are available as fee waivers towards the cost of tuition fees:

  • 5 x £20,000 scholarships
  • 10 x £10,000 scholarships
  • 20 x £5,000 scholarships

See the Think Big Postgraduate Scholarships web page for further details.

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33 thoughts on “3 Scholarships to Study Abroad for Nigerian Students

  1. I’m Tolcha Teressa from Ethiopia i need to continue this program please help me

  2. i have Bsc degree in electrical engineering in communication stream i need to attain my Msc

  3. I have BSc in Electrical engineering in control stream ,I wanna is more than every student

  4. Gosa Dame Dinku from ethiopia I have BADegree in cooperative accounting and auditing and I’m first year student of masters of business administration I’m very interested to join your organization please would you like to contact me through this phone no 0924058368 & my email address damegosa0@gmail.com

  5. im izy nel sunio… from the Philippines pls help me with my studies .. im an orphan

  6. I’m Mamo Sefera from Ethiopia am BA Degree in business i am happy when i get the chance for the masters degree please call me by phone number+251922996933

  7. Iam noman khalid form swat malakand pakistan
    Iam graduate in BBA 4 year complete in marketing so i want to continue the business study iwant scholarship for MBA 1.5 much needed for me so i achive my dream for the education

  8. I have bachelor degree of business and administration
    I want study MBA
    I would like to have this great opportunity

  9. Date: AP 39, 2019
    From: Jemal Mohammed Yesuf from Ethiopian country
    Application for master’s program learning;
    To- Full Scholarship
    Dear Sir/Madam;
    I am interested to apply for masters program from your organization and really I hope that without any hesitation your organization will accept my application. I am a holder of BA Degree in Accounting consider my application positively. If you feel that I am suitable for this position then please feel free to contact me with the following addresses stated below whenever you desire.
    I hope that I am the person whom you are in need!!
    Thanks for your consideration!!!

    With best regards!
    Jemal Mohammed Yesuf.
    Phone: +251910689532 / +251930631200;
    Email: muhammedjemal15@gmail.com

  10. I am Md.Zahirul Islam . I live in Bangladesh.I am running student of Bsc In Cse. I am Interested to want Complet my MSC In 2021 From this university. I want to need a Full Free Scholarship. So, I hope give me this opportunity and Contract with. Contract Number is +8801867288544

  11. Hello all Dears, first I would like to thank you for offering this golden free scholarship program for international students . My name is Chala Eshetu from Ethiopia
    I’m 33 years, I’m male
    I’ve Bachelor degree in MILITARY SCIENCE AND LEADERSHIP.
    I have great interest to go further in education but I don’t have any financial access, so please help me! Thank you for unlimited help!
    MY Email chalabb2010@gmail.com

  12. Hello all Dears, first I would like to thank you for offering this golden free scholarship program for international students . My name is Chala Eshetu from Ethiopia
    I’m 33 years, I’m male
    I’ve Bachelor degree in MILITARY SCIENCE AND LEADERSHIP.
    I have great interest to go further in education IF YOUR COUNTRY May GIVE ME FREE SCHOLARSHIP. Because I don’t have any financial access, so please help me! Thank you for unlimited help!
    MY Email chalabb2010@gmail.com

  13. I have need a scholarship for ms geology i hv done my bs in recent year may some one guide me plz

  14. hello to all friend specially for peoples that they want to helping and support us to going scholarship and studying.
    I am from Afghanistan and i need free scholarship becausey there are not good economy state and i dont have enough money to continues my study

  15. hello to all friend specially for peoples that they want to helping and support us to going scholarship and studying.
    I am from Afghanistan and i need free scholarship becausey there are not good economy state and i dont have enough money to continues my study … st.layeq1919@gmail.com

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