14 Ultimate Tips to Get International Scholarships

Hello Scholarship Hunters,

Nowadays, more and more students are motivated to continue their studies abroad. The reasons vary, from the quality of education to the experience of living abroad. Before studying abroad, there are many things to be considered. Of course, besides the matter of academic ability, one of the considerations is the financial problem. However, the financial issue is no longer a big issue. For students who want to continue their education (undergraduate, master’s or doctoral degree), there are many universities and institutions which provide various kinds of scholarships. So, you don’t need to worry to pursue your degree even though you have limited financial sources. If you had a lot of achievements, both academic and non-academic, the opportunity to get a scholarship would be much more open. There are a lot of study abroad scholarships available.

international scholarships
Photo: Viktor Hanacek at Picjumbo.com


Here are some of the world’s famous scholarships for international students. Check it out:

Fulbright Scholarship

The Fulbright program is very well known internationally. More than 155 countries participate in the Fulbright program. Fulbright scholarships are prestigious, competitive, and fully funded from the beginning of the application (interview) until the completion of the study. This merit-based scholarship is funded by the United States Department of State. Further information about applications, requirements, and other types of programs please visit the following website: https://foreign.fulbrightonline.org/about/foreign-fulbright

NSERC Postgraduate scholarships

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Postgraduate scholarship is a scholarship at the field of natural sciences (engineering). No wonder this scholarship is quite interesting for international students. Moreover, this scholarship is able to be used in all Canadian universities. So you have more flexible and diverse choices to determine the university. Do you want to know more about this scholarship? You can check directly at http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Students-Etudiants/PG-CS/index_eng.asp


This scholarship is given to students who will continue their studies in Germany. DAAD is an organization that offers scholarship assistance programs for international students. Here is the DAAD website: https://www.daad.de/en/

 Erasmus Mundus

This scholarship is given to international students who wish to continue their education in Europe. This scholarship is offered by the European Union for students who have completed a bachelor’s program and want to take a master’s degree. Information about the application, requirements, and types of Erasmus Mundus scholarship programs please visit this website: https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus_en

 Australia Awards

The Australia Awards aim to promote knowledge and education links through Australia’s extensive scholarship programs. The program brings together scholarships offered by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT), the Department of Education and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). Check this website for further information: https://dfat.gov.au/people-to-people/australia-awards/pages/australia-awards.aspx

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Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program

Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program, launched in January 1999 by the French and European Union Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was intended to support international recruitment by French higher education institutions and to attract international students to be able to continue their education at a master’s or doctoral degree. The training program in France will be devoted to professional responsibility in both the public and private sectors. If you want to know more how to register for the Eiffel scholarship, visit this website: www.campusfrance.org/en/eiffel

Monbukagakusho (MEXT)

This funding program is specifically for students who want to pursue their study in Japan. Not only for a master’s and doctoral degree, but also you have the opportunity to get a bachelor’s degree from a university in Japan through this scholarship.

 Other scholarships: Bill Gates, Chevening, Commonwealth, even Scholarships for Women.


Before you apply for a scholarship, pay attention to the following tips in order to get the scholarship.

1. Determine the desired major and university

The main thing you need to do is to determine the criteria and focus of the major and which university you want to choose, for example, the level of master’s education, at the field of environmental studies, biology, management, economics, with the main target study locations or countries such as Europe, the United States, Japan, or other countries like Singapore, China, and Canada.

Everyone can choose various study destinations according to his/her wishes. For example, some students prefer country than university or major to be taken. But there are also students who prioritize more on the university and major rather than the country. Whatever the reason is, you have to find out the value and quality of the destination study so that it will be easier for you to determine the next step.

2. Choose the appropriate scholarship; look at the opportunities

To get information regarding scholarship opportunities, you must be observant and diligent in seeking scholarship information on the university announcement website. Or you can also visit the Administration Section in the Faculty and/or the cademic Section to get more information such as requirements and deadlines.

3. Check the scholarship website regularly

The more information you get, the greater your chances of getting a scholarship. There are a number of scholarships that are usually only available through the website. So it is likely that those who do not update with information will be left behind and loses the opportunity to get the scholarship. You can check latest scholarship updates at https://scholarshipnetworks.com and then subscribe to their email notification to keep you with the updates.

4. Have good English skills

Language skills are the main requirement, so make sure your level of English skills (or the required language) passes the requested score. Basically, you must prepare an IELTS (International English Language Testing System) or TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) according to the requirements of each university. Prepare the language skills in advance, even a year before you begin the study period. Thus, you will know your English ability as a basis for communicating in an international environment. By preparing earlier, you will also have time to improve your ability to meet the standard. In addition, there is nothing wrong if you also start taking courses for other foreign languages ​​of your destination country. For this test, you have to prepare it carefully and far ahead of time. There are several books and program software about English practices test (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking) from several publishers such as ETS, Barron’s and Longman.

