Top 10 Universities in Turkey and the Offered Scholarships

Turkey has traditionally been a popular destination to study abroad. The country is literally a bridge between the East and the West, its landmass straddling both Europe and Asia – making Turkey a multicultural country. Also, Turks are known for their warmth and hospitality. Most Turks enjoy meeting foreign visitors and practicing their English. With an excellent educational system, Turkey has many prestigious universities and courses to choose from, that provide high-quality education. In addition, most Turkish universities offer scholarships and grants to support their students’ studies.

scholarships in turkey
Photo: @adliwahid on
  1. Koç University

Koç University is an international non-profit private research university located in Istanbul, Turkey. It started education in temporary buildings in Istinye in 1993, and moved to its current Rumeli Feneri campus near Sanyer in 2000. Koç University is ranked the highest in Turkey according to the Times Higher Education and the QS World University Rankings. The University offers 22 undergraduate programs, 31 graduate programs and 16 PhD programs. It has about 5,500 students from within and outside the country. It also has an extensive network of partner-universities including University of California and other universities such as Northwestern University, Cornell University and Georgetown University.

Koç University is an ideal center for interdisciplinary studies. It offers non-refundable scholarships that are continuous throughout the entire normal study period. Students can benefit from Koç University’s extensive scholarship opportunities:

  • 100% Scholarship (Full Scholarship): covers tuition fee, dormitory accommodation, monthly expenses, and textbooks.
  • 50% Scholarship (Support Scholarship): covers half of the tuition fee.
  • 25% Scholarship (Partial Scholarship): covers one-fourth of the tuition fee.
  • Scholarship for Children of Martyrs
  • Student Dean’s Office: work part-time in various departments at the University
  • Book Scholarship
  • Sports Scholarship: tuition fee waiver up to 50%

Details on each type of scholarship can be found on the Scholarships and Tuition Fees page. Learn more about Koç University at

  1. Bilkent University

Bilkent University is a private university located in Ankara, Turkey. It was founded by Prof. İhsan Doğramacı in 1984, with the aim of creating a center of excellence in higher education and research. The name “Bilkent” exemplifies this aim, since it is an acronym of “bilim kenti”: Turkish for “city of learning and science”. Bilkent University was the first private university established in the country, and is one of Turkey’s leading research universities. According to the QS World University Rankings 2019, Bilkent University ranks among the top 500 universities in the world. It currently has approximately 13,000 students enrolled in 29 Bachelor’s programs and 59 graduate programs at the University.

As one of the top universities in Turkey, Bilkent University offers an optimal environment for both learning and living. It also supports students with their studies by providing various scholarships to deserving students. Around 43% of the student body benefits from a variety of non-refundable scholarships. Turkish citizens may qualify for a full or 50% tuition scholarship based on their placement via the Evaluation, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM). Students qualifying for the Full Scholarship may further qualify for a Comprehensive Scholarship based on their university entrance exam performance. The scholarships are guaranteed to continue for two years in the English Preparatory Program, for 5 years in 4-year undergraduate programs, and for 7 years in 4-year undergraduate programs for the students who entered Bilkent University before 2013. The comprehensive scholarship of students, whose undergraduate education extends beyond 5 years, becomes a full scholarship.

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Further information can be seen on the Scholarships page, at

  1. Sabancı University

Established in 1994, Sabancı University is a young foundation university located near Istanbul’s city center. It has a total of 3 faculties that consist of 13 undergraduate programs, 46 graduate programs, 15 doctoral programs, 11 minor programs and 10 double-major programs. It currently has approximately 4,000 undergraduate and 1,000 graduate students, with 66.4% of the undergraduate students receiving scholarships from the University. According to the QS World University Rankings 2019, Sabancı University is ranked among the top 500 universities in the world.

