Get a Degree with These Full and Partial Scholarships for Zambians

Pursuing a degree at a quality higher educational institution can help broaden your career opportunities and uplift your position in your career. However, this may not be an easy task to accomplish if you have certain financial circumstances. Luckily, financial problems have solutions when it comes to pursuing education. Governments, universities, organizations and foundations around the world offer generous scholarships and grants to support students achieve their dreams.

scholarships for zambians
Photo: @charlesdeloye on

As for Zambian students, there are many scholarships offered both for studying in the country and abroad. Read on to see the offered scholarships for Zambians to study domestically and abroad! Click on the names of the scholarships or fellowships to see further details and apply for the scholarship or fellowship.

  1. British Council Scholarships in Zambia

The British Council has established an international program under which member governments offer scholarships and fellowships to citizens of other Commonwealth countries. This program is called the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP). The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom (CSC) is responsible for managing Britain’s contribution to the CSFP. CSC awards over 900 scholarships and fellowships for postgraduate study and professional development to Commonwealth citizens each year. Scholarships and fellowships available under the CSFP are as the following:

    • Master’s Scholarships: For candidates from low and middle income Commonwealth countries, for full-time Master’s study at a UK university.
    • PhD Scholarships: For scholarships from low and middle income Commonwealth countries, for full-time doctoral study at a UK university.
    • Split-site Scholarships for split-site PhD study: For PhD candidates from low and middle income Commonwealth countries, to spend up to 12 months at a UK university as part of their doctoral studies in their home country. These scholarships are offered under 6 themes:
      • Science and technology for development
      • Strengthening health systems and capacity
      • Promoting global prosperity
      • Strengthening global peace, security and governance
      • Strengthening resilience and response to crises
      • Access, inclusion and opportunity
    • Shared Scholarships for Master’s study: For candidates from least developed, low, and lower middle income Commonwealth countries, for full-time Master’s study on selected courses, jointly supported by UK universities.
    • Distance Learning Scholarships: For candidates from least developed, low, and lower middle income Commonwealth countries, for part-time Master’s study by distance learning on selected courses offered by UK universities.
    • Rutherford Fellowships: For highly skilled researchers from Commonwealth countries, for one or two years’ postdoctoral research at a UK university.
    • Professional Fellowships: Support for mid-career professionals from low and middle income countries to spend a period of time at a UK host organization working in their sector for a program of professional development.
    • Medical Fellowships: For mid-career medical staff from low and middle income countries, to enhance their clinical skills.
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The scholarships and fellowships cover most costs associated with the student’s study or time in the UK. This can include, where appropriate, return airfares, tuition fees, personal maintenance costs, study and other allowances.

  1. ZRDC University Sponsorship – ICU Zambia Scholarships

It its quest to foster innovation and capacity building for national development, the Zambia Research and Development Center (ZRDC) has embarked on a sponsorship program (ZRDC University Sponsorship for Capacity Building and Development) to facilitate Knowledge Advancement among ZRDC Researchers and those who intend to join the research community. The sponsorship program will enable qualified Zambian citizens attain education in Credible Universities in Zambia, and have guaranteed future prospects of joining the ZRDC research community.

A prospective student with an admission letter or any student from a credible university in Zambia is eligible to apply for sponsorship.

  1. Russian Government Scholarship for Zambians

The Russian government through the Bursaries Committee of Zambia, which is the department of the Ministry of Higher Education that is responsible for administering all government scholarships on behalf of the Zambian government, offers Zambian school leavers full scholarships to study in Russia.  The scholarship is an academic competition and successful candidates are selected on basis of academic excellence.