Spend time for at least 2 hours to practice on this test every day, yes.. study independently, trip out all practice tests by repeating practice questions up to several times. The requested paper-based TOEFL (PBT) score usually ranges from 310 to 677, while TOEFL iBT score ranges from 80 to 120. Usually, 80-100 is the minimum score for a master’s degree admission at most universities in the US. However, certain fields such as Linguistics, Literature programs, and Ph.D. studies, the minimum scores can be higher, for example, 100. Please check each university to find out the required iBT score. For more information about the TOEFL iBT test, please visit this website www.toefl.org.

In addition to the TOEFL or IELTS, the GRE (Graduate Record Examination) or GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) is also sometimes requested by the university as the admission requirements. The requested scores vary depending on the university. GRE includes three components, i.e. verbal, quantitative, and analytical writing. There are also GRE subjects for certain majors. There are a number of universities that ask for a minimum score, some also ask for a GRE score without a minimum score. You must refer to the university website for this admission requirement.

5. Fulfill the GPA standard requirements

The more diligently you study, the greater the chance to get a scholarship. GPA (Grade Point Average) is usually not the main requirement, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t graduate cum laude. Test results such as the GRE or GMAT are usually preferred, so study seriously to get the requested score.

6. Prepare some expenses

You should prepare some expenses, not for the college, but to take several tests such as IELTS and GRE, which are definitely not cheap. The IELTS test currently costs around USD 200. Imagine if the first test failed or hasn’t reached the requested band score, you would have to repeat the test and add more fees. There are also some costs for sending the application documents, which is usually also expensive, especially if you use DHL or FedEx.

7. Be active in the organizations

The academic grade is not the main requirement to get a scholarship. In addition to academic achievement, you have to be actively involved in the organization. Students who take part in the organization activities are usually prioritized and are more likely to get scholarships because, during interviews, scholarship providers will see how high your responsibility and ability to work in the team. Abroad, high adaptability is needed because you will face various people with their cultural and background differences. Working in teams with people from various countries and work ethics requires the ability to manage our emotions well. In addition to be diligent in studying, you have to join in the organization if you want to be able to get a scholarship.

8. Make a good Study Plan and Motivation Letter

It takes enough time to write a good study plan. Sometimes it takes months to work on this, by gathering the best ideas, reviewing examples of good essays and contact with previous scholarship recipients. The Study Plan is usually limited to one page. The following guidelines can be used in writing a study plan:

READ ALSO:  Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Scholarship Essay

First, explain your field of study. Describe the major and area of ​​specialization in detail.

Second, give three main reasons why you want to study in that area/field. Give examples from previous education or training.

Third, explain your desires in the future, and how your study plan can help to achieve that desire and why you deserve a scholarship. Therefore, sell yourself as best you can through this opportunity.

If you are not sure about this study plan, both in terms of language and content, you may ask someone who is more knowledgeable or a native speaker to help you.

For those who specifically want to continue to a doctoral degree and want to apply for a scholarship by research (not by course), research potential is an important matter. Some universities also require research proposals to be submitted first to the professors who are interested before completing administrative requirements (IELTS, GRE, diploma, etc.). The research proposal must include the background, objectives, methodology, and timetable needed. It is just like a mini dissertation, but this is still in the form of a proposal and has not included the details of implementation and results. 

9. Prepare letters of recommendation

Usually a minimum of two letters of recommendation are required. You may ask this letter from your instructors, lecturers, or employers who you think are good enough to know yourself and often interact with you. This recommendation letter is closed and delivered directly to the destination university, so we do not know what is inside. Usually, scholarship applicants look for “big name” instructors, for example, the lecturers whose research is widely publicized or those who often speak at various conferences. To get good recommendations, start “saving”, i.e. saving enthusiasm and learning efforts, especially when interact with the instructor, because that’s how they judge whether we have a good track record or not. Not just a matter of academic grade.

10. Establish networking

It is better for scholarship hunters to maintain good relationships with the lecturers and employers where they work. It is true that the higher the position of the person giving the recommendation, it will be more promising to get a scholarship, but the testimony given will be far more personal and profound if they know the applicant well.

11. Consult with the lecturers

Do not hesitate to communicate with lecturers about your plans to seek scholarships and study abroad. They will certainly give you an overview and advice about the study and university that you are going to go. In fact, it is possible that your lecturers will help you to connect with the right person on the destination university.

12. Visit the education exhibition

Various study information and foreign scholarships can be obtained by visiting foreign education exhibitions. At the exhibition, you can ask directly to the university about the study you are going to take and how the scholarship opportunities are.

13. Contact related institutions

Generally, each country has a representative institution that provides consultation about the universities and scholarship opportunities in the country. Don’t hesitate to use the institution to explore the much-needed information.

14. Take the advantage of social media

Social media is a means of sharing information. Follow the scholarship pages and the university social media accounts. Keep an eye on the study information and scholarships posted on their social media.

Last but not least. Little thing that determines: kept being well informed and thorough. When is the deadline (don’t be late!), check the email address or website to send or upload the documents, how many diplomas need to be legalized, and so on. Check and check again and again before sending the requested document.

Interested to get a scholarship? Prepare yourself and remember: study diligently and always be an outstanding student.