There are three main scholarship types at Sabancı University: Full Scholarship, Half Scholarship and Quarter Scholarship. These scholarships are not available to foreign students. However, foreign students enrolled at Sabancı University can benefit from scholarship opportunities offered during their study period. The scholarships are unrequited and continue for the normal education period and also include the period of Foundations Development Year. Below is a list of some of the offered scholarships.

  • Undergraduate Scholarships
  • Azerbaijan Government Scholarship
  • Azerbaijan SOCAR Scholarship
  • Iraq Government Scholarships
  • Oman MOHE Scholarships
  • Libya Government Scholarships
  • Pakistan HEC Scholarships
  • Qatar Government Scholarships
  • Graduate Scholarships
  • Engineering and Natural Sciences Graduate Programs Scholarship
  • Arts and Social Sciences Graduate Programs Scholarship
  • School of Management Scholarships

Refer to the Scholarships page for more information, at

  1. Middle East Technical University

The Middle East Technical University (METU) is a public technical university located in Ankara, Turkey. The University puts special emphasis on research and education in engineering and natural sciences, offering about 40 undergraduate programs within 5 faculties, and 97 masters and 62 doctorate programs within 5 graduate schools. The official language of instruction at METU is English. Established in 1956, METU is the leading university in Turkey in terms of the number of European Union Framework Programme (FP) projects participation. It also ranks among the top 500 universities globally according to the QS World University Rankings 2019.

METU provides tuition discounts or exemptions for international students according to their academic success. No applications are required for the discounts or exemptions. Students are evaluated each year according to their academic results. Those who qualify will be notified via e-mail. Read the Implementation Principles for details.

Scholarships provided by METU are available to both Turkish and international students. These scholarships include meal scholarship, dormitory scholarship, and aid in the form of cash from the METU Development Foundation.

Other scholarships for international students are:

  • Afghanistan Government Scholarship
  • BP Scholarship
  • Islamic Development Bank Scholarship
  • Pakistan HEC Scholarship
  • Pakistan NESCOM Scholarship
  • Embassy of Saudi Arabia Scholarship
  • Türkiye Scholarships
  • TÜBITAK Scholarship

Visit the Scholarship Opportunities page at

  1. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi is a major research university located on the European side of the Bosphorus strait in Istanbul, Turkey. It has 4 faculties and two schools offering undergraduate degree programs, and 6 institutes offering graduate degree programs. The language of instruction at the University is English. Founded in 1863 as Robert College, it is the first American higher education institution founded outside the United States. Although under entirely Turkish administration today, the University still maintains strong ties to the American educational system. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi consistently ranks amongst the highest universities in Turkey, having the greatest number of applicants via the YGS-LYS Turkish university entrance examinations.

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Several scholarship programs are provided to help Boğaziçi Üniversitesi students fund their studies. These scholarships include:

  • Government Scholarships
  • KYK Scholarships and Credits
  • MEB Scholarship
  • TÜBITAK Scholarship
  • Turkish Language Society
  • Turkish History Association
  • KYK BÜ Quota
  • KYK Prime Ministry Scholarship
  • KYK Top 100 Successful Scholarships
  • Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Undergraduate Scholarships
  • Success Scholarships
  • Meal Scholarship
  • Dormitory Scholarship
  • Books Scholarship
  • Summer School Scholarship
  • Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Graduate Scholarships

Visit Scholarships for further details. Learn more about the Boğaziçi Üniversitesi at

  1. Istanbul Technical University

Istanbul Technical University (ITU) is an international technical university located in Istanbul, Turkey. Established in 1773, it is one of the world’s oldest technical universities dedicated to engineering sciences as well as social sciences, with a long history of 250 years. It is also one of the most prominent educational institutions in Turkey. ITU is ranked amongst the top 100 universities worldwide and 1st nationwide in the field of engineering / technology by the Times Higher Education and the QS World University Rankings. It has 39 undergraduate programs, 144 graduate programs, 13 colleges, 346 labs and 12 research centers.

