How Can I Get Scholarships in Norway?

Education in Norway

scholarships in norway
Photo: Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

The Norwegian public education system is known as one of the best in Europe. The general level of education in this country is also higher than the European average. The education system in Norway is made up of primary school (Barneskole), lower secondary school (Ungdomsskole) and upper secondary school (Videregående skole). The education system in higher education levels in Norway are also outstanding, and to top it all off, taking a degree in Norway is affordable – no wonder Norway is such a great place to study.

Scholarships in Norway

There are also a number of scholarships that people can get to support their studies in Norway, such as the ones described below.

  1. Mobility Grant for Norwegian Language and Literature

The Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (Diku) offers mobility grants to master and PhD students in countries outside Norway and at institutions with a department for Nordic/Scandinavian studies, whom have chosen Norwegian language or Norwegian literature as the topic of their dissertation. The grant can only be used for fieldwork in Norway in connection with the dissertation.

The fieldwork must be conducted at a Norwegian higher education/research institution. The mobility grant will only be available to cover a minimum of one month and a maximum of three throughout the period of fieldwork in Norway. Applicant must provide details of the tutor of the Norwegian institution who has agreed to tutor the applicant during his/her stay in Norway. The grant is given as a contribution to covering expenses in connection with the research stay in Norway.

From 2019, Diku introduces a differentiated travel grant in addition to grant for board and lodging.

  • Travel grant (fixed rates)
  • NOK 2,000 for travel from countries in Europe
  • NOK 3,000 for travel from St. Petersburg and Moscow in Russia
  • NOK 5,000 for travel from other cities in Russia, other Eurasia countries outside of Europe
  • Grant for board and lodging
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The grant follows the rates set by The Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund for basic support and is NOK 10,825 per month.

The grant for board and lodging must proportionately be paid back if the fieldwork in Norway ends earlier than planned. Any surplus of the grant may be subject to tax depending on the tax authorities’ judgement.

You are not eligible to apply for the mobility grant if you:

  • are a bachelor student; and/or
  • have previously received grant from Diku (SIU) for the same project within the same educational level; and/or
  • hold a Norwegian citizenship and are studying at Master or PhD level at an institution outside Norway.

If you consider yourself as eligible and are willing to apply for the mobility grant, you may send your application online in Espresso Learn about the conditions for application as listed below before you start the application.

  • Your application must include an extensive and specific description of the project, written in one page, with an account of theme, a description of the problem for discussion, a list of sources and reasons for why a stay in Norway is relevant.
  • Your application must provide details of a tutor with a teaching and research position at an institution of higher education in Norway. The tutor must have special competence in your topic for dissertation.
  • A personal invitation letter from the Norwegian institution must also be attached to the application.
  • Details of a tutor at your home country must be attached with the application, along with a recommendation letter of you and your project from this tutor. The recommendation letter should be written with the institution’s letterhead and signed.

Please note that incomplete application forms and/or documents will not be assessed. Therefore, you are encouraged to provide the requirements completely.

Applications will be assessed by the Programme Committee for Norwegian Studies Abroad. You will be notified on the results of your application via e-mail, regardless of it being successful or not.

If your application is successful, you will be required to sign an acceptance form and return it to Diku within the deadline stated in the reply letter. In cases that you are successful in your application for the grant but also receive other Diku grants for the same period (for example Erasmus scholarship), Diku may decline your application.

As a mobility grant recipient, you are responsible for finding accommodation during your stay in Norway. Also, within one month after the completion of your fieldwork in Norway, you will be required to submit a short report to Diku. The report form is available in Espresso under the ‘My Tasks’ tab.

Applications for mobility grants are open annually.

For more information, please visit

  1. Erasmus+ Grants

Erasmus+ is the European Union Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport. It offers grants to students who wish to study or do a traineeship in Norway as a part of their educations. Although the grant is allocated mainly to students from member states of the EU and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Turkey, it is also possible for students from partner countries outside Europe to study at a Norwegian higher education institution with the Erasmus+ grants. The programmes under Erasmus+ are established with the aim to help students from around the globe to acquire skills and support their professional development, as well as deepen their understanding of other cultures.

The Erasmus+ offers grants to students wanting to pursue a degree in Norway. The grant includes a monthly allowance of approximately € 250 to € 850, for a period of 3 to 12 months for studies, and 2 to 12 months for traineeships. The monthly allowance given is based on a fixed rate for each country. Students from countries outside of Europe will also receive travel grants. The EU-funded grant contribute to the increased costs that the mobility period abroad generates and help to cover travel to Europe and subsistence during the period of study abroad.

As an Erasmus student, you will also be exempted from paying tuition fees, registration fees, examinations fees and access to laboratory and library facilities fees at the host institution. It doesn’t stop there – the scholarship will also cover parts of your housing and living expenses throughout the period of the scholarship awarded to you. The payment of any national grant or loan should be maintained during the study period abroad.

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Your home institution must have an agreement of cooperation with the institution you wish to attend in Norway. This information is provided by the international office or the Erasmus+ coordinator at your institution.

The Erasmus+ programme is open to students within all areas of study. However, if your home institution is located in a partner country, the institution may have special cooperation agreements with Norwegian higher education institutions. Here are some Norwegian institutions that you can choose to study in:

  • BI Norwegian Business School
  • Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN University)
  • MF Norwegian School of Theology
  • Molde University College – Specialized University in Logistics
  • NLA University College
  • Nord University
  • Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
  • Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
  • Oslo School of Architecture and Design
  • University of Agder
  • University of Bergen
  • University of Oslo
  • University if South-Eastern Norway
  • University of Stavanger
  • University of Tromsø – the Arctic University of Norway
  • VID Specialized University
  • Volda University College
  • Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
  • Østfold University College

To be eligible for the Erasmus+ grants, you must be registered as a Bachelor, Master or PhD student at a higher education institution in one of the countries participating in Erasmus+. For a study period abroad you must be enrolled at least in your second year of higher education studies. As for traineeships in Norway, only students from Programme Countries in Erasmus+ are eligible. They must also be registered in a higher education institution and be enrolled in studies leading to a recognized degree or other recognized tertiary level qualification (up to and including the doctorate level).

