6 Weeks Course at University of Massachusetts by Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs)

About the Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs) for Student Leaders

The Study of the U.S. Institute for student leaders is a program that is designed for undergraduate students who originate from Pakistan. If you are a Pakistani student who is keen on the study fields of Local, State, and Federal Public Policymaking, you are invited to sign up for the Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs) for Student Leaders program. as this program is organized by the US Embassy in Pakistan, the purpose of this program is to offer a handful of graduate students with the knowledge and further understanding of the United States as well as an opportunity for selected candidates to develop their leadership skills.

During the entire course of the short-term academic program, there will be several activities held. For instance, selected candidates will be asked to join a schedule that would be filled with seminar discussions, readings, presentations, and fruitful lecture. Besides these in-class sessions, candidates will also be given several tasks that involves a handful of coursework and classroom activities. Despite the name, classroom activities will mainly be done by the means of educational visit to sites in America, activities that will help you strengthen your leadership potential, as well as partaking in many kinds of events that will broaden the candidates horizons in terms of education and culture, which is something that you cannot do in classrooms.

The Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs) for Student Leaders Activities

In this program, all candidates will be required to attend of course that will be held for 6 weeks which will be hosted by the University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute in Amherst, MA. the will be focusing on this subject of Comparative Public Policymaking, which will enable participant to address the issues of public policy and democracy that is set within the United States. That’s not all – in addition to addressing these issues with the public policy, candidates will be asked to compare public policies that exist in the United States as well as their home country, Pakistan.

Participants will be required to answer several questions and find the solutions to those questions. These questions include:

  • “How do problems get on the public agenda?”
  • “Where do policy options come from?”
  • “How are responses actually formulated, implemented, and evaluated?”
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If you are a fan of discussions, then this program is surely the one for you. This is because the program real require you to participate in daily discussions with elected officials, prominent policymakers in the United States, as well as the local community where these policies are implemented.

Program Value

If you are interested in the Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs) for Student Leaders Activities program, just wait until you hear about the program value. Participants who are accepted into this program will be granted with fully paid expenses for their airfare round tickets, allowance to be used for their domestic travel and ground transportation, study material, stipends for any cultural, mailing, and incidental expenses, as well as money that can be used to spend on their housing and subsistence.

Speaking of housing, participants will be granted University Housing on the campus grounds. However, all participants must share a room and bathroom with other students coming from the same gender. As for the participants daily meals, they will all be provided in the Campus Dining Hall where the cafeteria will serve halal food.

As a bonus, participants will be given a coverage of $100,000 with a $25 co-pay during the entire duration of the program. This coverage will be provided by the Department of State.If you would like more information and details on the health benefit program, you may visit the link here: usdos.sevencorners.com


If you would like to sign up for the Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs) for Student Leaders Activities program, please be noted that this program has an eligibility criteria that needs to be fulfilled by incoming candidates. The purpose of this eligibility criteria is that the committee may use it as a parameter to fully assess the qualifications of their candidates. Therefore it is highly advisable that all future candidates adhere to the eligibility criteria in order to maintain a successful application procedure. Failure to meet each of these eligibility criteria may result and disadvantages consequences to the overall result of your application.

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The Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs) for Student Leaders Activities eligibility criteria includes:

  • Must have a proven fluency in both written and spoken English language.
  • Has a passion in the topic of local state and federal public policy making.
  • Is between 18 until 25 years old.
  • The candidate only has at least one semester left of their undergraduate studies.
  • The candidate is willing to return to their home universities once the program has been finished.
  • The candidate must display strong leadership qualities and their respective home universities and through community activities.
  • Is particularly interested in studying about the United States.
  • Has a high sense of commitment and loyalty to the local community of the candidate and the extra-curricular university activities.
  • Has quality traits such as mature responsible independent confident open-minded tolerant thoughtful and inquisitive.
    will be available and willing enough to participate in all of the academy programs community services and educational travel.
  • Last but not least, the candidate must be comfortable enough to adapt themselves it’s you the campus life. In addition, the candidate must be really enough to adapt to the different cultural and social practices that may come off as a culture shock.

How to Apply

If you would like to apply for the program, then please follow these application instructions as clearly as possible. First off, all interested candidates must download the application form that is provided on the official website. Or, you could easily download it from this article by clicking on the link here.

In the application form, candidates will be required to fill in their personal details, such as their full name, date of birth, what university do they come from, as well as many other personal information that they will have to answer. Since there are so many personal details that are being asked of by the committee, please fill in the questions with only accurate and correct information. The program has a zero-tolerance policy for candidates who provide false information. If there is any candidate found to be providing such false information, they will automatically be disqualified from the application program.

Besides the questions, candidates will also be required to write up an essay. This essay is a personal statement about the candidates themselves. This personal statement must include a brief description about the candidate themselves, their goals, and they must answer these following questions into the essay:

  • Why do you think your background and/or interests make you competitive for this particular institute (please be as specific as possible)?
  • What will you contribute to the group?
  • How do you expect this experience will affect your future academic and professional career?
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There will also be two short answer questions that candidates must answer. The questions must be answered in paragraph form answers to only 150 until 250 words. The questions are:

  • How do problems get on the public agenda? How does this process work in Pakistan?
  • On a government level, what are the major barriers in implementing a policy in Pakistan? If you were able to address those barriers, how would you do so?

After you have completed the application form and answered all of the necessary questions, please submit your application form in soft file format to this email address: SUSISLExchange@state.gov. Please note that the program only accepts email applications. If you send them by postal carriage or fax, the applications will not be accepted by the committee. If you save the file and email the application, kindly use this format for the email subject line: Applicant Name, Name of Institution, city in which you study, for e.g. USMAN KHAN, NUST, ISLAMABAD

Closing Date

Remember – in order to apply for the Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs) for Student Leaders Activities program, all future candidates are required to take note of the closing date beforehand. The program has its own time period. For all applicants, the closing date of the Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs) for Student Leaders Activities program is Tuesday December 17, 2019. Applications must be sent in by the closing date – all late applications will not be acknowledged by the committee.

Official Contact

Are you now all prepped for the Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs) for Student Leaders Activities program? We truly understand that certain candidates have several lists of questions that need elaborate answers. Sometimes, there aren’t specific information that’s posted on this article. Therefore, we have provided a list of official contact information courtesy of the Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs) for Student Leaders Activities program. If you need further information, just ask! Happy applying, future scholars of the world!

  • Address: U.S. Embassy Islamabad, Diplomatic Enclave, Ramna 5, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Phone: (+92) 051-201-4000
  • Fax: (+92) 51-2338071
  • Official Website: https://pk.usembassy.gov/education-culture/susi-student-leaders-comparative-public-policymaking-program-2020/

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2 thoughts on “6 Weeks Course at University of Massachusetts by Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs)

  1. hello how are you?i have BSc degree im mechanical engineering,i want to apply in US universities with master program please help me

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