The ITU Rector Scholarships and Dormitories Coordinator provides dormitory accommodation to students, with a capacity of 4,744 beds in Ayazağa, Gümüşsuyu and Tuzla campuses. In addition, the ITU Foundations support the students’ studies at the University by offering them scholarships. These scholarship opportunities are:

Visit for further details on the offered scholarships. Learn more about the Istanbul Technical University at

  1. Ankara Üniversitesi

Ankara University is a public university in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. Established in 1946, it was the first higher education institution founded in Turkey after the formation of the republic. The University has 40 vocational programs, 120 undergraduate programs and 110 graduate programs. It is committed to educating individuals that will guide the society in the fields of science and arts through a universal perspective, and to contribute to the production of science, technology and arts with its distinctive and qualified research. Ankara University offers the accumulation of knowledge and technology acquired through the wide range of research and application centers within its body focused on various scientific fields.

Ankara University does not directly provide scholarships for applicants and newly enrolled students. However, you can visit for scholarship opportunities. You may have the chance to get tuition discounts with consideration based on your academic results. The scholarship program not only provides financial support but also ensures university placement for students in their intended program of application. It also provide students with the benefits of social, cultural and academic extra-curricular programs and activities while they are in Turkey.

Learn more about Ankara University at

  1. Gazi Üniversitesi

Gazi University is a public university primarily located in Ankara, Turkey. It was established in 1926 and was reorganized in 1982 by being merged with the Bolu Academy of Engineering and Architecture, Ankara Academy of Economics and Commercial Sciences, the Ankara College of Technical Careers, the Ankara Girls’ College of Technical Careers, and the Ankara State Academy of Engineering and Architecture to become a large metropolitan university as part of the act which created the Board of Higher Education.

Gazi University comprises 21 faculties, 4 schools, 11 vocational schools of higher education, 52 research centers and 7 graduate institutes. The student enrollment of the University has reached approximately 77,000 in total of whom about 1,500 come from the Turkic states of Central Asia.

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The offered scholarships at Gazi University are:

  • KYK Scholarships: a limited number of non-refundable scholarships from the Ministry of Youth and Sports
  • TEV Scholarships: a limited number of scholarships from the Turkish Education Foundation
  • Special Scholarships: need-based / merit-based funds provided by foundations, charities, real and legal persons
  • Meal Scholarship: free meal scholarship for students in need of financial support
  • Dormitory Scholarship: free dormitories for students in need of housing support

Visit the Scholarships page to find out more about how you can fund your study at Gazi University and your stay in Turkey. Learn more about the University at

  1. Hacettepe University

Established in 1967, Hacettepe University is a major state university in Ankara, Turkey. Based on academic performance in medical schools, it ranks first among Turkish universities. The University has two main campuses; one that’s located in the old town of Ankara and hosts the Medical Center, and the other, called the Beytepe Campus, is located 13 km (8 mi) from the city center and hosts the faculties of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Law, Education, Engineering, Fine Arts, Letters, and Science. In addition to these two main campuses, the School of Social Work is located in Keçiören, and the Turkish State Conservatory in Ankara, affiliated with the University as of 1982, is located in the Beşevler Campus.

Hacettepe University provides financial support to its students. These financial supports are provided by the state, non-governmental organizations and other institutions and organizations.

  • Government-based supports: scholarship and study credits allocated every year
  • Supports provided by NGOs: non-refundable grants from individuals, foundations, associations, institutions and organizations
  • Other supports: any other kind of support such as cash and/or dormitory, food and transportation supports

Further information regarding financial support to study at Hacettepe University can be found on the Grants page at the University’s website (

  1. Istanbul University

Istanbul University is a prominent Turkish university located in Istanbul. Its main campus is adjacent to Beyazıt Square in Fatih, the capital district of the province, on the European side of the city. The University was founded as an institution of higher education named the Darülfünûn (House of Multiple Science) in 1846; but the Medrese (Islamic theological school) which was founded immediately after Mehmed II conquered Constantinople (Istanbul) in 1453 is regarded as the precursor to the Darülfünûn which evolved into Istanbul University in 1933. Tracing back to its long history, Istanbul University has become one of the best universities in the country. It is also listed on the QS World University Rankings 2019.