You can find more information on the Erasmus+ programme on the European Commission’s website.

Here is ultimate guide to study in Norway  you should read.

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536 thoughts on “How Can I Get Scholarships in Norway?

  1. Sir I’m an engineering student of 7th semester I want to continues my education further so I need full scholarship due to my financial problem.

  2. hi im form afgh my name is mahboba i want and need master degree in international uni
    i hope that i cant get this schoolarship

  3. Hey my full name is ykialo fshatsion from Eritrea now I’m here in Ethiopia under the UNHCR, I was a first year student when I was in Eritrea,I learned only the first semester of the lesson so I had a high school certificate Gpa I scored a
    3.6,my entire desire is how to achieve my lecture,hopefully you will help me to get the scholarship,thanks for your collaboration,00251955001941 if you contact me

  4. Hello
    My name is hewan
    I have Bsc in Civil Engineering
    If I get the opportunity am ready to learn

  5. My name is asghar ali i am 23 years old i wish to study in uk just i need this scolarship to be the best one in international uni and i need fully funded scholarship plz help me

  6. Hey my name is Malama Musonda from Zambia, I obtained a full certificate of the last grade in Zambian education course,I would be grateful if you put me under consideration.with a free scholarship.

  7. my name is Aliyi Ahmed from ethiopian I have Bsc degree on rural development and agricultural extension at haramaya university please help me for give chance my interest to learning Msc degree with leadership so call on 0946930378

  8. Hello sir!
    I am from pakistan and belongs to a middle class family. And now studing in 2nd year pree engeering so i want to study abroad please i shall be very thankfull to you!

  9. I’m preinternaship of medical student’s I wen to internship for Norway if u give me chance
    0755066032 call me

  10. I am wali ullah from pakistan. I am master degree holder in botany please help me to study my m.phil degree in Norway.

  11. My full name is Samuel Gebrengus Hagos from Eritrea… im in Ethiopia so i want to join/get this scholarship by this golden opportunity. I have certificate of banking and finance in deploma….I hopefully to help me to join in this program so if you want contact me 00251953423291

  12. Hi I am muhammad Dawood Raqib, an English teacher teaching in private universities. I have always hoped to get my master degree abroad but I could not find any free scholarships. I hope this time I can success and be qualified. Anyway thanks for reading

  13. I’m very very much interested in studying Norway. But no knowledge
    In applying process give me information please.

  14. I am very happy for study in norway. My name is Dipendra prasad yadav i am from Nepal. Please you give me a chance to study for abroad. I will do many in my life if you give me a chabce to do something new.
    Thak you so much

  15. I am keen to study MS physics in Norway,I have completed my Master in physics(16 years) in 2003 from Pakistani university.Am I illegable for MS physics in Norway?
    please reply asap.

  16. Am very intersted and want, but have no enough money to pay,if is there free chance.plase look personal info l am a unvrsity student at woliata sodo, ETHIOPAN,.and have GPA(3.8…..) in Env’tal science. I want to learn at ur stafe.

  17. My name is mohammed tura i’m enterested in studing Norway. But i have no information knowledge about applying process please give me information .

  18. My name is wondimagegn mesele am from Ethiopia. I am very interested to learn in Norway.

  19. I am very happy for study in norway. My name is Abdirizak Ahmed Hirsi i am from Somalia. Please you give me a chance to study for abroad. I will do many in my life if you give me a chabce to do something new.
    Thak you so much.

  20. I am very happy for study in norway. My name is Abdirizak Ahmed Hirsi i am from Somalia. Please you give me a chance to study for abroad. I will do many in my life if you give me a chabce to do something new.
    Thak you so much.
    Please Contact Phone Number +252618802724.

  21. I need full scholarship plze i am also very happy to study in norway so i hope accept my requests thanks holland

  22. I see this apportunity is important, my name is Abdikafi Ali Jama I’m from somalia, i want to received an extra information this scholarships here.

  23. Hi my name is fardowsa i live in somalia specially Mogadishu,i need fill scholarship And I am very interesting to study in Norway olso i want to be educated person in Norway so pls give me a chance to learn something about my study thank U For your time

  24. Hy am meron from.ethiopia i want to study there please help me i will have BA degree in accounting this year so i want to study masters programm if u accept me please help me

  25. I need full scholarship plze i have not enought fun to compelete my Master degree i am also very happy to study in Norway so i hope accept my requests thanks

  26. My name is yodit i am from ethiopan i am very happy for study in norway please you give me chance

  27. Hello I need fully Scholareshipe fore Mdegree l have a dgree and computer engineering so please help me I am very happy to study in Norway .

  28. Hello I need fully Scholareshipe fore MSC
    degree l have a BSC dgree in Natural Resource Management so please help
    me I am very happy to study in Norway .

  29. I’m happy to learn my msc medical laboratory in Norway pls help me for contact. 0932497185

  30. I have very pleasure to get a norwiging schoolership please alow me to yet more knowledge and experience in your country thank you very much

  31. Hi iam mohammad joma from Afganistan i want to countinue my lesson in master degree please help me.
    My phon n: 0793456262

  32. I am Ethiopia student olive in TogWachele soomali region Ethiopia lam interseted study Norway universaty

  33. Hi i am Salim from Afghanistan .
    I can speaking Norwegian
    So I wanto study in Norway university
    Phone number

  34. My name Tadesse Gebeyehu from Ethiopian i will happy i f will get this chance please .I Have Bachelor Degrees in marketing and sales management and now second semi MBA at Diredawa University .so please give the chance .

  35. His Abenezer mathewos from Ethiopia i have need studey full scholarships in Norway this chance for me longe term dream now i have in Dilla unversty learn geography and environmental scienc &3rd year student pleas give me this chance for more contact with email or phone 0961400499

  36. Sorry i am gratuated higher education student i will like to learn norwegian shcolarship becoise it is on of the best in the world

  37. Hi,I am from Afghanistan | and I have
    a BSC in petroleum engineering. Now
    I am looking for MSC degree in Oil
    and Gas Engineering and Chemical
    engineering .Please keep in touch
    with me through my email address.

