Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship for Students of Developing Countries

Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship
Photo: @divinetechygirl on

Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship Overview

Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship is granted to residents of certain Commonwealth developing countries.

The scholarship is supported by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), with the intention of contributing to the UK’s international development priorities and wider overseas objectives, promoting innovation in UK higher education and upholding the Commonwealth concept.

The Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship is provided to students wishing to contribute to the development needs of the Commonwealth countries by providing training in key learning fields for experienced and trained professionals.

The expected beneficiaries are high-quality students who want to receive training that is not accessible in their native countries, who want or need to stay in their home country while they are learning, and who have the ability to improve their home country’s development with the experience and leadership skills they obtain.

Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship allows skilled and driven students to obtain the knowledge and skills appropriate for environmental sustainability, and is geared at those unable to study in the UK for economic and other causes. This scholarship is offered under six themes:

  1. Science and technology for development: The Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship, which can be in any area of science or technology (including, for example, agriculture, veterinary science, or forestry), can acquire expertise and/or skills that are directly linked to the particular needs of a low- and middle-income nation. Applications will recognize national or local interests shared where appropriate.
  2. Strengthening health systems and capacity: The grant will build awareness and/or expertise for the deficit groups in low- and middle-income countries that will improve health access or results. A variety of strategies could be implemented, such as training staff to address critical areas of scarcity, setting up better systems, procedures or administration, encouraging wellbeing and improvising non-taking understanding; or developing new strategies.
  3. Promoting global prosperity: The scholarship would support economic growth in low- and middle-income nations. For example, the knowledge and/or skills learned may lead to increased trading efficiency, enhanced business or government economic awareness or decision making, new products and services, or long-term capacity building by, for example, the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills.
  4. Strengthening global peace, security and governance: The scholarship will establish knowledge and/or skills to promote domestic, global, or international peace and security. Several strategies could be used, such as promoting open and transparent government, fostering mutual understanding within and between communities, or building systems that mitigate or promote conflict resolution capacity.
  5. Strengthening resilience and responses to crises: The Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship will improve awareness and/or skills that will help low- and middle-income countries adapt to changing environments, survive unexpected changes or increase capacity to sustain the continuity of operations after such incidents. This could refer to a wide range of hazards, including environmental and physical catastrophes; long-term challenges such as climate change; vital resource supply interruptions, or unexpected economic or technical changes.
  6. Access, inclusion and opportunity: The scholarship will build awareness and/or skills that will foster opportunities in low- and middle-income countries within historically disadvantaged clusters. Of example, this could be by extending educational opportunities, carrying out community outreach, enhancing access to decision-making, or through awareness of the challenges encountered. A variety of limitations can be resolved – including social, cultural, class, geographic, or political disadvantages – if the need is made clear.
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Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship, candidates should:

  • Be a resident of a qualifying Commonwealth country, or have been granted refugee status, or be a British protected person
  • Be permanent resident in a developing country in the Commonwealth
  • Keep a norm of at least upper second class in first degree (2:1). In certain cases it may be considered a lower level and appropriate relevant experience.
  • Without this grant, be unable to afford to undertake the course.

The CSC seeks to find talented people who have the potential to bring about progress.

The foundation is committed to an equal opportunities and non-discrimination program which welcomes submissions from a range of applicants. The foundation is also devoted to maintaining and managing the scholarships and financial aid in a transparent and fair manner.

The eligible countries to apply for a Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship can be checked on the list below:

  1. Bangladesh
  2. Cameroon
  3. Eswatini
  4. The Gambia
  5. Ghana
  6. Guyana
  7. India
  8. Kenya
  9. Kiribati
  10. Lesotho
  11. Malawi
  12. Mozambique
  13. Nigeria
  14. Pakistan
  15. Papua New Guinea
  16. Rwanda
  17. Sierra Leone
  18. Solomon Islands
  19. Sri Lanka
  20. Tanzania
  21. Tuvalu
  22. Uganda
  23. Vanuatu
  24. Zambia

How to Apply

You must apply to study an eligible Master’s course at a UK university that is participating in the Distance Learning scheme. See the list of participating universities and eligible courses for complete information about the eligible Master’s course you can apply.

In addition to qualifying for a Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship you must also secure access to your program. You will need to consult with your chosen institution about their specific advice on when to apply, admission criteria and application guidelines. In comparison to any other requirement you are required to complete by your selected institution, you must render your submission using the CSC’s online application program. The CSC will not accept applications not submitted through the online application system.

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You may apply for more than one course and/or for more than one institution, but only one offer from a Distance Learning Scholarship is permissible.

To be considered for approval the submission must include the following supporting documentation.

  • At least one reference, submitted directly by the referee to the online application system (referees will be sent an email request)
  • An offer letter to start your chosen course of study in the 2020-2021 academic year, uploaded to the online application system
  • Full transcripts detailing all your higher education qualifications (with certified translations if not in English), uploaded to the online application system

The CSC will not consider any supporting documents submitted outside of the online application system.

Supporting documentation uploaded to the online application system must be uploaded as files that are no more than 5 MB in size and must be in one of the following formats: PDF, .doc, .docx, .odt, .jpg, .jpeg. Files submitted in any other format (including Zip files and PDF portfolios) will not be accepted.

The online application form is now open and can be accessed for students interested in the Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship.

Closing Date

All applications must be submitted by 16.00 (GMT) on 13 April 2020 at the latest.

Contact Person

If you have any inquiries about applying for a Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship, please visit their official contact us page.

Link to Official Website

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3 thoughts on “Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarship for Students of Developing Countries

  1. Recently I got my Doctorate degree from USA and also doing extra work. My GPA is 3,84 and will increase. Because of recent work I did not published my thesis. Can I apply for artical competition?

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