There are three different student exchange programs supported by Istanbul University. These students exchange programs are:

  • Erasmus+ Program: aims to increase the quality in higher education and to strengthen the cooperation of higher education institutions with each other and the business world. Applications for participating in this program can only be made by institutions and organizations to the National Agency according to the project type or to the Educational, Visual and Cultural Executive Agency, which is the relevant unit of the EU Commission. Individual applications will not be accepted. For more information, visit the Erasmus+ website.
  • Mevlana Exchange Program: aims to realize the exchange of students and academic staff among higher education in Turkey and higher education institutions providing education abroad.
  • Farabi Exchange Program: aims to enable students or faculty members to continue their education and training activities in a higher education institution for a period of one or two semesters.

Visit Student for further details. Learn more about Istanbul University at

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278 thoughts on “Top 10 Universities in Turkey and the Offered Scholarships

  1. I was gratuated from Jimma University by Animal Sience departements.I want to continue my.masters program if i get a chance.

  2. I want to learn My masters program by Animal Science departments and related feilds

  3. Iam graduetet from fuculty of agricultuer and iam from afghanistan and i want to get mastry education in your countery.

  4. Am secondry graduate student and interesting to start university so please help me and contact +252615356637

  5. first my name is jama saeed mohamed i live in somalia i am somali specially burao city I need that scholarship because of why i graduated in secondary school but i am not join or inter university because i am not able cost of university so i request brothers of turkey and universities of turkey to give me scholarship
    My contact :00252634186971

  6. Dereje mengie assefa from Ethiopian I have Bsc degree in electrical engineering I want to learn MSc degree in electrical engineering but I haven’t financial to learn MSc so if you have select to me please call me by phone number +251930498491

  7. My name is habtu ketele from science.I want to learn MSc degree in water resource engineering but I haven’t financial to learn MSc so if you have select to me please call me by phone number +251931519536 and

  8. My name is habtu ketele from meteorology science.I want to learn MSc degree in water resource engineering but I haven’t financial to learn MSc so if you have select to me please call me by phone number +251931519536 and

  9. Hello
    I’m Emal saboori from Kabul Afghanustan and I want continuou my master degree on Turkey’s university so I need a 100% scholarship possible helo me please?
    If it’s possible kindly Connect me .

  10. I need Ankara university
    Health science
    I graduate 4 years university of Health science Bosaso In somalia

  11. Am Adrael Daniel. Am grade 12 student. Am glad if I got the chance to learn abroad. Because a want a genuine change in my country because of me!!!!!
    My phone number is 0922492470

  12. I’m interested in your scholarship. I’m very happy . If that is will of god and yours call me on 09-27-28-19-67

  13. fentahun dejash mekonen from Ethiopian I have Bsc degree in agricultural (NaRM) I want to learn MSc degree in soil and water engineering but I haven’t financial to learn MSc so if you have select to me please call me by phone number +251917180899 email

  14. Hello I am Muhammad Ali from Afghanistan I graduated from school and I want continue my high education in Turkey if you select me I will become so happy cuz I love studying in Turkey country.

  15. I have BA degree in accounting and finance please help me and contact my phone No +251938386811

  16. Hello I am Muhammad Ali from Afghanistan I graduated from school and I want continue my high education in Turkey if you select me I will become so happy cuz I love studying in Turkey country.
    My phone number: +93773679912

  17. My name is nasrat ullah Nezami i am in university and I want registered in this programme my phone number is 0770433320

  18. Hello sir .
    I m electrical associate engineer. I Wana apply for bs economic . What’s the process. Send me information .

  19. I’m so glad to get this valuable chance and opportunity to apply this scholarship and able to know the situations of the Universities offered financial aids.