  38. You have to give me this golden chance to study or to upgrade my leavel to master (having BsC degree in Environmental Health) degree in your University and i hope you will do it the sooner or later .

  39. My name is sisay gerlie i am intersteed to join norway scholarship pleas help me
    my adress +251925996030

  40. Hi, I’m Mizanur Rahman.I’m Bangladeshi. I have so need fully scholarship for getting a degree of any university in Norway.

  41. My full name is ruwyda said from somalia, i have high school certificate i finished my school 2018 . In somalia al waha secondry school in garowe city
    Iam interesting to study one of norway universities, i have eager to be one of the students who succeed norway sholership positions .
    I have caried somali national pasaport . Fortunately the lastes information that i have head is the norway goverment accepted somali pasaport cariers to get their visas whithout any obtacles

    So please let me know if somali students can apply this apportunities and can accepted

    Your response is highly appreciated

  42. Dear sir / madam it,s good for me to get this apportunity, am very happy so please accept me to get this chance.

  43. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I did M.Sc in sports sciences and now i want to study “Master” in Sports Sciences in Norway.
    From my Childhood Norway is one of my dreamable country.
    Pls help me.

  44. my name is mahdi cismaan xasan i live in soamlia i hope toget schoolarship iam want to studey Engneering tahks

  45. my name zahra live in somlia iwant to study public health if its possible help scholarship as soon

  46. My name is salat ILife in Africa Ihave finished my bachelor degree I need master degree so I need full scholarship plze i am also very happy to study in norway so i hope accept my requests thanks
    REPLY cellphone 617500500

  47. mayname is farhiya abdi shiiq iamsomali i live in Somalia iamfinished bachelor degree for business administrationin muqdisho university i want freescholarship of master degree of businessadministration i hope may request willanswer methanks may WhatsApp calle is 0615645644

  48. my name ahmed abdi i live from somalia
    I would like get scholership please
    if you are able to help me

  49. My name farhia
    From somalia
    I need free scholarship
    My phone number 252063-4010925
    Please help me to get free schlarship

  50. My neme is hanna emshaw i am from Ethiopia i am student of business and economix facality when i finish my degree i needs master plze can you give me scholarship in Norway

  51. My neme is hanna emshaw i am from Ethiopia i am student of business and economix facality when i finish my degree i needs master plze can you give me scholarship in Norway

  52. I am semere from ethiopia….and i have 2 degree in civil engineering and management …..and i want this chance to get my msc program…if it is please contact me….+251914039122

  53. Hi,I am an afghan. Studying in here is limit.I want to continue my studying abroad to serve for my country.I love education.
    Phone number:0093728305706

  54. I need full scholarship i am also very happy to study in norway so i hope accept my requests thanks holland

  55. i am Roshan wali taj from Afghanistan , graduated from water & environmental Engineering faculty, now I want get mastery in trans-boundary water.

  56. my full name is Gebreyohannes Tsegay i have got Bsc degree in Chemical Engineering in 2017 i have a greatest interest to study my Msc in Norway please help me to got the correct way thank you.

  57. My name is Dagim
    . i have Bsc degree in college of Agriculture and veterinary laboratory technology in Ethiopia university.i am interested in Norway scholarship please contact me. Phone no /+251 0928368521/ Dagimabebayehu

  58. Hello my name is kamaal muhamed iam ready to be the studenrs of the the norwegian country how can iget?

  59. I am very need this scholarship please help me how to get this chance
    My phone and whatsup number

  60. I’m too happy to get this message from u from Norway, i’m from Ethiopia,i have BA degree in sociology & i need to continue MA in your country with a complete wish.

  61. My name is kflu yemane from Ethiopia. I have a Bsc degree in Hydraulics and water resource engineering. So please help me I am very interested to study in Norway

  62. I’m Robert Lokosang from south sudan, age 20 years old. I studied ICT in Uganda christian university. I’m searching for education support/scholarship to develop my professional skills to the great height. I like studying computer. Hope you are good office attendant to situation.

  63. I have bachelor degree in art of economics now l woud like to applay free scholarship in master program plese help me

  64. My Name is Ibsa Abdi from Ethiopia I’m first year students of Haramaya University by department of veterinary medicine I went to apply this scholarship would you give me chance please!

  65. I am sebadin from Ethiopia… and I have bsc degree in healthe .. and i have 5year experiance in health professional I need thise chance…. pls cotact me on +251974632523

  66. Yeah, my name is : John Philip Jada from south Sudan I interested to study in Norway, I have now depilma in management and.accounting. graduate from aviation collage now I’m looking for piloting faculty if you can give me a chance. My contact no:+211925673162.

  67. Iam samia from somalia.
    Iam old 19year
    I need scholarship
    Iam intersting very much

  68. I’m Farman ullah from Pakistan (belong from FATA which is so backwards in education level) It’s a good apportunity for pls give me a chance to study in Norway at PhD.

  69. Dear sir/madam
    I am Belay Amare from Ethiopia.
    I did MSC in maternity and neonatal nursing speciality track at Haramaya university. I am eager to join at your university for PhD programme in related fields. Please try to give me the direction to this golden opportunity in Norway. With best regards!!!!

  70. My name is Mahmoud iam student so I finished the high school know I went to go university but I didn’t get chance to get university my shoulders If you have to sholarship plz accept me if I get this chance I can study every time the university so iam interesting fuclty computer science I wish you good lucky

  71. Please I want the scholarship urgently, if you can help me with this. Thanks
    My name is Ayomide Akinpelu

  72. Hi my name is dilnesa I am in ethiopia I am intersted to learn my MBA degree on norway so what I made to gat this chance.