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485 thoughts on “14 Ultimate Tips to Get International Scholarships

  1. Iam interste to join your campany. Iam graduated agro economics in Ethiopian university.

  2. thank you a lot for your information and suggestion please cantinenu we thnkfull always from you

  3. Iam interste to join your campany. Iam graduated agro economics in Ethiopian university

  4. Matric:676/1050 (2011)govt high school ghoriwala Bannu.
    Fsc : 676/1100 (2013) govt post graduate college Bannu.
    BS Botany(4years)2698/4200 cgpa 2.30(2017) science & technology university of Bannu

  5. Matric:676/1050 (2011)govt high school ghoriwala Bannu.
    Fsc : 676/1100 (2013) govt post graduate college Bannu.
    BS Botany(4years)2698/4200 cgpa 2.30(2017) science & technology university of Bannu

  6. Iam civil engineer degree and i want to apply master program especially in highway engineering

  7. Dear sir/madam,
    I hereby write this letter to inform you that i need your help to study i have completed my senior four and i have passed science subjects .I a south sudanese by nationality and arefugee in uganda.
    i willl be glad n happy if u grant me a scholarship.

  8. My name is ibsa muleta I have B.sc civil engineering but I want to learn my lesson of m.sc in your university please help me but I’m daily ask you until now am not get any response please send me your email or WhatsApp number.my phone number is 0931658150.am in Ethiopia.

  9. Hi I am ihtesham up haq from Pakistan MSc botany from university of Swat Pakistan now I need a scholarship for MPhil (master) so if you have a scholarship then you can help me. thank you so much.

  10. Hello my name is Ali adan I’m from Somalia. I want computer software I need this opportunity like this scholarship so I need further information about as soon as practicable

  11. I am intersted on this scholar ship but now l haven’t scand acadamic copys on hand what shall l do?

  12. I am Dawit Girma Abdi. I was graduated from Ambo University by Statistics BA Degree since 5 years ago. Now, if it is the will of you please encourage me to get this golden opportunity. Contact me:- +251917705574

  13. Hi my name abduwaahid I am somalia I need to study faculty of computer science pleas help me
    My number 252616787175

  14. Hello.
    Firstly and formost i thank all networks operate international scholarship applications.
    My name is Abdirizak Daahir Mohame I’m a young teenager student, i like education, i live in one of the developing countries especially in Somalia and I was finished a high school, so i want to increase my knowledge.
    I ask you to give me scholarship to study in developed countries.
    I’m low income student, i can’t paid university fee in my country
    my phone number +252618344634 whats app or wechat

  15. I’m Petan from Arakan state, Myanmar.Currently, I am staying in Kutupalong mega refugee camp, ukhiya Cox’s bazaar,bangladesh.I had been passed my matriculation exam from Maung Daw high school, Myanmar in the year of 2015/2016.As you all know, rohingya is most presicutent ,hopeless, useless and complicate people in the world. In this moment, if you grant me such free scholarship to continue my creerer which is also my ambition, I think that will help not me but also my people. There is no chance to study higher education for rohingya in Myanmar. I honestly writing here that I am a boy of without parents. Since 9 year ago My mom had been passed and dad 2 years ago. I difficultly finished my matriculation.The major which I got is B.A psychology. I strongly believe that you will be include me in your thoughts. Please grant me such an opportunity. My contact is 01860765302/Gmail-petanalisms@gmail.com

  16. I’m Dahshat khan from Pakistan
    I have completed my Fsc and i watched these scholarship and if these scholarships are on Need base
    Then, hope i’ll be a best choice for this scholarship And u gyes can checked my background whether i’m eligeble or not thanx

  17. Hi, sir, I got rid of the school. I want to study abroad, but I can not please. Please help me. I can study for the university for free. Please help. May I be proud of this scholarship to help you.
    Contact number whatsapp +93784705087

  18. I wanna to study abroad on scholarship. My education is graduate. Now I want to apply for msc math. Do u have any scholarships which totally free.

  19. Thank you for your Information I read All the terms and also this information was very useful for me

  20. I am MPhil in psychology and I want to admission in PhD program scholarships in psychology

  21. My name is Gatjiek Hoth Ruach i am from developting country and i am fully interested to study my bahclor degree from your interested University i hope to contact me soon to aprove my interest

  22. my name rooda aadan i livre in somolia i am intersted the free schollresgip i help me i intersted the increase the nowladge

  23. Thank you very much for your information.Dear sir,I am Saiful from Bangladesh. I completed Masters in Management from National University in Bangladesh. I want to do study in p.hd from your University. Please help me sir.I am very interested. Please help me.

  24. I am surendra banjade . I am from nepal and I am fully interested to study my bahclor degree from your university and I hope you will contact me soon to approved my intrest

  25. Hello!.Please am from Cameroon,i just graduated from the high school,Please i need a fully funded scholarship to study MEDICINE abroad.
    Thank you!!.