  20. KINDENEH HAILU ATIRFE from Ethiopia. I have BSC Degree in Construction Technology and Management from Ethiopian institute of Architecture,Building Construction and City Develoonent (EiABC), Addis Ababa University, march 10, 2017. I am working in government office, but I can’t pay for the MSC Programe. So I kindely ask to give me a scholarship opportunity. For detail information please don’t hastate to contact me.

  21. from school and I want my high education in Turkey if you select me I will become so happy studying in turkey country. my phone number 0905694876

  22. Hello, I am Nasra Abdirahman from somalia. I graduated from high school and I interedted scholership .I love studying in Turkey country.
    please help me
    My phone number: +252615281659

  23. My name is Jean Damascene Hakizimana from RWANDA,I studied in the university of RWANDA business and Economic, option of monetary Economic option,I want to continue Masters degree in Business or Economic. Please if you can help me to earn scholarship this my contacts, Email is and phone number is: +250788999860.

  24. slam alukum I’m from somalia and want to be adactor so I really need this schoĺarship

  25. I really want to go to abroad for well education and Turky as a Islamic country, I like this.

  26. Hello i’m ahmed abdalle i from somalia i undergtature student i need this opotunity becouse my parents are died I haven’t finace i would like to help me please cotact me +8801776549351

  27. my Dear Sir,
    my name is {Aliyu Nasir Adam}
    l am from nigeria l want to sutudy in turky am undergraduate .

  28. hello name is Alem Tesfay Nigusse from Ethiopia I have degree in international trade and investment managment and I have also Master in History so I need to further my education in one of these related coures if possible pease help me.

  29. I’m lolar ekeno from Ethiopia and I graduated by health officer. I interested to get this fully scholarship at your University…. Unless difficult for me to get chance coz of my background.

  30. Thank you I’m awrajaw abebe from Ethiopia in graguated by civil engineeing. So i’m interested for this scholarship.

  31. Dear Sir,
    My name is Alve Hasan.
    l am from Bangladesh. l want to sutudy in turky an undergraduate .

  32. My name’s Abdirashid Abdilahi from Somalia.
    Firstly, I would like to thank Turkish government who ready to help Muslim people around the world specially Somali people.
    My Allah Bless Turkish goverment.
    I have secondary certificate ,but I didn’t get university in my country due to financial problems, also I don’t have any one who ready to help me to continue my education Except Allah swc ,and I’m very interesting to pursue my education in Turkish universities so please and please help me how to achieve this golden opportunity.

  33. I AM MAMO SEFERA I’m interested in your scholarship. I’m very happy . If that is will of god and yours call me on+251922996933

  34. this is shehubeza hussen.I graduted from civil engineering.I want to learn my master degree in your univrsity.please contact me by phone number +251945587806

  35. Mamo Sefera from Ethiopian I have BA degree in Banking I want to learn MASTERS DEGREE but I haven’t financial to learn MSc so if you have select to me please call me by phone number +251922996933 email

  36. Hello MY name Tawakal Mohamed Esse I living Somalia specially Hargaysa north somalia I want to Get this opportunity i have Degree faculty of Civil engineering I want Master poragram specially Structure Eng thanks

  37. Date: March 25, 2019
    From: Damtew Degefe Merga from Ethiopian country
    Application for master’s program learning;
    To- Full Scholarship company
    Dear Sir/Madam;
    I am interested to apply for masters program from your organization and really I hope that without any hesitation your organization will accept my application. I am a holder of B.Sc. Degree by Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering. I kindly request you to consider my application positively. If you feel that I am suitable for this position then please feel free to contact me with the following addresses stated below whenever you desire.
    I hope that I am the person whom you are in need!!
    Thanks for your consideration!!!