  73. I am Kaakai Kooria and I am Interested in studying in your country but I have no information about yours schooling so please give me more information

  74. I am Amanuel Endeshaw Yirgu from Africa. Help me! I need this Scholarship. God bless

  75. My name is Haysh Araya from Ethiopiaint i need this scholarship in Norway.i early gratuate in Hydraulic and water resource engineering from Axum me in this fields if any in Masters.

  76. with much interest iwish icould study in Norway please help me to get scholarship
    from Malawi

  77. I’m interesting scholarship in abroad countries because I’m waiting long time opportunity of education so I’m request help aid in my life

  78. Dear Sir,
    I am Joseph Dias. I am from Bangladesh. I want to study in Norway for a bachelor degree. Please give me a scholarship opportunity to study there.

  79. Dear Sir,
    I am Joseph Dias. I am from Bangladesh. Can I get an opportunity for scholarship to study in Norway. I want to study there for a bachelor degree. Please give me a opportunity.

  80. Hi this is Medical doctor Aman Sher Khan ..
    I m.interested in PG in Medical radiology

  81. Hello dear i am highly interested to join your school please help me if you can
    My name is SAMUEL OUNUNO
    PHONE NUMBER +251911865301

  82. Hi my name is Mohammad farid from Afghanistan I want to get this scholarship please help me my phone number

  83. I am from somalia I am graduate I interest this scholarship from Norway
    I want to learn computer science
    Thanks for this opportunity

  84. My full name is Samuel Gebrengus Hagos from Eritrea but now in Ethiopia under UNHCR so i want to study scolarship in nerway……..And have a deploma with BankingBanking and finance that I get in my country and also i have 2 years of experience…….so to upgrade my educational needs give that your golden chance to join with this scholarship.Thank you

  85. I’m Gabriel Osei Tannor from Ghana. I’m a professional teacher who completed college of education with First class of GPA 3.7. I’m also pursuing my first degree at Valley View university… I will be thrilled if you can help me gain a scholarship to study a medical course in Canada or Europe…

  86. I am safiullah from Pakistan. I am Bs geology student I want to continue my study please help me

  87. My name is Ahmed iam from Somalia I want to get this scholarship please help me

  88. I am lnterested to study in Norway I am Berihun kasahun from Ethiopia Addis Ababa university Construction Technology and Management student I Will graduate next year in a regular degree program i am happy to study aboard in your City Norway…. MSC in Engineering especially Construction Technology if you are interested to give a chance you Will call at +251919477305 or @ my Email….

  89. My Name is Abdulkadir mohamed yusuf I want to study Computer Science any where that i can Get as free scholorship

  90. my name is Oneta Hirko from Ethiopian I have degree Accounting and finance pleas call me 0930622837

  91. Hi dear my name is asmatulla i am interestid to get this chanse i graduted from secondry

  92. I am interested to get this chances and I have in geology from university of Ethiopia with CGPA of 3.o3 norway is my wish country… me by email

  93. Hello sir My name is amina carab cumar From Somalia I’m graduated last year for diploma of midwifery I want degree and master programs please help me

  94. Hallo my name keminur abate form Ethiopian I am gratuitie in arbaminch University in degree program in department of geography and environmental studies !!!

  95. I’m interested .I’m complet B.Sc. Agriculture and i want continue master degree in agriculture for scholarships

  96. Hi, thanks for giving me this opportunity. Am a Somali student in Putland state of Somalia and I need to study abroad like Norway international university please can you help me to get this opportunity.

  97. I am Rahmatullah from Afghanistan I am also need free scholarship please help me to start MBA so this is my number 0093783116431,

  98. I am from Somalia
    I am very intarest this Scholarship
    Please help me how to get this chance of Scholarship my cellphone and whatsup number +252618369049

  99. I am in ethiopia and i gratuated degree program and my Department is Hydraulic engineering so i interested this scholership

  100. Greetings,
    Dear sir/madam,
    I thank you all for the scholarship opportunity for international scholars.I studied library and Information science and will like to make pursuit a second degree or masters degree in your University,I will appreciate if my humble request is granted.Thankyou.

  101. My name is Abeba Hassen.I have graduated in 2010EC by water engineering in this time i have enterst to study massters program in your country. Can you help me please?

  102. My name is Biranu Moti.I study in Ethiopia at this time I have enterst to study computer engineering program in your country. Can you help me please?

  103. In the name of god
    This is sayed Aref from Afghanistan I graduated from law and political science now i want to get my master degree from Norvay I glad If you accept my.

  104. Hi, sir/madam

    My name’s Azeez Anver sathath from Sri Lanka, I’m General certificate of advance level pass (2017 Sri Lanka) certificate holder, and
    i do not have much money to continue with higher education so i need a fully scholarship, please help me sir
    sir/ medam please help me to continue my education together to become a university student
    I love study.

    Call : +94752629663
    E mail :

  105. I’m interested to study leader ship management .I have BA degree in Educational planning and management.Please help me and contact me by my phone number0963325780 Ethiopia.My email address

  106. i have BA degree from Haramaya University “on Gender And Development Studies” now i want Ms programme in your country/ University ma contact number is ±251913527470 thanks.

  107. I have a great intention to study in Scandinavian country,I have MSc in Geotechnical Engineering I plan to pursue my PhD. Please help me.

  108. In the name of god
    My name is Shamsullah Hayat from Afghanistan I graduated from law and political science now i want to get my master degree from Norvay I glad If you accept my.

  109. I am Liaqat ali from gilgit pakistan and i have done master in journalism now i want get higher education but i need fully funded scholarship so help me.

  110. My name mustaphe abdi ilife Somalia hargaysa I am very seeking scholarship thank I am very interested science

  111. I wanna pursue my Master’s in Norway from Bangladesh and i have completed my bachelor’s recently, is it possible?

  112. Hi my name is muhammad Rahim from Afghanistan I just like to study there as bachelor

  113. Hi Hi how r u friend my name is mohabbat from Afghanistan I want come to Norway can you help me please my whatship and phone number 0093789247500 and Viber number 0093766488613 Facebook idd please call me

  114. l do humbly because its gives me a great pleasure to write and introduce my self for seeking addmission
    may gud help and bless you
    thanks very much.
    l am interesting .