  26. H ello,:please am need full scholarship to promote knowledge,
    I am fully intereseted to study my becholar degree the university of Canada; the more knownleg we support tthank you

  27. i am the m.phil student of agriculture department plant breeding and genetics.i want to study futher for phd .i wanna study scholoship for phd

  28. Daer sir/madam Iam very interesting to have your scholarships and to be one of the universal scholars, Please help me.

  29. Daer sir/madam Iam very interesting to have your scholarships and to be one of the universal scholars, Please help me.
    I have Bachelor of natural science and I want to continue my studies.
    Please find me here.

  30. I am ab samad danish, my bachelor in the LLB I want to take my achiving my masteer degree in the forign country .
    If someone knows about the IELTS and TOEFL teste mark please told me ..!

  31. Sorry there was something wrong in those comments, I wanted clear, but there wasn’t way to clear ..!
    I wanted to now about the teste marks. !
    Would you tell me about teste sir ?

  32. My name is trhas Nuguse I’m graduated by public health officer , I need to continue my master if u give me this chance.

  33. i need free scholarship and please choose me in your web sites !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. Thank you for your Information I read All the terms and also this information was very useful for me

  35. My name sahal Maxamed Iam 19 years old I need university please help me I live in Somalia my graduations second schools I need university please help me my family is very pools I have not many please help me

  36. I am interested in any scholarship that can pay full. And I am living in South Africa. I want to continue do Civil Engineering B. Tech and Honors in Specializing with Urban Engineering.

  37. hello I have the honor to solicit from your high benevolence the favor of granting me a scholarship in management specifically in management accounting. in fact I hold a 2-year bachelor’s degree and a BAC G2 series. In a suite favorable to my application, please accept the expression of my most distinguished feelings

  38. I am Bright , I have Bsc. Minerals engineering and want to further my studies abroad. I have gained admission to Exeter university, UK but I need scholarship.

  39. I am Agnes and l would like to get a full scholarship. l live in Zimbabwe and would like to study civil engineering

  40. My name is hamdi aaden daahir
    I need master scholarship l graduation bachelor degree of public health

  41. This is Musaib from Pakistan and i am graduate in bachelor of commerce from University of turbat Pakistan. i am interested in MBA/Finance /Accounting. i would like to apply Master degree scholarship
    thank you….!

  42. I am interested to apply for Master’s. Once I applied for Master’s Degree but unfortunately my visa refused. I don’t know why my visa has been refused.

  43. That was cool tips,
    I’ve been hunting for scholarship for the last 1 year and am just hoping I could get a short here

  44. its very intetesting and valuable tips . I am argachew from ethiopia and i want to study phd in political science or peace and security assist me if their is chances my phone +251 0913777600

  45. My name is trhas nuguse, I’m graduated by public health officer, please contact me my phone no, 0945838951

  46. first i have been greating the best of human resorce managenent im from somalia stayed in mogadisho somalia im very happy to succeed this opportunity of scholars and would like to comprehence my higher level of masters of publuc health thanks.

  47. Dear Sir/madam
    I’m interested in your schorlarship and I need help in attaining one to further my study

  48. Hello ! My name is Abdullahi Ahmed muse, am interested in this great opportunity, so please help me to get it. I’m a person who like to be educated person .
    I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours Faithfully .

  49. I am interested the becholar, the study london university please support get university like get. I need two medicine or engineering.

  50. My name khadra I live Somalia
    City of Hargesia I finished secondary school i want to apply university of scholarship please give me .
    Contact me my phone 252634024099

  51. Hi my name is Rahma yasin from somalia I intrest to get scholarship of health science please contact me +252634523240

  52. I need bank and finance I am Somali I live in Mogadishu I was graduated secondary school it’s important forme to get this scholarship

  53. I’m interest this program and i hope to be one of students that successfully get this scholarship

  54. Im interest this program and i hope to be one of students that successfulmy get this scholarship

  55. Hi, my name is Jama salah elmi, i’m Somali and living in the capital of Mogadishu. I’m very strongly needed
    Your scholarship and please give me my lion’s share.

  56. I am interested on your scolorship and I want apply for free scolorship so please guide me about that

  57. I m doing bs biotechnology. And i m intrested in this. 03367529327.how would i get scholorship please advice me

  58. Hello, this is Sulaiman
    I hope all of you are doing well

    I’m interested about this scharship and i hope to be one of students that successfully get this scholarship

  59. my name is Ebrima Y ceesay from the Gambia west Africa,i am a senior school graduate an i want to study business administration,i am really interested in shcolarship if there is any help to have access to it

  60. My name is Maxamed from Somalia I have civil engineering degree very interesting the scholarship please contact me

  61. I really need this scholarship because I like to study in Australia. I had complete my fsc in pre-engineering in 2017. Now I want to continue my study I shall be very thankfull of you if you give me this scholarship.