    With best regards!
    Damtew Degefe Merga.
    Phone: +251966759383
    Face Book: Damtew Degefe

  38. Hi, my name is rahat jamal .i want to get this scholarship .my whatsapp number is +92 03426432617 please contact me to gave me more information about this scholarship

  39. I am from Afghanistan I am very poor I graduted from school but l can’t go to university if you help me I can call me

  40. Ahmed,Mohamed, Hassen
    Jigjiga Ethiopia

    Dear sir,
    Iam applying for free scholarship from your campus, highly interested to study MBA(master) of business Administration since I have studied field related to this I have graduated from jigjiga university in the depart ment of management with B.A. Degree on june-28/2014 also I have Diploma in accounting and finance on feb-5-2011 I have also graduated in jigjiga university
    Currently , iam working in jigjiga university in finance section particularly internal revenue iam kindly interested to study in your campus if you offer me free scholarship in either master of business administration or international finance my organization give me a chance to study in any university I have got this fore, iam interested to join your campus in the above department please sent to me any information about the admission of the campus and the department

    With best regard

  41. I’m interested and I graduated by health officer in public health profession… It could invite me to have fully funded scholarship?

  42. Mr .Mrs
    my name is rahmo farah adan Ilive in somliya reginonal Bosas bari
    Iam stuntes in Unives of U.E.A
    pales can you helpe pales

  43. How can I get full scholarship for undergraduate program..I want to study in Turkey..I just Love Turkey kindly guide me how can i get scholarship ?

  44. It’s my great ambition to study in Turkey
    I am Graduated from school and I want to finish my higher education in Turkey
    Thank you for this offer.

  45. my name is Asfandyar I need this scholarship for Undergraduate program please contact me 03117667488

  46. Hyyyy…. I m fiza…. It’s MY Desire To visit turkey…. I Want and need turkey scholarship for pharmacy undergrad student….. please consider my name.

  47. Hello I am Mohammad arif from Afghanistan I graduated from school and I want continue my high education in Turkey if you select me I will become so happy cuz I love studying in Turkey country.

  48. My full name is mohamed ahmed mohamed i graduated public health so i need master degree so if u can help me this scholarship i need it alot.thanks

  49. I need this scholarship please, I’ll do anything to get it, I need to study nursing

  50. hello my name is hamda form somalia i want this scholarship plz my phone is 0633077614

  51. Hello
    Can i get the scholarship. …??
    I’m a Diploma in Civil Engineering student. Please help me.

  52. Originally I am Somali boy who live in Kenya as a refugee and I have finished high level school last year and I looking for scholarship in Muslim countries due to lack of support from my family and I am interesting to learn at Turkey if there is any vaccance please contact me through this number +254796191499

  53. My name is Muhammad saifuddin Chowdhur. I am a graduate from Architecture subject.I need a scholarship for M arch.But I have not that much money to support my dream.Please help me on this rgard.My email address is
    saifuddinchy614@gmai. com

  54. Hello this is Hastings from Zambia,I am actually interested in your scholarship scheme

  55. My name is nasrat ullah Nezami I am 19 years old I am in university and I want registered in this programme my phone 0770433320

  56. My name is nasrat ullah Nezami I 19 years old and I want registered in this programme my phone number is 0770433320

  57. Hello my name is mana l am from Somalia l need to scholarship because l am poor my family is poor please give me this chance connect with my gmail

  58. My name’s mukhtar mohamed from somaliland.
    Firstly, I would like to thank Turkish government who ready to help Muslim people around the world specially Somali people.
    My Allah Bless Turkish goverment.
    I have secondary certificate ,but I didn’t get university in my country due to financial problems, also I don’t have any one who ready to help me to continue my education Except Allah swc ,and I’m very interesting to pursue my education in Turkish universities so please and please help me how to achieve this golden opportunity.
    Alla mahad leh

  59. Name.Mursal.Living Mogdishu Somalia.i graduated for secondary and.i.not Affort Degree Tuition so.kindly could you abourtuunity form.Kock.Univerty admin and principles

  60. MaY name khalid abib I congratulate hight school nd I went to study in turkey scholarship pleas help
    My wahts app 63 3397033 live in Hargeisa,SOMALILAND

  61. Hello
    My name is Mohamed Amiin Mohamed am from Somalia Am intresting for this approjunties
    Please contact me my phone number +252907688404

  62. I m really interested plz help mea for MS in chemistry, this is my childhood dreams but my father can’t offered my further education.