To be eligible for the Russian scholarships for Zambians, candidates must meet the general qualifications requirements as the following:

    • Applicants should have grades 1-4 in their core subjects including Mathematics and English
    • Applicants should have completed high school not less than 3 years ago
    • Applicants should submit an application letter responding to the advert, clearly stating the field of study desired, age, day-time contact number and email
    • CV, certified copies of educational certificates, transcript / statement of results, NRC eight passport sized photos and color copy of pages 2 & 3 of passport
    • A study synopsis of summarized details of the preferred course and how the intended course of study will enhance one’s contribution to Zambia’s development (at least 200 words)
  1. Cavendish University Zambia Scholarships

In an effort to provide every student with an opportunity to get quality higher education, Cavendish University Zambia provides the following financial assistance initiatives:

    • Student Referral: 10% off tuition, open to all registered students
    • Early Registration: 50% off registration fees for students who pay the registration fee within the first two weeks of the semester, and 75% off registration fees for students who pay the registration fee prior to the start of the semester
    • Application: 100% off application fees, for students who pay at least 50% of tuition by the end of the 4th week of the semester for which they applied (application fee reimbursement)
    • Early Tuition Payment: 10% off total semester, for students who pay 100% of tuition and fees before the end of the 4th week
    • Full Scholarships: Academic merit of 100% tuition and functional fees
  1. University of Zambia Funding Assistance

The University of Zambia provides its Zambians and SADC postgraduate students funding assistance. The funding includes the following:

    • Hostel accommodation: K 1,000 per month
    • Student stipend (living on campus): K 200 per day
    • Student stipend (living outside campus): K 200 per day
    • Research cost (Master’s): 70% off the tuition fees
    • Book allowance: K 8,000
  1. University of Africa Scholarships

The University of Africa is committed to making access to education as achievable as possible for as many Zambians as possible. The University recognizes that as a private university its standards and results do not entitle the University or its students to government subsidies or grants. Therefore, the University go out their way to offer periodic scholarship programs where students are able to apply for scholarships to cover a significant part of their tuition fees. There are also a number of NGOs and government ministries which have concluded arrangements with the University in order to offer scholarships to their employees. In addition, the University of Africa also makes full scholarships available to specific needy individuals every year, to support their lives. These are specific programs for which interested people must apply.

  1. Unicaf University Zambia Full Scholarship

The Unicaf University Zambia is offering final year Secondary School students and Secondary School graduates up to the age of 25 the chance to win a full scholarship to study online for the Bachelor degree of their choice. Two runner ups will also win partial scholarships of 85% and 80% for online Bachelor degrees, and all three winners will be offered free tablets.

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Applicants awarded full or partial Unicaf scholarships are required to pay specific fees, which are not included in the scholarship, such as the application fee, the retake fee (50% of the cost of the module to be retaken), graduation fees, transcript fees, graduation ceremony fees, seminar fees, etc. The fees mentioned above are not customarily included in full or partial scholarships awarded.

  1. Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program

The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program provides 10 months of professional enrichment and non-degree graduate level study in the United States for accomplished mid-level professionals from designated countries. Fellows are nominated by US Embassies or Fulbright Commissions based on their potential for leadership and a demonstrated commitment to public service. The fellows are placed in groups by professional field at selected US universities offering specially designed programs of study and training.

To be eligible for the fellowship, potential participants must have:

    • an undergraduate (first university or Bachelor’s) degree
    • a minimum of five years of full-time, professional experience
    • limited or no prior experience in the United States
    • demonstrated leadership qualities
    • a record of public service in the community
    • English language ability

The Fellowship provides for:

    • Payment of tuition and fees at the assigned host university
    • Pre-academic English language training, if required
    • A maintenance (living) allowance, including a one-time settling-in allowance
    • Accident and sickness coverage
    • A book allowance
    • A one-time computer subsidy
    • Air travel (international travel to and from the US for the Program and domestic travel to required program events)
    • A Professional Development allowance for professional activities, such as field trips, professional visits and conference

The program fields available in the Fellowship are as follows:

    • Agricultural and Rural Development
    • Economic Development
    • Finance and Banking
    • Natural Resources, Environmental Policy, and Climate Change
    • Urban and Regional Planning
    • Communications /Journalism
    • Law and Human Rights
    • Public Policy Analysis and Pubic Administration
    • Trafficking in Persons Policy and Prevention
    • Technology Policy and Management
    • Human Resource Management
    • Educational Administration, Planning and Policy
    • Higher Education Administration
    • Teaching of English as a Foreign Language
    • Public Health Policy and Management
    • HIV/AIDS Policy and Prevention
    • Substance Abuse Education, Treatment and Prevention

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