12 Prestigious International Scholarships in Portugal

Portugal has five universities that are listed amongst the best universities in the world. With a long history of well-respected universities, Portugal’s higher education system was ranked the 35th best in the world in the first edition of the QS Higher Education System Strength Rankings.

International Scholarships in Portugal
Photo: @somorgado on Pixabay.com

As well as strong universities, Portugal is also home to a number of well-reputed polytechnics. The main difference between universities and polytechnics is that the universities have a greater focus on academic research, while polytechnics are more focused on preparing students for a specific career path.

However, which ever higher education institution in Portugal it is that you choose to study at, you might want to consider in getting financial assistance to cover your education and/or living costs while you are in Portugal. Here are some international scholarships in Portugal that you may be eligible to apply for.

To apply or learn more about the international scholarships in Portugal, simply click on the scholarship’s name.

  1. Lisbon MBA Scholarship Programs: A number of international scholarships in Portugal are available to help finance The Lisbon MBA International full-time program.
    • Entrepreneur Scholarship: Open to all successful applicants who aspire to start and manage their own business after the MBA or who wish to have a leadership role in the family business. There are several awards of varying amounts, up to 50% of the tuition fees.
    • Merit Scholarship: Open to all successful applicants with a proven extraordinary academic record. Candidates must possess a minimum GMAT score of 670 and a Bachelor’s degree GPA of 15 (out of 20) or 3.0 (out of 4.0). The amount of each award varies up to 50% of the tuition fees.
    • Social Impact Award: Open to all successful applicants who have worked in the Third Sector – voluntary and non-governmental sector – for at least 2 years. The amount of each award varies up to 50% of the tuition fees.
    • The Lisbon MBA Scholarship: Open to all successful applicants whose contribution will be fundamental to class diversity and dynamics, either by their professional and personal experience, background, nationality or international exposure. Several awards are available with the amounts varying up to 50% of the tuition fees.
    • Women in Business Award: Open to all successful female applicants with proven professional achievements and clear career progression. Each of the award’s amount varies up to 50% of the tuition fees.
  1. The NanoTRAINforGrowth II – INL Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program: Provides an opportunity for talented and motivated researchers from all over the world and all nationalities to carry out groundbreaking research projects working at INL. Successful researchers will benefit the following:
    • Two years employment contract as INL Research Fellow
    • Social benefits include: family allowance, child allowance, free nursery service on the INL campus, education fees for dependent children, private health insurance and travel allowances
    • Researchers will also benefit from the various social facilities available at INL
    • Access to state-of-the-art equipment and facilities
    • Multidisciplinary research environment
    • Collaboration opportunities with international academic and industrial partners
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Applicants with a PhD in Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Engineering, and related areas are eligible to apply.

  1. CMU Portugal Dual Degree PhD (3rd Cycle) Scholarship: Dual degree PhD program scholarships for study in the following areas:
    • Computer Science
    • Robotics
    • Software Engineering
    • Language Technologies
    • Engineering and Public Policy
    • Electrical and Computer Engineering

While staying in Portugal, the accepted candidate will receive the fellowship directly from FCT. While pursuing their studies at Carnegie Mellon University, the PhD (3rd cycle) students will receive the FCT funding through the home department of the doctoral program in which they are enrolled.

