4 Governmental Research and Study Scholarships in Czech for International Students

Considered one of the most beautiful countries in Europe, Czech Republic is an increasingly popular destination for international study. The perks for those pursuing studies or research in Czech Republic includes well-esteemed universities, affordable tuition fees and living costs, and a vibrant and colorful cultural life.

scholarships in czech for international students
Photo: @greymatters on Pixabay.com

A total of 18 universities in the Czech Republic are listed among the best universities worldwide. Considering whether to study in Czech Republic? There are a number of scholarship programs provided to study in Czech Republic. Among the various scholarship programs, here are the four governmental scholarships in Czech for international students that you must try to apply for.

  1. Czech Government Scholarships for Students from Developing Countries: Scholarships offered within the framework of the Government’s Foreign Development Assistance in support of the study of foreign nationals from developing countries at public institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic. These Government Scholarships are designed to cover the standard length of study:
    • In follow-up Master study programs plus one-year preparatory course of the Czech language (which is combined with other field-specific training). Government scholarships of this category are awarded to Bachelor’s degree graduates who can enroll only in study programs in which instruction is given in the Czech language. Depending on the subject area, applicants are normally required to sit entrance examinations at the higher education institution concerned. Successful passing of entrance examinations constitutes a precondition for the scholarship award.
    • In follow-up Master study programs or Doctoral study programs. Government scholarships of this category are awarded to Bachelor or Master degree graduates, respectively, who enroll in study programs with instruction in the English language.

The scholarships are intended solely to promote the studies of adults who are foreign nationals from the eligible developing third countries mentioned below.

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Ethiopia, Zambia, Cambodia, Mongolia

Neither a citizen of the Czech Republic, nor a citizen of a member state of the European Union, nor any other foreign national with a permit to permanent residence on the territory of the Czech Republic may therefore be granted this type of scholarship. Furthermore, the scholarships may not be granted to persons under 18 years of age.

  1. International Visegrad Fund (IVF) Grants: Six grant programs, including Visegrad Scholarship Program and artist mobility programs, offered to promote the development of closer cooperation between the member states in the area of culture, science and research, education, youth exchanges, tourism and cross-border cooperation, through the IVF’s grant and scholarship programs.
    • Small grants: Intended to support the implementation of projects involving cooperation between various entities from the V4 countries – the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia – (e.g. NGOs, local governments, universities) in the areas of the IVF activity. The closing dates for applications are March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1 each year. The maximum IVF allocation per project is EUR 6,000, whereas the IVF contribution may not exceed 70% of the total cost of project implementation, and the grant is extended for the period of up to 6 months (even if the project implementation is expected to last longer).
    • Standard grants: Intended to support the implementation of projects involving cooperation between various entities from the V4 countries (e.g. NGOs, local governments, universities). Closing dates for applications are March 15 and September 15 each year. The IVF allocation per project is higher than EUR 6,000, whereas the IVF contribution may not exceed 70% of the total cost of project implementation, and the grant is extended of up to 12 months.
    • Visegrad University Studies Grant: Intended to promote the development of courses of study or study programs (in the area of humanities and social sciences) focusing upon issues closely related to the V4 countries. Higher education institutions may apply for the grant award, amounting to approximately EUR 10,000 per course or EUR 40,000 per study program. The nearest closing date for application is November 10.
    • Visegrad University Studies Grant – Joint-Degree Program: Grants may be extended to university departments or faculties and/or research centers / organizations that submit a joint degree program with a convincing long-term prospective of student intake. The deadline for submitting grant applications is on April 10.
    • Visegrad Strategic Program (Strategic Grants): Strategic grants support important, long-term strategic projects implemented by institutions from all the four Visegrad Group countries working in liaison. Projects must focus upon priorities set out for the given year. Grants are extended for the period of up to 3 years (approximately EUR 30,000 is usually allocated per project), whereas the IVF contribution may not exceed 70% of the total cost or project implementation. The deadline for applications is on April 15.
    • Flagship Program: Intended to support long-term strategic project, contributing significantly to accessing the unique experience of the V4 countries, as far as the transition to democracy, integration process and regional cooperation are concerned.
    • Visegrad Scholarship Program: Intended for study in Master’s degree courses or postgraduate (post-Master) research for the period of 1 to 4 semesters at any accredited public or private universities or accredited Academy of Sciences institutes in the V4 countries, or other countries. The Visegrad Scholarship Program encompasses:
      • In-coming Scholarships: Offered to applicants from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Macedonia / FYROM, Moldova, Monte Negro, Russian Federation, Serbia and the Ukraine, enabling them to study in one of the V4 countries; the same rules apply also to applicants from Kosovo.
      • Intra-Visegrad Scholarships: Offered to applicants from the V4 countries who wish to study / pursue research in another V4 country.
      • Out-going Scholarships: Offered to applicants from the V4 countries who wish to study / pursue research in any of the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Macedonia / FYROM, Moldova, Monte Negro, Serbia and the Ukraine; the same rules apply also for universities in Kosovo.
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Scholarship applications may be filed once a year, by January 31.

