Pursuing higher education is one way to expand your knowledge, gain experience, and increase your job performance. Unfortunately, many students cannot afford to pay for their education because of their socio-economic situation and the high tuitions that higher educational institutions demand. These factors seem to be unsolvable issues to a lot of people when in fact there is a solution for it. Students should not worry about paying for their studies as there are many funding opportunities offered around the world. Finding the right funding is the key to solve the problem. On this page, you will see various scholarship and fellowship opportunities offered to Zimbabweans.

The Beit Trust awards scholarships at British and South African Universities, by means of generous academic partnerships with leading institutions. The Trust has partnership agreements with the universities below. This enables the Trust to share costs, and to increase the number of scholarships it can fund. For this reason, only applicants with acceptance from the universities listed will be eligible for Beit Scholarships.
- Universities in the United Kingdom: Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow (bio-medical disciplines only), Leeds, Oxford and Strathclyde (engineering disciplines only).
- Universities in South Africa: Rhodes, Stellenbosch, UCT and Wits.
These partnerships allow the Trust to award joint scholarships (e.g. Beit-Cambridge, Beit-UCT, etc.), and may change from time to time. Applicants must first apply to, and be accepted by, a Beit partner university before applying to the Trust for a scholarship.
Beit Trust Scholarships are for postgraduate (Master’s) degrees. Scholarships for undergraduate work are not offered by the Trust, neither are scholarships for PhD research ab anitio. Only under exceptional circumstances, and for Beit scholars of outstanding merit, will the Trustees consider extending support to PhD level. The Trust does not consider applicants for MBAs either.
The Fund is a Pan African Scholarship in honor of one of Zimbabwe’s founding fathers, Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo. Each year, the scholarship sponsors hundreds of the country’s brightest high school and tertiary students, irrespective of social standing or race. The JNSF is administered through a registered independent trust that is governed by a board of trustees who are independent of Econet and its management. Administratively, the JNSF is run by a general manager appointed by the trustees.
Each year, the Fund awards hundreds of scholarships to high school and college students who will be expected to have a strong community spirit and maintain the highest academic as well as personal / moral standards in their community.
Various scholarships and funding opportunities available to Zimbabwean students to pursue studies and conduct research at the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom.
- MBA International Business and MBA Global Banking & Finance: A number of scholarships for students on 12 month full-time MBA programs at the University, providing a financial contribution towards tuition fees. The scholarships are allocated on a case-by-case basis to outstanding applicants. Assessment will be made based on a candidate’s MBA application, CV, and Personal Statement. A rolling assessment process will be in place throughout the application cycle.
- MBA Donor Scholarships
- African MBA Scholarship: Full-fees scholarships (₤27,000) for students from the continent of Africa and who are in financial need as determined by the University
- Rosgen Family Scholarship: Scholarships worth up to ₤12,000 for tuition fees, offered to students from Central or South Africa and who are in financial need as determined by the University.
- Responsible Business Scholarship: Awards of up to 50% available to outstanding candidates wishing to undertake Executive MBA study at the University. The scholarship will be allocated on the basis of academic ability, relevant experience and clarity of future plans as determined by the selection committee.
Scholarships, grants, bursaries, financial awards and loans available for international students who wish to study on a UK course. Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships Plan (CSFP) is an international program under which member governments offer scholarships and fellowships to citizens of other Commonwealth countries, including Zimbabwe.
- Shared Scholarships: For candidates from least developed and lower middle income Commonwealth countries, for full-time Master’s study on selected courses, jointly supported by UK universities. The scholarship program enables talented and motivated individuals to gain the knowledge and skills required for sustainable development, and are aimed at those who could not otherwise afford to study in the UK. These scholarships are offered under six themes:
- Science and technology for development
- Strengthening health systems and capacity
- Promoting global prosperity
- Strengthening global peace, security and governance
- Strengthening resilience and response to crises
- Access, inclusion and opportunity
- Distance Learning Scholarships: Offered to citizens from low middle income Commonwealth countries. These scholarships are funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), with the aim of contributing to the UK’s international development aims and wider overseas interests, supporting excellence in UK higher education, and sustaining the principles of the Commonwealth.
- Professional Fellowships: Offered by the CSC for citizens of developing Commonwealth countries. The Program supports mid-career professionals from developing countries to spend a period of time at a UK host organization working in their field for a program of professional development. The purpose of this Professional Fellowship program is to provide professionals with the opportunity to enhance knowledge and skills in their given sector, and to have catalytic effects on their workplaces. Priority will be given to applications with practical relevance in the following broadly-defined areas:
- Agriculture / fisheries / forestry
- Economic growth
- Education
- Engineering / science / technology
- Environment
- Governance
- Public health
- Shared Scholarships: For candidates from least developed and lower middle income Commonwealth countries, for full-time Master’s study on selected courses, jointly supported by UK universities. The scholarship program enables talented and motivated individuals to gain the knowledge and skills required for sustainable development, and are aimed at those who could not otherwise afford to study in the UK. These scholarships are offered under six themes:
The scholarships and fellowships cover most costs associated with your study/time in the UK. This can include, where appropriate, return airfares, tuition fees, personal maintenance costs, study and other allowances.