  62. Hello.
    Sir I am interested on your scolorship and I want apply for free scolorship so please guide me about that

  63. I am interest to join your company. I am graduated Agriculture science. i have bachelor degree

  64. Jehan sher from pakistan.
    I want scholarship because I am interested in education and plz give me good response . Thanks
    my cntct 03468269157

  65. I am a rohingya’s guy live in kutupalong new refugee camp.
    I passed the matriculation class 10 in 2014 8n Myanmar but no chances to learn 8n high level studies.
    So plz kindly grant me a chance to learn there.

  66. I am a matriculation class 10 passed in 2014 but no chances to learn high level education.
    So I would like to join with u all.so plz grant me a chance to learn with u all.

  67. Hello.
    Sir I am interested on your scolorship and I want apply for free scolorship so please guide me about that for MS Mathematics

  68. Hi my name Hiwot Abadi I am from Ethiopia. I have Bsc in construction technology and management engineering. I really interested to study master program related department and my address is +251936861776

  69. hi my name is najma Abdirahman hassan from somali i finshed pupli health officer so like to study master program and this my adress + 252 63 3615 980 my whats up number

  70. Hi my name is Yonas Telila i live in Ethiopia i have Bsc degree in Animal science i am intersted to join masters program in related department my whatsapp no +251920683652

  71. I wan to study abroad on scholarship. My education is graduate Hargeisa University somalia first Degree.
    Now I want to apply for Master Network security Do u have any free scholarships with aboard

  72. Hello.
    Sir I am interested on your scolorship and I want apply for free scolorship so Please guide me about that for. Mr Rahimi Rooean

  73. how can I apply with you I am interest learn degree program. Mr Rahimi my what’s number 0093786319006

  74. HELLO SIR.
    Firstly and formost i thank for all network operate international scholarship applications.My name is shahid Afghan I am from Afghanistan. In Afghanistan the education board method is this. First you complete a 12th class.Afghanistan not have college direct started an university so plzzz I want to increase my knowledge
    WhatsApp no.0093784189595

  75. Hi my name is saboor I am from Afghanistan I need this scholarship sir
    Contact number whatsapp +93784705087

  76. Hi my name is yoonis aliI am from somalia I need this scholarship sir
    Contact number whatsapp +252615253839


  77. I’m interested in that scholarship
    I want to earn free master scholarship in international relations can you help me

  78. My name is usman iam interest in this programs i want to apply for mphil in plant science on the basis of fully funded scholarship

  79. If there is any chance for mphil on the basis of fully funded scholarship so please inform me

  80. From Ethiopia ihave BA degree in agricultural economics iam very interested to learn masters degree please help me by masters degree scholarship my contact +251911066295

  81. I interest to get phD scholarships because i want to continue my lesson in developt country to learn some things in best way , please help me to find and success in scholarship.
    Thank you for you will help me.

  82. My name is mellesa BENTO I graduated from assosa university .I have Bsc degree in electrical and computer engineering then I want to learn masters degree if i gate escholarship

  83. My Name is Rajuma Lata from Ethiopia.I need fancial support to continue my education .Please try to help me .I have BSc Degree in Nursing ,I want to learn Medicine.+251913873792 ,Call via this phone number.

  84. Hi my name is saboor I am from Afghanistan I need this scholarship sir
    Contact number whatsapp +93784705087

  85. My name is Ijaz Khan…
    I have done my hssc in medical….
    I wanna nursing course in USA….
    I want full scholarship….
    I need it too much it’s due to because my financial situation is not good…..
    I wanna study further….

  86. hello
    dear,sir(i hope you are pretty good)
    I’m Aminul-islam
    i,m interested for this fulbright scholarship.authentically,now i am a member American center Dhaka of Bangladeh.so,i agreed & my future icon undergraduate,masters program for United States.now running student hsc & the programs finish in may month 2019.now i learn topel&sat.finally I’m very interested because my related uncle live in usa ; he is a citizenship United States.i wish you are support me & my future icon.
    cell phone:01632267313
    thak you!

  87. name is yunis ali from somalia
    I have done my hssc in medical….
    I wanna medical lab course in USA….
    I want full scholarship….
    I need it too much it’s due to because my financial situation is not good…..
    I wanna study further…

  88. Dear sir i want apply free for master degree how i can apply plz could you give me information

  89. Hi dear sir i am yousuf from afghanistan one of the famous conutry in world of cours in war.
    Becuse him I wanna study in forgian country please help me to apply a scholarship

  90. My name Osman Ahmed Omar iam Somali and live mugadish it I have bechelore degree for health science the garment laboratory science iam interesting for master degree for pthophidology specialist free scholarship

  91. My names guleid from somali i will like to continue my lessons please help me this scholarship

  92. My name is Shafiullah Habibi I am from Afghanistan and have high school degrees and I need a scholarship

  93. Hi my name is saboor I need this scholarship sir
    Contact number whatsapp +93784705087

  94. Hi sir my name is Attaullah from pakistan
    Sir i need this scholarshep for study
    Plz give me scholarshep
    Thank you

  95. I am intrested to join your campany .
    I have gratuated education faculta of Herat Afghanistan . So I wana to help me to get this scholarship .
    Thank you

  96. My name is Zuhrullah Ismailkhail, and I am from Afghanistan I would like to get Master in Public Administration in CANADA, please help for free scholarship to get free education in Canada.