  115. In the name of Allahr
    My name is Shamsullah Hayat from Afghanistan I graduated from law and economic now I want to get my master degree from Norvay I glad If you accept my. 0093786355722

  116. Hi my name is mohamed ,I am student graduated at high school ,I interesting this scholarship.

  117. Thank you for this chance
    please help me!
    I am intrested
    I have BSc degree in statistics from Ethiopia country

  118. Wow I am interested full
    please help me
    I have BSc degree in statistics from Ethiopia
    and my phone number is 251917740302

  119. Hello my Dears my name is Temesgen Muleta Idesa from Ethiopia my interesting is very great to learning there i have BA degree by Accounting and Finance so please help me my Email is
    Phone No +251910086720

  120. thank you very much for your helping, then i’m very happy to get scholarships and study in Norway.
    i graduated from secondary school last year and Bachelor degree of medicine if it’s possible thank you
    and this is my email
    and phone number

  121. Hi, sir/madam

    My name’s Azeez Anver sathath from Sri Lanka, I’m General certificate of advance level pass (2017 Sri Lanka) certificate holder, and
    i do not have much money to continue with higher education so i need a fully scholarship, please help me sir
    sir/ medam please help me to continue my education together to become a university student
    I love study.

    Call : +94752629663
    E mail :

  122. my names are abubakar adamu from nigeria plz i have BA ARCHAEOLOGY i want to continue my masters in archaeology plz help me or call +2349079294330

  123. I finished school and I want to learn in scholarship in Norway ples it can help and I wait interest

  124. Hi my name is William Hinoe from Liberia, am highly interested in this program, are want to studies heavy duty mechanic and get a PHD in it please halp me to achieve my goal.

  125. I am nadia Ali Mohammed I have diploma in secretarial science and office management and I am student at degree radiology in Addis Ababa and I am entressing to have scholarship please let me get it

  126. I need Msc by forestry or Environmental science, b/c I am holder of First degree by Forest Resource Management

  127. Hello my name is abdulaahi Abdikarim Wade Iam Medical student Medicine 8th semester Iwant to continoues thnk u

  128. 6sir.. Am a computer science student..i want to further my education.. And I need full scholarship due to my financial situation..

  129. this is shehubeza.I am from Ethiopia.I have degree in civil I want to continue my master degree in your university.Please if there is free full scholarship you can contact me by email address:- or phone number 0945587806

  130. thank you very much for this chance. I’m Diriba Dufera From Ethiopian. I have hold my Bsc degree from Haramaya university by Department of water resources and irrigation Engineering. Now i want to upgrade my education with my Related department.

  131. First my name is Ya’qub muhidin i am talking and greating from you in somalia i am expectin to get this opportunity that pays Norway Mistary of education that it passed for us High Norwegian experts and intellectuals i am waiting from you pleasured and contactable with redpon thanks , your brotherly you expressed us,and humanly.

  132. Am a Ghanaian reading HND Science and Industrial Laboratory Technology. I wants to study in Norway

  133. I’m abinet from Ethiopia… I was studying chemical engineering and I wanna to goto abroad with your program to support your company and my family.. Please help me!! +251926012626

  134. i am interested to study msc by acconting and finance but also i have not financially strong. please help me

  135. Hy dear sir/medam.
    This is Abdur Rahman from Afghanistan.i am very interesting with your this chance.and i am really need this chance.if it really possible.beacuse in my contry education is very bad that is why i am applying for scholarship for best then best university.
    Thank you

  136. I am very interesting with your this chance.and i am really need this chance. Becouse i am very interesting to study norway that is why i am applying for scholarship for best then best university.
    Thank you

  137. Thank you very much for this chance, I’m very excited this apportunity, I would be very lucky if I get this chance.
    My name is Feysal Ahmed Muktar , I’m from somalia, please Dear………..
    Contact with me.
    Tell: +252617585307.
    Your sincerely!
    Feisal Ahmed.

  138. Hello sir. With gratitude and sense of humor. I earnestly appreciates your humanitarian
    Caring . even beyond your broader.
    Meanwhile. I am Uzomah Mac Anthony mark C . from Nigeria.
    35 years old. Currently I National Business and Technical certificate with accounting option. And national Diploma in Banking and Finance. And wish to continued with your School of Commerce. Sir. I have conventional and technical skill and pray to upgrade in your and promise to invest my entrepreneurial skill to your national economic growth and develoment
    Thank in anticiparion of grant
    Yours faithful
    Uzomah Mac Anthony M.C.

  139. Hello everyone .
    I am Bishaw and 24 years old , i am graduated in Bsc Geology from University of Gondar ,Ethiopia.
    I want to study engineering Geology in Masters program

  140. hi deer i am from afghanistan
    i am vary happy scholarship of narway
    give me full scholarship free

  141. Hello may name is abdullahi isse i finished medical laboratory science at mugadishu university this study is the first degree at university please my family is poor they cann’t make to continue my study plz i need free scholorship plz plz

  142. Re:university Admissions from Norway

    I do hereby request from the government of norway to help me out the admission of master in public Administration.
    In accordance with all having my academic papers which is genuine.
    Therefore I do send the remaining part of the procedure as soon as possible.