  63. Hi
    Thanks for giving us this apportunaty
    my name is Asma abdi lam from Somalia I graduated from secondary school I want scholarship connect me + 252633532872

  64. Hello I am Guyo Galma Godana from Ethiopia I graduated from school and I want continue my high education in Turkey if you select me I will become so happy cuz I love studying in Turkey country.
    My phone num: +251900143651

  65. My name is Anwar Rashad from pakistan
    I graduted from BS-Software Engineering. I want to learn my master degree in your univrsity.please contact me by phone number .

  66. I am really interesting to study at turkey as it’s an Islamic country ,I have finished high school 2017 and I am looking for scholarship upto now due to lack of support from my family and I am eagerly waiting appositive result from your side thanks in case there is any vaccance please contact me through this number +254722202355

  67. Hi lam abdulrawoof lfrom afghanistan i wash gat masters in litrcher faclity but lam poor puple.

  68. My name is mohammedsebir Alketa from Ethiopia I have a Bsc degree in nursing and am highly interested to learn my master program in my and any other related fields please help me and contact me on 0953918658/0931313517/

  69. Dear Sir/Madame,

    I’m Abdulah M. Kenneh from Liberia, I would like to apply for the undergraduate Koç University scholarship.

    Please email me with the link of the online application. I would also appreciate if you help me to get an admission.
    I look forward to receiving your reply soon.

    My email:

  70. My name Is Sadaq I am Interested Master Dgree please contact and Help Me Please .

  71. I’m Tawshiq Hassan. I am in need of this sscholarship. I’m Hardworking and stubborn. I just need a 100% scholarship. i promise to survey myself with honesty and respect.

  72. My names is hussein mohamed and i’m from somalia i’m ninteen years old i gratuated secondary school 2018 march so i want scholasrship degree if it’s possible thnks

  73. Its a golden chance to me to explore my knowledge for MS in applied microbiology.. so i want to avail this oppertunity

  74. Hello My name is Hamza Sohail. I have graduated in Computer Science. I am looking for scholarship program for my Master’s Degree in Computer Science

  75. Hi my name is M Sajid Masum I graduated from Tarım meslek fakültesi
    I want to edama ederim to master degree in your universities…
    Çönkü ben Türkeye ye gettim in 2010 may 18, Istanbül, Konye ve Ankara… ben Türkeye halklar çök seviyorüm çönkü çök musafırfarver dır…

  76. I’m interested in your scholarship. I’m very happy . If that is will of god and yours call me on +252633748271

  77. Hy my name is sumaira Aslam i am graduated in msc physical health & education i need a scholarship for masters in political science plz consider me if you have any opportunity.

  78. Hi my name is Mohammad saleh and residential of pakistan and my beloved country Turkey well i am from pakistan i am an orphan boy and father had been divorced my mother since our childhood, our father kicked us with our great mother from his home when we were kids and we are 3 siblings 2 bothers one sister she is married Alhumdolillah so i really need this scholarship to bright my future so that i would support my mother i have done matriculation in A grade from government school as well as i have done my intermediate from same school in A1 grade but unfortunately I didn’t have money to continue my study because i done my intermediate in pre engineering in 2015 i really need your this help and this opportunity so i will be thankful to you this biggest kinds i hope you will give me reply soon i will be waiting for you even I cannot pay visa cost

  79. I want a scholarship in master leading to PHD in chemistry i am very needy plz help me with this

  80. first my name is Idiriz Hazan i live in somalia i am somali specially hargeisa city I need that scholarship because of why i graduated in secondary school but i am not join or inter university because i am not able cost of university so i request brothers of turkey and universities of turkey to give me scholarship
    Thank u

  81. Hello i am Abdul latif buriro i have Msc degree in agriculture and i looking scholarship for PHD so kindly give me a opportunity for continues my study

  82. My name is apzack suleiman I graduated high school I want this scholarship am interest study in univesity of Turkey

  83. Am dereje from Ethiopia. I had bscin nursing and Mph in Reproductive health.please help me in any related field of health in Masters or Phd class.