  1. CMU-Facebook Emerging Scholar Program: Designed to encourage and support promising doctoral students who are engaged in innovative and relevant research in areas related to computer science and engineering at an accredited university. The program is open to students in any year of their PhD study and supports talented students from traditionally underrepresented minority groups. Applications are evaluated based on the strength of the student’s research statement, publication record and recommendation letters. Winners of the Fellowship are entitled to receive two years of tuition and fees paid, a stipend of $37,000 each year, and up to $5,000 in conference travel support.
  2. University of Porto Scholarships: The University of Porto is one of the best Portugal universities that offer scholarships to its students. Scholarships are awarded by the University to students whose household incomes per capita meet the following criteria: C ≤ (16 x IAS + P). Scholarships are co-financed by the European Social Fund, and under the Thematic Operational Program Social and Employment Inclusion (POISE) and the Portuguese State.
  3. Programa +Superior: Submissions of scholarships for study abroad in Portugal under the Programa +Superior (Superior Program) for the 2019-2020 academic year runs from July 17 to November 15, 2019. The payments of mobility grants are made on the dates indicated in the order of the General Director of Higher Education, approved for each academic year.
  4. University of Lisbon Doctoral Degree Scholarship Program: A scholarship program launched by the University of Lisbon to help finance the studies for researchers from different areas of studies. The scholarships are aimed at Doctoral Degree students and are renewable for 3 years.
  5. DGES Grants: The grant is an annual monetary benefit for sharing the expenses with the attendance of a course or the completion of a compulsory internship, awarded by the State, non-repayable, whenever the student’s household does not have an adequate minimum level of financial resources. The grant is awarded for a full school year, except in some cases. The conditions for awarding a grant are defined in the legislation currently in force, namely in the Regulation for the Allocation of Grants to Higher Education Students. For more information, contact the SAS (Social Services) or GAS (Social Office) of the higher education institution you attend.
  6. DGES Grants for Students with Disabilities: Available for students with disabilities, who are enrolled in a higher education institution, make proof of disability through a medical certificate, and have the tax and social security situation regularized.
  7. The Social Support Fund at Universidade Nova de Lisboa: A program to support students with immediate and urgent needs – ineligible under the Regulation for the Granting of Scholarships to Higher Education Students – within the scope of social responsibility of NOVA. This Fund is intended for all students enrolled in NOVA in integrated degrees or master’s degrees, with the aim of preventing school drop-out and promoting support for the insertion of students in working life. Under the Fund, SASNOVA may be awarded to students as:
    • Emergency Grants: A contribution to the costs of attending a course of study, to students whose social emergency situation does not fall within the scope of the emergency aid of the Grant Regulation.
    • Collaboration Scholarships: In activities promoted by the Organizational Units and university services, compatible with their skills and availability of time, without commitment for their respective school and learning activities.
  1. University of Coimbra Scholarships: The University of Coimbra recognizes, values and encourages its best by awarding merit scholarships to students enrolled in technology related courses, bachelor, combined master and master’s programs and awards to the top 3% of students. UC also guarantees equal opportunity in completing a university education, independently of economic situation, through general scholarships to help lower drop-out rates and reward academic success.
    • Top 3% of Students: Awards offered annually to the top 3% students in each program of 1st cycle, integrated master’s degree and master’s degree of continuity at the University. The amount equal to the difference between the minimum and maximum amount of tuition. The students to whom this prize is awarded will be mentioned in the Diploma Supplement.
    • Merit Scholarships: Awarded annually to students enrolled in technological specialization, undergraduate, and master’s degree programs that have shown exceptional academic achievement. The scholarship amounts equal to five times the national monthly minimum wage, and are awarded to students with the highest grades in each Faculty. Scholarships are distributed by each Faculty according to the number of students, with a minimum of two per Faculty. If no grants are awarded by one or more Faculties, they will revert to the others. Students to whom scholarships are awarded will be mentioned in the Diploma Supplement and a supporting document may be issued.
  1. Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for PhD Scholarships: The FCT for PhD Scholarship Program aims to support researchers, in all areas of knowledge, who wish to develop research work leading to a PhD degree. Scholarships support graduates who comply with the requirements to apply for PhD studies and wish to carry out research towards this degree.
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Research work may be carried out in any knowledge intensive environment, namely in collaboration with companies. Host institutions may be: R&D Units, State Labs, Associated Labs, Collaborative Labs, or Technological Interface Centers (CIT). The work program may be entirely or partially carried out in a national institution (national or mixed scholarships, respectively), or in a foreign institution (overseas scholarships). For mixed scholarships, the period of the work program that takes place in a foreign institution cannot exceed a total of two years.

Scholarships are annual and can be renewed for the number of months for which they have been requested. No scholarships are granted for periods of less than three consecutive months or more than 48 months.

Eligible applicants are Portuguese citizens, citizens of EU member states and citizens from third-party states with which Portugal has reciprocity agreements. Citizens of other countries who are not residents in Portugal can also apply. They must, however, hold a residence permit by the time set for their scholarship to begin.

Selected applicants will be awarded monthly stipends and supplementary support, which may include tuition fees, relocation costs, travel awards and health insurance, whenever applicable, as detailed in the Regulations.

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16 thoughts on “12 Prestigious International Scholarships in Portugal

  1. iam from somalia i need scholership so please contact me
    i want to study medicine

  2. I am Somalia I need scholarship program bachelor degree to help me all together please and please important myself and my families and my future contact me this number +256795040354

  3. I need help for free full scholarship In master of electrical engineering or MBA

  4. I am physiotherapist working in the remote are of Nepal with 5 years of experience. How can I enroll in master leading PhD in research philosophy. Can you provide me ideas in this university.

  5. my name is farxiya cisman
    I from Ethiopia
    I need this scholarship to study and up my
    furure I would like to lean canada I need help me sir/madam

  6. Hi
    This is Abubakar Basher from afghanistan and i graduated from BCS(Bachelors of computer Science)
    please inform me that how can i apply form Master scholarship in computer Science

  7. Esayas Teshale Tasho from Ethiopia or South nation national Ethiopia or wolayita development association, I need quality level of life and quality level of knowledge why because I am orphan.

  8. I come from Sénégal and I am a graduate. I am interested for these scholarships in oder To continue my study

  9. I came from somali and i am agraduate .i am intersred from this scholarship in oder to continue my learn and i want high education level if allh says please help mee

  10. My Name is Zakari’e Abdirahman Abdullahi From Somalia thanks for give me chance to scholarship

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