    Any assistance accorded is highly appreciated

    Many thanks


    Salat Hassan

    Sent from myMail for iOS

  143. Hi my name is Muhammad Naeem. I am from Pakistan. I have done BS English. I needed your scholarship to continue further study in hotel management. I

  144. My name is Abdulkaf Ahmed i’m from Ethiopia i have public health degree so i’m interested to study my master education in norway because norway is best country suporting developing countries

  145. Ahmed,Mohamed, Hassen
    Jigjiga Ethiopia

    Dear sir,
    Iam applying for free scholarship from your campus, highly interested to study MBA(master) of business Administration since I have studied field related to this I have graduated from jigjiga university in the depart ment of management with B.A. Degree on june-28/2014 also I have Diploma in accounting and finance on feb-5-2011 I have also graduated in jigjiga university
    Currently , iam working in jigjiga university in finance section particularly internal revenue iam kindly interested to study in your campus if you offer me free scholarship in either master of business administration or international finance my organization give me a chance to study in any university I have got this fore, iam interested to join your campus in the above department please sent to me any information about the admission of the campus and the department

    With best regard

  146. I would love to study there, please help me to get right place! Humbly respected!

  147. Hello I’m Rahmatullah rahmani from Afghanistan I want to apply for Master in your country if give me a chance
    I’m very thankful from you.
    Contact 0093729998902

  148. I am Ruhul. I am from Bangladesh. I would like to study in Europe, if I get chance.

  149. I am Muluken
    From ethiopia
    I am interested to study in your institution, so please give a chance

  150. My new is Emmanuel and an from Nigeria and am also interested in this opportunity.
    Please contact via this: +2348075601878 or through my email:

  151. My full name idil hassan mohamed jama
    In from somalia. I want study in norway please help me
    My phone number : 00252634848177

  152. Hallo my name Aschalew abate form Ethiopian I am gratuitie in Bahir dar University in degree program in department computer engineering studies !!!

  153. I am Abdi Adem Mohamude.I from Ethiopia.I would like to study in Europe if I get a chance from you

  154. Thank you very much for your contaction.Yes I interested to study abroad master’s program in fied of Biology. Iam from Ethiopia call me with 0916800772.

  155. I am kaltun Mohamed farah
    I interest to study of master program
    I am from Somalia
    No 252634082102

  156. Hello i’m ferhan sulub i from Ethiopia i want to apply to study there, please help me to get right place! Humbly respected I get a chance from you thnks +251915405055

  157. Hi my name is husni i am from somali i am interested very much to get like this scholarships for international then i am interested to join your campus in the above
    Please sent to me any information about the admission of this campus kindly
    I hope u will help me thank u

  158. My name is Mohamed
    And I live in Somaliland
    And I want to study I C T
    My hope is a finland
    If you give me a chance
    I study Very Well

  159. i am Ermias musie from Ethiopia i am degee holder in Ethiopian language and literature with minor English i have an unterest to study in Norway my Ms program

  160. If anyone is interested in studying in Europe(Any Country) than you can like and follow my facebook page named as E-Consultancy.

  161. I am interested,
    I am a MD Doctor,
    3 Years Hospitals Experience in Emergency wards,Medical wards,children wards And Operation Theater)
    My whatsapp no 00923022246981

  162. I m vary interesting to learn scholarship .and I have degree in business.please and please help me .?my what’s app 25220634415320.

    I have interesting to learn MSc in GIS and Remote sensing at Norway and please help me
    For addition +251928595620 is my phone number please call me

  164. I am very intresting this chance please help me i am talking from Somalia my number & whatsup

  165. Dear

    My name is Tolosa kidane am an accountan. Now am so interested for begin mba.


  166. My name is Nuura Hussein Osman i’m from somalia i gratulated public health degree so i’m interested to study my master education in norway because norway is best country suporting developing countries
    Please contect me my WhatsApp number

  167. I am very interested
    I have compelete my BSc degree with good GPA (statistics)
    please help me for this chance
    my phone number is 0917740302
    so; I wish scolarship by masters in this country please help me

  168. My Name Hassan Omar Khadhib
    I am very interesting this opportunity
    I have completed my Bachelor degree of Agriculture with good time fully at Benadir University
    please help me for this chance
    my phone number is +252615807566
    my email address is khadhiib10@hotmail.come
    I wish scholarship by masters in this country please help me.

  169. Hello there
    I am Dr.Abrham Anteneh from Ethiopia and work. I am interseted to study further medicine so that would u give me chance (scholarship )pls if not inbox those colleges address.
    Thank u lot ….for more info.

  170. Mya name is MAMO SEFERA from ETHIOPIA.
    I have interesting to learn in MASTERS OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS at Norway and please help me
    For addition +251922996933/+251942201678 is my phone number please call me

  171. Am Dereje mengie assefa from Ethiopian I have Bsc degree in electrical engineering department I want to have learn MSc degree in electrical engineering in power stream but I haven’t financial if you have select me please call me by phone number+251930598491 thank you

  172. My name is Tariku Sisay i’m a bachelor student at wolaita Sodo university ,Ethiopia ,by computer scier so i’m intrested to study here.

    MOBILE: -0922204754
    To : Chongqing univercity of technology offers
    Dear Sir/Madam
    First of all I would like to thank your company for the scholarship announced through online for the study program
    I am an applicant who likes to Study in your Univercity for the program I qualify. I am graduated from Nekemte poly Technique college Intermediate electronics & communication multimedia equipment service Level III January 2014 & Ambo poly Technique College Electrical/Electronic equipment servicing Management level IV September 2015. Currently I am working in the Gin chi TVET College Electronics on the position Trainer from October 2014- today.
    Besides, I am highly motivated, duty minded, persuasive and polite person. Having this in your mind I would like you to consider my application for any vacancy in line with my profession. Hence, I request you that your organization considers my application; I am ready to appear for an exam or interview without any hesitation.
    Enclosed, please find my CV and copies of relevant documents.
    Thank you in advance for your kind with regards.
    With Best Regard

    CV (Curriculum Vitae)
    Personal Information

    Full Name HAILE GIDUMA
    Sex MALE
    Date of Birth 04/11/1989 E.C
    Place of Birth ADULAN
    Nationality Ethiopian
    Religion Chiristian
    Mobile: 0922204754
    Junior school and S.S. School educational back ground
    Junior school: – I have been completed grades 1upto 8 at KaKe Adulan Elementary and Junior School from the years 193-2005 E.C.
    S.S. School: – I have been completed grades 9 and 10 at Biftu Nekemte S.S. School from the years 2004-2005 E.C.
    College Training: -I have been trained from the years 2010-2012 E.C at Nekemte poly level III & Ambo poly Technique College level IV graduate.
    Level- I Basic Electrical/Electronics Equipment Servicing
    Level –II Basic Electronics Communication and Multimedia Equipment Servicing
    Level -III Intermediate Electronics Communication and Multimedia Equipment Servicing
    Level- IV Electrical/Electronic Equipment Servicing Management

    Computer Skills and Courses
    Perform basic computer (Microsoft Office word, power point, access, excel…)
    Install software application for Service and Repair electronics maintenance
    Design circuit on PCB WEZARD, Math Lab & Multism …etc.