    • Visegrad Artist Residency Program (VARP): The program facilitating artists’ visits to V4 countries and the USA currently encompasses several sub-programs:
      • VARP – Visual & Sound Arts (individual mobility within V4)
      • VARP – Performing Arts (program facilitating mobility of individuals and ensembles)
      • VARP in New York (visits to Brooklyn, New York)
      • Visegrad Literary Residency Program (visits of individuals to V4 countries)
  1. Scholarship Awards Under Intergovernmental Exchange Programs: Scholarships annually offered by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MEYS) of the Czech Republic, to foreign nationals within the framework of intergovernmental exchange programs arranged with the following countries:

Austria (program Aktion Czech Republic – Austria), Bulgaria (only academic staff members), Egypt, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany (DAAD and Bavaria), Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Luxemburg, Macedonia / FYROM, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Peru, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan

Possibilities of studying or pursuing research at Czech public universities are offered, within the framework of intergovernmental exchange programs, also to students from 8 other countries, though the Czech MEYS is not the scholarship payer. The 8 other countries are: Albania, Bulgaria, China, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Russia.

The nominees are selected by the appropriate authorities in their home countries and their application dossiers are subsequently presented to the MEYS. If admitted, the nominees receive only a certificate of admission from the MEYS. The payment of the scholarship is arranged by the scholarship providers.

The scholarships are designed for university / college students or graduates and PhD candidates (exceptionally for university researchers / teachers) who wish to undertake study or research visits to one of the Czech public institutions of higher education.

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The categories of eligible recipients are specified separately by each of the exchange programs arranged with the countries concerned. The period of scholarship usually ranges from 2 to 10 months. Scholarships may be awarded repeatedly to the same recipients, provided that they submit a renewed application for the following academic year and are selected by the appropriate authorities in their home countries.

The scholarship amounts to CZK 9,000 per month for those who do not hold a Master’s degree or equivalent and CZK 9,500 per month for holders of a Master’s degree or equivalent. Scholarship holders are exempted from tuition fees. The scholarship has to be collected in person at the appropriate department of the host university. Students from Albania, Bulgaria, China, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Russia receive their scholarships from the relevant authorities / agencies in their home countries.

Inexpensive accommodation at student dormitories is offered as well as the possibility to take meals at student catering facilities. Scholarship holders reimburse the related board and lodging expenses themselves. The applicants are requested to indicate in their application form whether they wish to obtain lodging at a student dormitory.

  1. Support for Compatriot Communities Abroad: Support provided to several communities in the area of education to help them keep in touch with the Czech culture and preserve command of the Czech language among the members of compatriot communities. MEYS implements a program facilitating:
    • Annual offer of 15 scholarships intended to cover two-semester study visits (which can be divided into 30 one-semester stays) to the Czech public universities
    • Annual offer of 60 one-month scholarships to pursue a language course
    • Attendance of up to 20 teachers and/or future teachers from among the members of compatriot communities at two-week courses of the Czech language teaching methodology
    • Admission of up to 3 high school students to study teaching methodology at an upper secondary school in the Czech Republic
    • Funding the stays of up to 15 Czech language teachers with the compatriot communities in Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, Paraguay, Romania, Russia, Serbia, the Ukraine and the USA
    • Support for communities taking part in the “Czech School without Borders” and similar projects
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In compliance with the program focus, compatriots enrolled at the Czech universities for one or two semesters of study pursue courses in the Czech language and literature, Czech language teaching, history ethnology, history of art and theology

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11 thoughts on “4 Governmental Research and Study Scholarships in Czech for International Students

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  2. I am somali students want to free education system because my government and my family isn’t able to the university education

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  4. Hello my name is Abdullahi Ali Omar
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  5. Hello I want to study any course which deals with sciences and management . please I am from a poor family and have failed to sponsor me in school financially

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