  97. I am Muhammad tanzeel frome Pakistan I would like to get master in any medical field but I need a scholarship because I am very poor person .

  98. Admit me if possible am i am an african a south sudanese by nationality i want to do petroleum engineering if possible ma watsup is 0780673293

  99. Hello i am at 6th smester BIT Computer since depratment i want to continuis my education skill,s thkfull for you

  100. Am Tadesse Teshale from Ethiopia. I have BSc degree in junior Anesthesia,so I would like to attend by this course.

  101. Hi
    I’m asif from pakistan but my nationality is Afghani I’m studying Afghani school but I really want this scholarship . if I’m capable of this scholarship so please,, guide me .
    I want to study abroad .
    my phone no : 00923492460359

  102. my name Abdi wali hussien mohamed i interest to learn faculty of engineering but i can’t to learn
    because i don’t have money also my country are poor country,don’t have universty has quality
    please please please help me if a possible
    i am student my hope is engineer
    please support me

  103. Hi
    i am zabihullah stanegzai, i want to study my MBA in business finance,
    if you supported me for my other edgucation. so kindly support me to get my MBA this is my number. 0093780300910

  104. I have complete BS Renal Dialysis from KMU peshawar now want to do MS in Dialysis or Nephrology any chance of MS?????

  105. Great sir i am intrested i did master in zoology and want to get scholarship for Mphill .

  106. Hello,
    I’m Mohammed Abdulqadir in somalia
    So, please can I get free scholarship of computer science?
    Here is my WhatsApp number +252618494853

  107. i have complated MBA than iwant to study doctroal degree in management and related field. contact me with

  108. Hello , I’m gratuited student I couldn’t continue my studies. I want to continue my studies.

  109. Hello every one my name is abdihakim Adam abdi I ended high school i want to study abroad please help me

  110. I want to apply for mphil in plant science in plant taxonomy on the basis of fully funded scholarship

  111. Am interests in international relationship and diplomacy
    My what’s app number is +252906031150

  112. My name is zekeriya Mohammed
    From Ethiopia
    I’M 12th class
    I want to learn University by scholarship
    I’m learning natural science
    I hope u accept me
    My phone number 0935030874

  113. My name Ahmed farah adam I live from somalia i like this schlorship and i need scholarshi plz help me and my phone :+252907111941

  114. My name cabdikaafi Abdikaafi Abdulahi I am Somali I am under graduate student I would like to give me master degree in Agriculture depertemente natural resource manegment I hope you to give me that facult

  115. My name is Rajuma Lata ,I was from Ethiopia. I want to continue my education in school of Medicine,but I have no support.so give me a hand to fulfill my dreams. I was graduated with BSc nursing from Ambo university. Contact me via +251913873792.

  116. I am from Iraq and I have got Bachelor’s Degree in ELT i am looking for Master program Schoolarships .

  117. My name is Amin ismail I live Hargaysa somalia i will be interesting this scholarship plz help me good lucky

  118. Hi my name Amran Abdullahi mahamed from Somali sir /medam i need this scholarship whatsapp number +252612470303

  119. Hi
    My Name is Rafi Ullah I am pakistani graduated studend Telecommunication I wanat to Scholarship in MS kindlly Helpe me thanks for all to see you my Post.

  120. Hia

    My name is Mohamed I am Somali student graduated secondary School I want to give this opportunity please help me thank you for all

  121. Please if you stand to help peoples who is incapable for payment
    Help me ineed to study masters in a accounting and finance now ihave BA degree with CGA of 3.55 and ihave 3years work experience
    With inernationaly acceped training certificates

  122. am habtamu mengesha i I was graduated by construction technology management, Addis Ababa University Ethiopia I need to study in master in the subjects of financial management resource management

  123. Hi, Muntaha I would like to suggest you can apply directly in the homepage portal. Let me know from which country are you applying!
    Best of luck!

  124. my name is daahir osmaan axmed i from somalia awnt this scholarship i am garaduated of secondry awanna contact you but i dont apost know i am conneting you please

  125. Am ibsa dine from dire dawa university student this year congregation department of pharmac phon no 0946028177

  126. My name is Fahiz and I wish to get free Scholarship if it impossible to get it I will be happy it.

  127. I am solomon yigzaw I live in Ethiopia addis Ababa,I am now a college student now and I want your cool scholarship,I want totally this opportunity to change my life and your organization.so please help me give me this opportunity.am waiting now contact me i have an ability to grow your organization because I have a lot’s of crativey to avoid problems……thanks for your company and submitted students….

  128. Hi my name is rufaaci
    I-m ethipian I finiahid hight school and just i learn computer science but my university it is not have quality education so help me plse if you can help me call with me whatsup
    Thanks for all to see my post

  129. Great sir my name is abdullahi i am somali i intrested i did master in IT and want to get scholarship please help me to get

  130. Thanks,I will graduate on this year June 2019 with public health officer bachelor degree and I want to continue master,s in Epidimology or Reproductive health ,please help me am from Ethiopia

  131. Am glad to hear the news of this golden chance from your university,am interesting to study my bachelor degree in this university if administration allow me to apply.
    your help will be highly appreciate.
    May God Almighty bless you abundantly and i wish you happy new year 2019, which will be year of joy, peace and love to all of people.