    Work experiences and additional trainings
    I had work experience Four years (4Yr)in the position cashier
    IT support service common course in Level certificate.

    Language Skills

    Afan oromo



    Reading Knowledge Based books
    Looking at New Technologies
    Appreciate and Initiated at creative works
    Searching with important internet sites

    Dr. DEREJE GIDUMA ————————0912369251
    Dr. FEKADU DORE—————————0902305975
    GIZAW GIDUMA——————————0931474524
    KENA FEKADU——————————–0965615065

  174. Hi
    My name is Demise Bogale from Ethiopia. I graduated from Arba Minch university with B.Sc degree in electrical and computer engineering (power stream ). I am greatly interested to one of your University students member. I need master program for electrical engineering or related fields. Please help me my contact address e-mail : and mobile +251901051002.
    Thank you for taking the time to read my application letter and for your consideration.
    Sincerely Demise Bogale

  175. I am interested in this program.
    My name is Desalegn Darcho
    I have electrical and computer engineering(electronic communication stream) degree.
    I want to upgrade my education in Msc.If it is free and fully sponsored,Please contact me via my email address:

  176. Re:university Admissions from norway

    I do hereby request from the government of norway to help me out the admission of master in public Administration.
    In accordance with all having my academic papers which is genuine.
    Therefore I do send the remaining part of the procedure as soon as possible. Although this is my late request Iam hopping from your dignity office to except my request

    There fore
    Any assistance accorded is highly appreciated

    Many thanks


    Salat Hassan

    Sent from myMail for iOS

  177. I am somali fresh engineer may in this year 2019 i will finish my bachelor of science of civil engineering at Mogadishu University.
    And i am very very interested to study abroad master of science of civil engineering and i am not able financially to study abroad so, if it is possible help me to my masters to increase my knowledge and my experience

    Sinserely I hope your help.


  178. Mohammedsebir Alketa from Ethiopia, am pleasant of attend my master in your scolarship I have a first degree in nursing

  179. I am also interested in this scholarship please support whatsapp number is03346476255

  180. My full name is mohamed abdirahman omar. I was born in somalia and I grew up it.

  181. My name is yohanis ketsale from ethiopian i need this chance to study in norway…and….i lern in campus by bachelor’s degree ….filed …logistics …sulpply chain mangemnt….thank u✌✌✌✌

  182. I’m medical worker public health officer and I have bachelor degree of public health officer and have eight years experience and please join from your University and I have 3.53 CGP from Ethiopia

  183. First I would like to thank for giving this chance for all of Developing Countries and I am Ararsa Desisa from Ethiopia and I am surveying Engineering student at Dire Dawa University and I am very interested to learn MA degree in GIS and Remote sensing at this university. Please help me, and you can contact me at email

  184. My name is Amin Ullah from Pakistan. I recently complete my degree (BS mathematics. CGPA 3.2)

  185. I do hereby request from the government of norway to help me out the admission of master in public Administration.
    In accordance with all having my academic papers which is genuine.
    Therefore I do send the remaining part of the procedure as soon as possible. Although this is my late request Iam hopping from your dignity office to except my request

  186. I’m very happy if I get the chance to learn my MA scholarship in Norway.I am Ethiopian.I have graduated in 2 degree BA in Agriculture Department of Rural Development(5)years experience and BA degree in Accounting.Please contact me with my email and phone number +251922180379.

  187. Hi, my name is Daniel Prince Ogba. I am interested in the Norwegian Scholarship Program. I just finished my bachelors degree program in MOUAU, Nigeria. Please i need a reply.

  188. My name nurto Suleiman Mohamed I from Somalia I hope to get scholarships for university please help me I graduate this year means after one month i will hope to except my phone is +252616802338

  189. I’m interested .i want to study here. My. Department is mathematics. Give me information about admission in M phil mathematics

  190. I am interested in this program.
    My name is Tamirat Feleke
    I have Accounting for finance
    I want to upgrade my education in Msc.If it is free and fully sponsored,Please contact me via my email address:

  191. Hello dear my name Mohammed Ahmed abdi requires from you to give this chance I havepsc degree please help

  192. I AM very very much interested in studying in Norway I come from Ethiopia and I am completed and I want to continue master degree in economics for scholarships so please contact me by my this phone +251930925498/0929061878

  193. Hello my name is abdullahi abdifatah from ethiopia i am very interested this opportinity if it exist help me to get this chance
    You can contact for this number +251915253566

  194. my name,s mohamed omar yusuf waasuge from somlia i interset to get a scholarship plesae help me

  195. Iam idil Mohammed Hassan from somalia Iam finished bachelor degree of health science Iam interest this program I want master of faculties related health like ultersoun etc

  196. My names faiza ali muhumed from somalia and iam very interesting to study in norwey

  197. Re:university Admissions from norway

    I do hereby request from the government of norway to help me out the admission of master in public Administration.
    In accordance with all having my academic papers which is genuine.
    Therefore I do send the remaining part of the procedure as soon as possible.

    Any assistance accorded is highly appreciated

    Many thanks


    Salat Hassan

    Sent from myMail for iOS

  198. my Name is Mohamed I interested scholarships I request from your chance. Thanks For Your Help ka student.

  199. My name is Chala Huka i would like to study abroad specially in Norway so how can I contact with you ?

  200. I am Ahmad wice from afghanistan and very interested in completing my masters degree in norway and will be very thankfull if get a chance

  201. First thanks ,my name is Debela Dawit I was graduated from by faculty of Health department of public health in 2018 from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia by BSC ,then I wants to learn Msc of public health or microbiology I have medical laboratory by diploma

  202. hi my name is Birhanu Gabremariam.Iwant to get scholarship and iam graduated in english language and literature.