There is a wide variety of scholarships for students from Zimbabwe who wish to study at the University of Sheffield.
- Undergraduate Degree Scholarships (BA, BSc, BEng, MEng): A range of scholarships for undergraduate students including 50 scholarships worth 50% of tuition fees and 10% tuition fee discount.
- International Undergraduate Merit Scholarship: 50 International Undergraduate Merit Scholarships in 2019. The scholarships are competitive awards worth 50% of the tuition fee for an undergraduate degree program starting in September. The scholarship is available for new international (non-EU) students who meet the eligibility criteria.
- International Undergraduate Scholarship: Offered to new international (non-EU) students starting their undergraduate studies at the University of Sheffield in September. The scholarship is worth 10% of tuition fee and is offered in each following academic year subject to sustained academic success.
- Postgraduate Master’s Degree Scholarships (MA, MSc): A range of scholarships for postgraduate students including 100 scholarships worth 25% of tuition fees and 10% tuition fee discount.
- International Postgraduate Taught Merit Scholarship: 100 International Postgraduate Taught Merit Scholarships are available each year. Each scholarship is a competitive award worth 25% of the original tuition fee for a postgraduate taught program starting in September. The scholarships are available to all new international (non-EU) students who meet the eligibility criteria.
- International Postgraduate Taught Scholarships: Offered to international (non-EU) students joining the University from selected regions to study a taught master’s program in September. The Scholarship is worth 10% of tuition fee.
- Postgraduate Research Degree Scholarships (PhD, MPhil): A range of research studentships and funding available.
- University of Sheffield Scholarships: These scholarships may cover tuition fees, stipend support, research training support funds or a combination of these. The scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis. Applications are assessed on the basis of academic success and qualifications, experience, research background, a clear well-articulated research proposal, the potential impact of the research and a good match with supervisor/department/faculty expertise. Scholarship applications for study in the academic year 2020-21 will reopen in late autumn 2019.
- Project-Specific Scholarships: The University also directly funds project-specific scholarships, such as joint Projects with the A*STAR consortium in Singapore.
- Research Council Scholarships: Various scholarships according to fields of study are available for researchers. Applications for Research Council scholarships are made through to University, either through a central process or via the academic department or direct through a Doctoral Training Partnership or Center for Doctoral Training.
- Undergraduate Degree Scholarships (BA, BSc, BEng, MEng): A range of scholarships for undergraduate students including 50 scholarships worth 50% of tuition fees and 10% tuition fee discount.
The United Kingdom Government offers financial support for Zimbabwean students to study in the UK through the Global Scholarship Program. These scholarships are awarded to outstanding professionals from all over the world, including Zimbabwe, to pursue a one-year master’s degree in any subject at any university in the United Kingdom. These are fully-funded scholarships available for one year. The next deadline for scholarship applications is November 5, 2019.
Chevening Scholarships includes the following:
- University tuition fees
- Monthly stipend
- Travel costs to and from the UK
- An arrival allowance
- A homeward departure allowance
- The cost of one visa application
- Travel grants to attend Chevening events in the UK
You must ensure that you meet the minimum work-experience requirement, and other requirements for the scholarship before submitting your Chevening application. Chevening Scholarships require that applicants have at least two years of work experience otherwise the application cannot be submitted. The types of work experience that are eligible for Chevening can include:
- Full-time employment
- Part-time employment
- Voluntary work
- Paid or unpaid internships
Work experience can be completed before, during, or after graduating from your undergraduate studies, however, any mandatory employment that counted towards your undergraduate or postgraduate course would not be eligible.
The Government of Russia renders an opportunity to start or continue their education in the Russian institutions of the higher education. 70 state scholarships are available for applicants every year, including:
- Undergraduate Education Programs
- Bachelor’s degree program (4-year term)
- Certificated specialists program (5-year term)
- Postgraduate Education Programs
- Master’s degree program (2-year term)
- PhD (3-year term)
- Doctoral studies (2-year term)
- Undergraduate Education Programs
The list of specialties available for Zimbabwean students is very wide and consists of more than 100 different alternatives in science and humanities.
All Zimbabwean students applying for Russian state scholarships should submit their applications through the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development of the Republic of Zimbabwe (Department of Higher Education Programs). The intake tentatively starts in February.
Candidates should have secondary education certificates (A-Level) with the marks on major subjects not lower than 80% (A or B) of maximum rating, while the marks received on other subjects should also be positive.
The Russian Side does not cover travel expenses of the admitted candidates from their home country to Russia and back.
The scholarship recipients are selected by the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education of Zimbabwe. The Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Zimbabwe does not make a selection. Potential students have to make an inquiry at the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education.
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia offers Darmasiswa Scholarships to Zimbabweans and Zambians. This non-degree scholarship is intended for studying Indonesian language, arts and culture for the duration of one year. The main purpose of the Darmasiswa Program is to introduce and promote to, and increase the interest in the language, art and culture of Indonesia among youth of other countries. It has also been designed to provide stronger cultural links and understanding among participating countries.
The scholarship will cover tuition fee, settlement allowance and monthly stipend. The scholarship does not cover airfare travel costs therefore awardees must provide his or her own international flight arrangements.
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