Many of the scholarships explicitly targeted at African-American women, such as many scholarships for black women, were created to counter the historic disparity of economic opportunity faced by African-Americans in the United States. Such scholarships are often funded in collaboration with the United Negro College Fund (UNCF).

Many scholarships for black women are intended to allow women or African-Americans to enter careers where talent, in general, is in short supply, or where women or African-Americans have been underrepresented traditionally. Today we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of free scholarships for black women.
Without further ado, let’s check it out.
1. Bellevue Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Scholarship
In 1989, the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Bellevue Alumnae Chapter was chartered to represent Bellevue and the communities on the east side and to provide support to young college-bound women. Applicants of these scholarships for black women must be female college-bound seniors of African descent, with a preference given to applicants residing in communities of Bellevue and the East Side.
The sum given for the award is $2,500. $1,000 is awarded for the first year and can be extended for $500 each of the following three consecutive years if the applicant maintains a minimum cumulative GPA of 2,75 and can demonstrate 20 hours of community service each year.
Click here for further information on Bellevue Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Scholarship.
2. The Three Sisters Scholarship Foundation
Two students each year earn the Evanston Township High School “Challenge” Scholarship. Preference is given to an African-American woman who has shown academic achievement, commitment to community service, and athletic participation, or other extracurricular activities. $500 is awarded in year one and $1,000 in year three. It is available to seniors at Evanston Township High School who wish to enroll in a college or university that lasts four years.
To learn more, click here.
3. The Essence Scholars Program
The Essence Scholars Program is granted at an accredited college or university to the female African-American college sophomores or juniors. Unless the applicant is accepted at Howard University or Hampton University, the college or university must be a member of the United Negro College Fund.
Applicants for the Essence Scholars Program must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and show a need for financial assistance through a FAFSA submission. Women applying for the Essence Scholars Program should be able to show an aptitude for learning, a deep desire for academic achievement, and an appreciation of African-American contemporary culture. Provided that this scholarship is linked to the United Negro College Fund, applicants should have a general understanding of the UNCF and its work.
The scholarship is awarded annually to five African-American female students. The maximum amount any scholar can get is $10,000 through the Essence Scholars Program. Others may be paid in lesser amounts.
Click here for further information on Essence Scholars Program.
4. Dr. Arnita Young Boswell Scholarship
The Dr. Arnita Young Boswell Scholarship is awarded to female freshmen, sophomore, junior, or senior African-American students enrolled in an accredited college or university. The Board of Trustees would accept scholarships for any study path. Every year African-American women earn ten Dr. Arnita Young Boswell Scholarships for black women.
Students who apply for this scholarship earn between $500 and $1,000 and each school year may be extended. More information is available by visiting this link.
5. The Dr. Julianne Malveaux Scholarship for African-American Women
The Dr. Julianne Malveaux Scholarship is available in an accredited college or university for college sophomore or junior African-American women studying economics, journalism, or related fields. Political science or technical writing can be considered in similar areas.
All applicants must have a 3.0 or higher grade point average, be a citizen of the United States, and write a 1,000-word essay on the topic: Your career plans and their relevance to the theme of the Dr. Julianne Malveaux Program: “Black Women’s Hands Can Rock the World.” The award is given in the amount of $1,000 to be submitted to the course.
Struggling with composing your essay? We have a helpful guide on how to write a good scholarship essay to assist you. Learn how to painlessly create a good scholarship essay in 20 minutes that will win you a scholarship.
Click here for further information on Dr. Julianne Malveaux Scholarship for African-American Women.
6. Hallie Q. Brown Scholarships for Black Women
The National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs (NACWC) wants the ability for all African-American women to achieve the highest standards in all fields of human endeavor. Hallie Q. Brown Scholarships for black women are awarded two-yearly to students recommended by an involved NACWC member.
Applicants must be a high school graduate with a minimum C average, and require financial assistance and apply their family income, income sources, and several people in the household with the application. The amount of the award varies, and the deadline generally is in March.
To learn more, click here.
7. Dr. Wynetta A. Frazier “Sister to Sister” Scholarship
In the United States there are few scholarships specifically for single mothers, and the scholarship for Dr. Wynetta A. Frazier “Sister to Sister” is perhaps the most sought after. It is awarded to African-American women at least 30 years of age who have no financial support from a husband or other members of their family. Two women who have shown a desire for scholastic support are given $500 per year.
Those who wish to apply for the Sister to Sister Scholarship must:
- Be a returning student who left school to help with family issues
- Be at least 30 years old
- Demonstrate a strong desire to complete a college education
- Provide a letter of acceptance from an accredited college or university
- Provide transcripts that demonstrate a re-acceptance into a college program
- Write a 300-to-500-word essay
Click here for further information on Dr. Wynetta A. Frazier’s “Sister to Sister” Scholarship.
8. The National Scholarship
African-American high school students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher are eligible to qualify for The National Scholarship, offered by the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs Inc.
All applicants must submit two recommendation letters, one comprehensive 300-word essay, and current transcripts from high school. The National Scholarship Program application process is more complicated than other scholarships and needs to be properly observed.
One of the letters of recommendation required must be from the applicant’s guidance counselor for the high school. A math, English, or science teacher has to write the other letter of recommendation. The 300-word essay needed must answer the question “Why is education important to me?” Applicants must be high school seniors when applying for The National Scholarship. Every year’s application must be submitted by the first day of March.
Click here for further information on the National Scholarship.
Final thoughts
African-American women living in the United States will find multiple sources of support through scholarships and grants for obtaining a college education. A number of these scholarships are explicitly awarded to African-American students.
African-American women who wish to earn grants or scholarships for black women should be mindful of the time limits to apply. Most have a fixed duration of weeks or months within which applicants must apply their applications for a particular academic year to obtain the funds. If the time limit runs out, applicants must wait another year before applying. Some grants are only given once, and first come, first served. They aren’t available again until the funds are distributed.