  203. Am lopiso tamirat from Ethiopia
    I am interested to study in your university
    Now I am student of computer science in university of wachamo ,so would you give this chance (scholarship) for me ,,,&contact me I fulfill any what you want …
    Thank you with a great respect
    Phone* 251015831465

  204. Am lopiso tamirat from Ethiopia
    I am interested to study in your university
    Now I am student of computer science in university of wachamo ,so would you give this chance (scholarship) for me ,,,&contact me I fulfill any what you want …
    Thank you with a great respect
    Phone* 251015831465

  205. Hi my name is Bulti Gemachu from Ethiopia am gratuities degree program interest scholarships department of Accounting for addition information +251930300314 my phone number please call me

  206. Really im interesting for this apportunety cuz I’m from east Africa i hope to make my dreams my phone is 612121275

  207. Hi I am Osan Giri I am from Nepal and I have completed my bachelor degree so I am interested to study in Norway for master degree

  208. My Name is Tesfaye Dibessa Digga. I’m Ethiopian. I was gratuated From Jimma University in the Department of Animal Science and I have BSc Degree. Now I want to learn my Master’s programme in your University if you give me an Oppo rtunity to me. So please conract me by my email adress. Thank you.

  209. My name is Muhammad Naeem. I have done BS English. I m from Pakistan. I need scholarship for ms in lingusits

  210. I’m looking forward to have have an opportunity to study at you universities as I can not afford school fees for my undergraduate degree.

  211. hii ,i ‘m zenebe birhanu an electrical and computer engineering @dilla university from ethiopia then i’m fuly interested to jion your compus so pleas give me the chance!

  212. Hi
    My name’s Abduqaadir Mohamed
    From Somalia ,I’m secondary certificate holder, but still I didn’t get university in my country due to financial problems, also there’s no powerful government in my country which able to help people like me ,also there’s no one who ready to help me.
    So please and please help me how to pursue my education in Ireland and to get bright future
    Plz and plz

  213. Date: April 2, 2019
    From: Damtew Degefe Merga from Ethiopian country
    Application for master’s program learning;
    To- Full Scholarship company
    Dear Sir/Madam;
    I am interested to apply for masters program from your organization and really I hope that without any hesitation your organization will accept my application. I am a holder of B.Sc. Degree by Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering. I kindly request you to consider my application positively. If you feel that I am suitable for this position then please feel free to contact me with the following addresses stated below whenever you desire.
    I hope that I am the person whom you are in need!!
    Thanks for your consideration!!!

    With best regards!
    Damtew Degefe Merga.
    Phone: +251966759383
    +251935739476; Email:
    Face Book: Damtew Degefe

  214. Hi,my name is Esubalew Gashaw from Ethiopia,I have bsc degree in Geomatics Engineering from ASTU……I wanna attending Masters.please help me,call me by +251947518909.

  215. Hey there , i’m Dagem Alemu and am 3rd year civil engineer student (under graduate) and I wanna study in your country, please try to help me …am from ethiopia (east africa) ……..thanks in advance

  216. I surely want to get education if it’s for free.. I would like to enroll in MBA program if I got an pportunity..

  217. I am interested to get Admission in master or Bachelore course in any university of Norway.plz snd me initial information about Admission process and eligibility for scholarship.

  218. My name is Maleda Simion Estifanos and I am from Ethiopia and I have a degree by A Human Nutrition and I want to specialize it by being dietitian so please offer me an opportunity I am very interested in having fully funded scholarship! Attach if there is anything new through e mail given below

  219. My name is Nhial Gatwech from Ethiopa, I have interest to be educated in your country for theology,
    Here’s my contact: +251938033644
    E-mail address:

  220. my name amanuel getachew from Africa, Ethiopia i have a degree in Geography so i want to specialize in GIS and Remote sensing please help…….

    contact me by e-mail

  221. Iam intrested this chance so i can help me how I can get the applying know this chance plz

  222. My Name is Selamawit Kasahun I want to study abroad field of urban socioeconomic


  224. I’m thankful for the offer and greatly appreciated that I will be able to get A opportunity for living and studying in Norway my dream country I finished my high school and I need for A university please accept my request I’m from Somalia

  225. I need scholarship program bachelor degree to help me all together please and please important myself and my families and my future contact me this number +256795040351

  226. My name is Joshua Alafin from Nigeria. I’m interested in this opportunity. I want to study medicine

  227. My name is mohamoud ibrahim
    Iam staying with north somaliya
    Iam very happy to membership with schlorship

    Please contact me

  228. In deed I want to get chance and this golden opportunity to continue my education and Achieve my goals plus help me

  229. I am Banaras Azimi from Afghanistan I have mster in commerce now i would like to start MBA if you can help me then aware me thanks.

  230. Hi, I’d like to go to Norway for a master’s so if you give me admission if it’s in every university I accept.

  231. Hello I am Minofar from Afghanistan I have bachelor( i’m medical doctor) now i would like to start master from any university abroad if you can help me then aware me thanks.

  232. I write to inquire and to request your Scholarships International Norway for Training and scholarships supports for marginalized youth and children that our New Initiative, the NEXT CHILD AFRICA is working with here in Liberia, West, AFrica . Our NCA Organization was established in Congo Town, Monrovia in 2018 to provide this oversight role for youth and children in critical needs. The volunteers and staff of our group need training in the area of delivering quality service to the category of people with no opportunity to learn on this side of our planet Earth, other training points we are pleading for are Program development, Human Resource Management and some capacity building venture . To strengthen our group strength in carrying our goals for the neglected class .
    Our Mission is to provide access to equal learning opportunity for abused, neglected and marginalized children without discriptions.

  233. Currently I am enrolled in bachelor’s degree in business administration, which will be completed in June 2020. So for further studies I have plans to get master dergree in highly competitive and advance learning environment. Through which I will contribute my part to humanity.

Comments are closed.