  132. I want to in touch with coming scholarships so plz send me notifications about scholarships.

  133. I am so glad to see of this golden chance from your university
    I am bacholar degree of medical laboratory
    I am from Somalia
    My name is dualle Hassan Abdi
    I am intresting to help me master of histopathology if it’s possible
    Than you fore you excellence helping

  134. Aoa!
    My name is shamim Akhtar
    I have completed Bs math coming jun 2019 and I want to takr Ms degree in …
    So plzzz help meeee

  135. Aoa!
    My name is shamim Akhtar
    I have completed Bs math coming jun 2019 and I want to takr Ms degree in …
    So plzzz help meeee

  136. Firstly and formost i thank all networks operate international scholarship applications.
    My name is samira Osman I’m a undergraduated student, i like education, i live in one of the developing countries especially in somalia and I want to learn accounting,i want to continue
    I ask you to give me scholarship to study in abroad, I want to see me grant eye.
    I don’t have finance ,i can’t paid university fee in my country
    my phone number +252633435717


  137. My name is Dejene Tumiso Iam from Ethiopia I have BA degree at Economics from Wachemo University since june 19/2018 and now I am assistant Lecture at Wachemo University. Iam interesting to study master at Econometrics in your organization.
    With best regard
    Dejene Tu3

  138. I,m Omar ali nageye from Ethiopia live in somali region graduated Regional institute (pAS) BA, accounting &finance
    Kindly i am requesting you to be helped me getting scholarships
    Thank you

  139. Hi how r u friend my name is mohabbat from Afghanistan I want come to Canada can you help me please my whatship and phone number 0093789247500
    I want this scholarship

  140. Am mengstie diress from Ethiopia ( lucy ), am construction student so, I need this scholarship contact me + 251989615167.

  141. I,m Omar Ali nageye from Ethiopia lives in somali region and graduated college of management and public service
    BA,accounting & finance degree
    Kindly i am requesting you to be helped me scholarships
    Thank you

  142. A’m first year student in Bahir dar university sub region in Ethiopia I study the Engineering science I like to join scholarship you request I look forward to hear you by gmail thank you.

  143. Hi my name is Bakar Aadan Abdirahman I am very happy to se this opportunity for scholarship I have secondary school complete befor 5 year ago
    I pay some one to pay Me a school fee when my father died,
    I would ask you to look at my request,
    Do not look at the person’s race or country of arigin.
    Your con contact me
    Or whatsup/+252615871434

  144. My name is Wariyo nura from Ethiopia graduated by Agricultural marketing and Trade with CGP 2.82. I want learn masters when i get this opportunity please help me

  145. My name is sharmarke Sulub Hassan i end this secondary level
    I went study degree university
    I am live Somalia

  146. My name is Abshir Mustafe Ali. I am from Ethiopia. I would like to study in UK. I am a Degree holder department of Public Administration in college of business and economics at Jijiga University. So I would like to be respected my request

  147. First peace of Allah be upon you. Than I great for all managers. Than I need for help if its logically. I graduated my secondary school. Actually My family are family poor please I want yuor help. I have more hope in the future.
    I will hope you good answers.
    Facebook: mucaad Mohamed othman abdirahman

  148. First peace of Allah be upon you.Than I great for all managers.Than I need for help if its logically.I graduated my secondary school.Actually My family are family poor please I want yuor help.I have more hope in the future.
    I will hope you good answers.
    Email address Arbaazmo53@gmail.com
    Facebook: Abaas Haaji Mohamed

  149. I’m from Tanzania in the camp of refugees I’m interested to study abroad please help me this chance.

  150. Hello Dear sir
    My name is hamda mohamuud Abdullah am deaf from Somalia
    I need for help than i great for all the managers trust i graduated my secondary school am interesting study university you help me please. Am really want your help. i have more hope in the future
    I will hope you good answers
    my email is hamdamohamuud81@gmail.com and on whatspp 252634836517

  151. I have completed BBA i want to study Master degree in management and related field. contact me with

  152. i have complated MBA than iwant to study doctroal degree in management and related field. contact me with

  153. I have complated BBA i want to study Master degree in management and related field. contact me with

  154. My name is Birahnu dawit .I have a great interest to join this this schoolarship.lam graduated from woliata soddo university in biology and total CPA 3.97 .please help me once because many times I tried that ..

  155. My name is Said Amin, i’m from Afghanistan i graduated from law faculty, i want to study in the USA.

  156. Hi
    My name’s Ahsanullah I am so happy met your posting a scholarship for the around the world.
    I a lot of try but can’t do something Please Sir help me I am so poor man please Sir help me Give me a one chance please. I promise you trying a lot our lesson please help me. My number 0093786981451,0093745031262

  157. I have BA degree in accounting please help me and contact my phone No +251911004677 i am living Ethiopia. I would like to pursue my Masters and PhD studies in your country with a full grant. How can I get a free scholarship for this?

