5 International Scholarships for Women from Any Country and Tips to Win Them

In the world we are living today, there are still many who are not aware of the importance of education for women. There are countries where patriarchal culture is almost extremely adapted that it can be a burden to women. Young women are taught to be merely loyal housewives who do not deserve a higher education just because their family believes it is their fate to be at home, cooking and raising their children. They are also taught not to get at least equally educated as men.

Why Scholarships for Women?

Women are a priceless asset. Whatever life paths they choose, whether they choose to be career women, athletes, housewives, or anything else, they still have to obtain an education, because at the end they will be mothers who educate their children. Thus, educated children will certainly have much bigger potential to build a way better nation in the future.

Sadly, more than 60 million girls in the world do not have education at the moment. Young women in several countries in Southeast Asia and Africa for instance, tend to be discouraged to get educated due to many factors, including culture and economy. Therefore, it is important for the world to pay more attention to this matter. Fortunately, there are now plenty institutions that give away scholarships for women who are qualified and encouraged enough to pursue higher education. The list is as follows:

  1. AAUW’s international fellowships for Women

AAUW (the American Association of University Women) give away International Fellowships to women who pursue graduate and postgraduate studies in the universities in the US. The applicants do not have to be US citizens or permanent residents. For the Master / Professional Fellowship, the scholarships are worth to $18.000, $20.000 for the Doctorate Fellowship, and $30.000 for the Postdoctoral Fellowship.

Application details.

  1. UNESCO-L’Oreal’s fellowships for women in science
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Annually, collaborating with UNESCO, L’Oreal grants fellowships to female researchers who pursue doctoral or post-doctoral programs of research in many fields within the scope of life sciences, like genetics, neurobiology, ecology, and biotechnology at accredited institutions all around the world. The fellowships value $15.000 – $60.000, depending on which country the applicants are from.

Application details.

  1. Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarships for Women

In memory of Anita Borg, an American computer scientist who passed away about 14 years ago, Google founded the Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship to give away scholarships for women with much expectation that women will be encouraged to master computing and technology as well as become good role models or leaders in the field. The awardees of the scholarships will obtain financial aid for college. Moreover, Google will invite all the scholarship winners to attend a retreat at their head office.

Application details.

  1. AARP Foundation’s scholarships for women

Since a decade ago, AARP has been awarding low-income women over fifty years old with scholarships. This program of scholarships for women is aimed to give funding to education and training for women so that they can gain more skills and bigger opportunities to get a better job with a better earning and improve financial balance. The applicants must be women, age minimum 50 years old, with low-income and pursue higher education like a vocational school, a diploma, or bachelor’s degree.

Application details.

  1. Eira Francis Davies scholarships for women in human and health sciences

The Eira Francis Davies Scholarships are given to female students from developing countries who are qualified to pursue undergraduate or postgraduate studies in the College of Human and Health Sciences, Swansea University, Wales, United Kingdom. The committee will cover the full tuition fee of each scholarship’s winner.

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Application details.

How to Win The Tempting Scholarships for Women?

So, ladies, if you dare to pursue a better future in education and furthermore, career, you have to follow the tips to win the scholarships for women right from the experts below:

  1. Begin the searching and apply

Scholarships for women do not come themselves or fall from the sky to you. The very first step you have to take is to start the searching; their websites are nearly everywhere. There are plenty scholarships available for the students of junior high school to college. Next, do not wait up. Apply as soon as possible. Their application systems are mostly online now, so no excuse!

  1. Remember deadlines!

Unless you think this is included in your main priorities now, you do not have to be worried about deadlines. Don’t miss them. Use an agenda book, calendar, or To-Do checklists to get more prepared and organized.

  1. Make sure you meet the requirements decided by the sponsors

Adjust your application to the sponsor’s targets. Read through and follow the sponsor’s instructions very carefully.

  1. Found a difficulty in writing the essays? Follow this tip

Writing essays sometimes can be difficult to do. However, you can always try to record yourself while answering questions related to the essay topic and take a note of the recording afterward. This tip is based on the theory that some people can think and speak faster than when they write or type.

  1. Create a unique essay that can potentially beat the assessment of any judges
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Make your essay one of a kind and stands out. Write what you can contribute to the world, or at least to your society. Get detailed on every single thing you write. Have a copy of each print, wrap it up, and send it to the exact address.

So, break a leg, ladies!

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31 thoughts on “5 International Scholarships for Women from Any Country and Tips to Win Them

  1. Eira Francis Davies scholarships for women in human and health sciences
    i have searched about it but the website says it’ closed now, and the deadline is in 2016, will it open later or it will not be available this year?

  2. Eira Francis Davies scholarships for women in human and health sciences
    i have searched about the website of this scholarship, but it’s closed now and the deadline is in july 2016, will it open later or it will not be available this year?

  3. I have completed BMLTHE in health sciences I need this apportunitty I search more and more this scholreship .
    Please help me.
    Thank you all managers of scholership .
    Good lucky.

  4. My name khadra i live somalia want to be student of scholarship please help me that and contact me by email or phone 252634024099

  5. thank you . lam 30 years women
    live in Ethiopia . I have compeleted my MA in public financial management.
    l need PHD scolarship in
    women. plz help me contact e-mail nafidesie@yahoo.com

  6. Hello Sir/Madam,
    I am from Ethiopia and I have completed my Bsc by biomedical engineering, I want to have this opportunity to do my Msc, please consider me.
    Thank you

  7. My names Ayaan I’m 20 years old from Somali really l need this scholarship please help me my
    E-mail Ayaan.aydiid2020@gmail

  8. Iam from Somali my name is farhiyo hussein ali as uknow my country wos not stable so iam highly needed this scholarship in order to build my future & the future of my country thankz

  9. I’m Roji shrestha. And I really need scholarships in my studies. Please help me how can apply.

  10. I am Asiyo leaving in somalia I want scholarship in woman I want to this opportunity I have degrees in nursing. thank you

  11. My name is trhas nuguse from Ethoipia I’m graduate by public health officer, please contact me my phone number is 0945838951

  12. I’m from pakistan ,22 year old and i want to win this scholarship plz guid me for this. I recently completed my Masters in Biotechnology.
    Thank you.

  13. My name ia hamda aden osman
    I live in hargrisa somalia
    I have bach of nutrition and food science in hargiesa univeraity .i need master scholarship so plz contact me


  14. My name is tsiyon bekele form Ethiopia. i have BA degree in accounting.i needs learn masters degree. Please help me,251916162641 &tsiyonb50@gmail.com

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