The Ultimate List of Political Science Scholarships to Apply for

The oldest of the social sciences is political science, originating with the ancient Greek philosophers. As a political science student, you’ll be studying what drives political systems and how to answer questions about power allocation and control to governments and other entities. One of the most appealing facts about political science is its overlap with other disciplines such as history, economics, and law. That breadth means a political science degree that prepares you for a variety of careers in fields such as public administration, international relations and politics. Winning a scholarship or two is also a great way to get some much-needed free money to cover your college expenses in addition to financial aid and grants. The political science scholarships listed below are reserved for political science students all over the world.

Political Science Scholarships
Photo: @august-de-richelieu on

The Benefits of Studying Political Science

Political science deals with governance systems and analyzes of political activities, political thinking, and political behavior. Studying political science is for three reasons.

Great Options to Combine Courses

Political departments usually offer a number of dual degrees of honor, so it is possible to combine politics with a different passion, or to explore two strands of political learning more thoroughly.

Moving Target

Politics are changing rapidly and so is the subject matter. Most programs are constantly being updated: many program key aspects such as content and methods to meet the changing political landscape challenges. This means you’ll be able to learn something new every day, absolutely, through studying politics.

Study Abroad

Politics is a very international subject area and that is reflected in the variety of modules you can choose from if you want to study abroad. You can tailor your degree to suit your dreams and ambitions, travel the world and turn your studies into an experience of your own.

Political science offers a wide array of courses with various specializations. You’ll be able to select modules based on your personal preferences. Credit points are frequently gained through writing papers, sitting examinations or giving presentations. Political science graduates commonly go on to pursue careers in business, education, law, journalism, communications, government, or politics.

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Political Science Scholarships

If you’re a major in political science, you get scholarships. Scholarships in political science help to offset the cost of a college degree. The money can be of assistance with your tuition and fees, plus books, board and supplies. It is up to the sum and who is awarding it. If your goal is to earn a 4 year degree, this may be useful.

Read on to learn about the list we’ve assembled of political science scholarships for international students that most likely to match to your skills and abilities.

  1. Radboud University Orange Tulip Scholarship Program: The Orange Tulip Scholarship Program, organised by Nuffic Neso, gives excellent students coming from Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, Russia or Vietnam, the opportunity to study at Radboud University Nijmegen. Radboud University has a maximum of 40 scholarships available. The scholarship consists of a reduction of the institutional tuition fee for non-EEA students (to €2,143 in 2020/2021). Also, visa and residence permit costs, liability insurance and health insurance for your stay in the Netherlands (Aon Student Insurance) are covered. In order to be eligible the scholarship, you must have a Bachelor’s degree achieved outside the Netherlands, have no degrees achieved in the Netherlands and did not receive any previous education in the Netherlands.
  2. Waseda University School of Economics and Political Science Scholarships: Students enrolled in the School of Political Science and Economics can take advantage of the wide variety of scholarships offered by Waseda University. There are several scholarships for international students. These scholarships are awarded to privately financed international students. Some of these scholarships are including Global Leader International Student Scholarship, Howard Hagiya Scholarships, Reserved Scholarship for Successful International Examinees, and Waseda University Partial Tuition-Waiver Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students. The amount of reward and duration of each scholarships vary, please check on the official website for more detailed information.
  3. Yonsei University Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) Scholarships: Yonsei GSIS is Korea’s leading professional graduate school dedicated exclusively to international studies. Its dynamic and rigorous curriculum equips students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to excel globally in the private and public sectors. GSIS majors are largely divided into three majors. The Korean Studies major offers a Master of Arts and a Ph.D. in Korean Studies. The International Cooperation major offers a Master of Global Affairs & Policy, and a Ph.D. in International Studies. The International Trade, Finance & Management major offers a Master of Global Economy & Strategy and a Ph.D. in International Studies as well as a Ph.D. in Strategy and Organization. GSIS offers a wide variety of institutional and external scholarships. Institutional scholarships include Merit-based, Need-based, Work-Study, Teaching/Research, and Internship scholarships. External scholarships provide financial aid to international students that include full-tuition waiver and stipend.
  4. Missouri State University Political Science Scholarships: The political science department provides scholarships to help support your studies at Missouri State University. You can apply for scholarships offered by its department of political science, by first completing the MSU Annual Scholarship Application. In addition to scholarships offered by the department, you may also be eligible for additional scholarships that are offered by the university, including Glendal E. and Alice Wright Scholarships. The recipients of these five scholarships will be graduate students properly enrolled as a full-time student at Missouri State University seeking a Master’s degree in Public Administration (MPA) or a Master’s degree in Global Studies (MGS), within the cognate field of Public Administration. Preference will be given to international students from transition/conflict countries. For example, the countries of Africa, Asia, Middle East, Latin America, the Balkan area, and former Soviet Union would be appropriate. Preference shall also be given to students who do not hold the position of a Graduate Assistant at Missouri State university.
  5. University of Canterbury F A Hayek Scholarship in Economics or Political Science: This scholarship supports students toward study for an honors or master’s degree in Economics or Political Science at the University. The scholarship is tenable by students enrolled in a program for a master’s or an honors degree in Economics or Political Science at the University with a course weighting in the range 0.75-1.50 EFTS. Such a program must include a research component of at least 30 points.The scholarship is tenable in either part one or part two of a two-year master’s degree program. It is also tenable for 180-point, one-year master’s degrees offered by the Department of Political Science or the Department of Economics and Finance.
  6. Rutgers University Political Science Department Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Program: The Aga Khan Foundation provides a limited number of scholarships each year for postgraduate studies to outstanding students from select developing countries who have no other means of financing their studies, in order to develop effective scholars and leaders and to prepare them for employment, primarily within the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN). Scholarships are awarded on a 50% grant : 50% loan basis through a competitive application process once a year in June or July. The Foundation gives priority to requests for Master’s level courses. Preference is given to students under 30 years of age.
  7. Rutgers University Political Science Department Fulbright Foreign Student Program: The Fulbright Foreign Student Program enables graduate students, young professionals and artists from abroad to study and conduct research in the United States. The Fulbright Foreign Student Program operates in more than 155 countries worldwide. The Fulbright Foreign Student Program is administered by binational Fulbright Commissions/Foundations or U.S. Embassies. All Foreign Student Program applications are processed by these offices. Program eligibility and selection procedures vary widely by country. SIA will supplement funds awarded by Fulbright, to the level of full tuition and estimated living expenses for the two years of the program.