  158. I’m very happy and interested in your scholarship. If you call me my response will be very fast

  159. Hi sir i am Hundera Shaleka from Ethiopia I wanna to study abroad on scholarship. i am Bsc in statistics . Now I want to apply for msc biostatistics. Do u have any scholarships which totally free.if there please help me Thanx for checking my comment

  160. I’m very happy and interested in your scholarship. If you call me my response will be very fast

  161. I am about to complete my masters degree in gender and women studies and I want scholarship for MPhil in gender and women studies in Germany ,Turkey ,USA .
    Help me to find such scholarship.
    As I am belong to middle class family but I am very active in organizations and working volunteerly for change in society.
    I wish to study more to bring positive change in the world

  162. my full name is wasihun kibret am an Ethiopian ,Graduated by Applied Geology. Am interested to learn and get scholars .soo tnx

  163. Hello dear I am Muhammad Ali from Afghanistan I graduated from school and I want continue my high education in your country I hope I become success in your scholarship

  164. Am Dereje mengie assefa from Ethiopian l have Bsc degree in electrical engineering I want to learn MSc degree in electrical engineering but I haven’t enough financial I need full scholarship if you select me please call me by phone number +251930598491

  165. Dear sir/madam
    This is Sohail, I graduated from civil engineering in Afghanistan I have bachelor degree so I want a free scholarship for master degree I will be thankful you if you help me in such scholarship.

  166. I don.t know english langauge who con help me i love very very english.until i learn english
    Thise is my watsap numbar

  167. I think this is the opportunity that may be my chance.I’m Ethiopian. I gratuated from Jimma University in Animal Science department. I want to continue my master’s Program By related feilds if you give me a chance. I wait you call

  168. Hello
    I am Eskedar Assefa from Africa Ethiopia.I am 5th year mechanical Engineering student of Mekelle university.
    And need your scholarships please contact me.

  169. My name is biniam alemu from ethiopia i am veterinary bachelor graguated from bahir dar university in ethiopia so i am interesting to study my msc by veterinary public health so contact met

  170. I am interesting to join your campus, I learning private university in Ethiopia first degree Department of Economics.

  171. My name is Amin Ullah from Pakistan. I have complete BS mathematics now want to MS mathematics

  172. My name’s farhan Abdi ibrahin from Ogadenian ,Iam secenery certificate Holder and still I didn’t get university due to financial problems ,and I don’t have any one who ready to help me,also there is no powerful government who ready to help people like me ,and Iam Very interesting to pursue my education in Finland
    So please help me
    Please and please

  173. I am sated Aziz , I really interested to get scholarship and continue my education in abroad, please give me a chance ,

  174. Date: March 25, 2019
    From: Damtew Degefe Merga from Ethiopian country
    Application for master’s program learning;
    To- Full Scholarship company
    Dear Sir/Madam;
    I am interested to apply for masters program from your organization and really I hope that without any hesitation your organization will accept my application. I am a holder of B.Sc. Degree by Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering. I kindly request you to consider my application positively. If you feel that I am suitable for this position then please feel free to contact me with the following addresses stated below whenever you desire.
    I hope that I am the person whom you are in need!!
    Thanks for your consideration!!!

    With best regards!
    Damtew Degefe Merga.
    Phone: +251966759383
    Email: damudagu1999w@gmail.com
    Email: ddwarqitu89@gmail.com
    Face Book: Damtew Degefe

  175. sir/madam
    I am moti abebe from Ethiopia and I Am first year architectural student and i am interested to scholarships through your universities i would like to thankyou for this amazing oppurtunities and i know i will be a great architect if i graduated from your university and i will never forget what you have done for me thanks alot


  176. hollo, My full name is habtu ketele melesse in Ethiopia. I was graduated from arbaminch University with Bachelor Degree in meteorology science on July 11/2010 and experienced in various areas of practices as weather forecast,database management in national meteorology agency ethiopia at assosa , position hydrology technician, team leader in ministry of water and energy with hydrolgydepartement , positions hydrometeorological Expert as integrated water resource management and hydrology technicialin abbay basin authority in belese sub basin organtion or project, and having a total of 9 years work experiences. I want to study a scholarship related MSC of degree in ( climate change adaptation, sanitary engineering, hydrology engineering , water resource and environment management ,river basin management specializationsmeteorology science and others). please help me and my country to update my education. I begin to get and update my education finish with you!! my email:-habtuketele5@gmail.com my phone:-+251931519536

    Yours faithfully

  177. Hi..! My name is Muhammad Zeeshan. I have done BS English now wanna do MS in linguistics or journalism. Plz help me.

  178. Greating
    My name fadumo mursal Diiriye I want to study scholarship medicine degree my finished secondary school in from Somalia special Puntiland Puntiland I wish important that scholarship to study im waiting that university my contract number +25296754621

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