  84. hi
    my name is Asma abdi lam from Somalia I graduated from secondary school I need full scholarship to continue my education

  85. hi
    my name is Asma abdi lam from Somalia I graduated from secondary school I need full scholarship
    connect me 252633532872

  86. I was gratuated from Dire dawa University by accounting and Finance departements.
    I’m interested in your scholarship

  87. Hello hi
    Muhammad Faizan
    From pakistan i want to study in turky in MS-medicinal chemistry because i have also much experiance in extraction of compounds from Herbal plants and also prepared Thesis on Thymis linearis plants during BS-chemistry

  88. my name is semhal,i have Bsc degree in public health.i am interestd to study Msc .thank you.

  89. My name uzame abdirizk ifrom in somlia iwant scholarship plz I need thanks you for your help

  90. Hello sir/madam ,
    Am zoulphat and i would love the opportunity of having this scholarship i really need it . Am from rwanda

  91. Hi my name is zamzam ibrahim awale from somalia I need scholarship please help me thanks

  92. Hello My name is Hamse mahmoud jama . I have graduated in Computer Science. I am looking for scholarship program for my Master’s Degree in Computer Science please help me

  93. My name is Mohsin Rasheed s/o Abdul Rasheed i am one of the talented student but can not affored for the higher education i want this scholarship please

  94. Application for master’s program learning;
    To- Full Scholarship company
    Dear Sir/Madam;
    I am a student currently pursuing bachelor of commerce at university of Nairobi, kenya iam currently taking my project this month to complete the course within April after that is when i will be given the transcript and iam also a refugee who is seeking your help. I am very much interested to apply for masters program from your organization and really I hope that without any hesitation your organization will accept my application. I kindly request you to consider my application positively. If you feel that I am suitable for this position then please feel free to contact me with my personal email which is
    I hope that I am the person whom you are in need!!
    Thanks for your consideration.

  95. Asalamu calaykum.
    Dear sir/ madam;
    I’m sophomore stundent at simad university
    I’m from somalia i want to study turki university medicine department of nursing becouse i have experience in 2 year.
    I’m very interested this opportunity.
    I kindly request you to consider my application positively. If you feel that i’m suitable for this position pleas contact me with my personal email which is
    Thanks for your consideration.

  96. Hello: Dear Sir/Madam
    My name is Abdiwali Abdikadir Ali I’m from Somalia I need scholarship So. Please and Please Help me How to get scholership….

    Thanks You

  97. Merhaba . My name is Muhammad imran im from pakistan I complete my collage now i want to continue my study Here ..

  98. Hi I am Adeeb ur Rehman from Pakistan (AJK) I want undergraduate scholarship in BS chemistry and nursing .I am very hopeful for my scholarship .I took 985/1100 marks in my intermediate.I think myself eligible for this scholarship.

  99. I am interested by these great chance. I have Bsc by Agricultural science , so i want to study Msc by these fields please help me 0947113724 Ethiopia

  100. I kindly asking for this offer cause I really need it,my family cannot afford the fees, I will be highly appreciate your concern with this+260970503812.zambia

  101. My name is Abdirizak Abdi kheyre I’m from Somalia I need scholarship So. Please and Please Help me How to get scholership….

    Thanks You

  102. My name is ibrahim nor Ali I’m from Somalia I need scholarship So. Please and Please Help me How to get scholership

  103. Dear Sir my name is Zebenay Gezahegn i am from Ethiopia , having a strong desire to upgrade my education i am a researcher , a microbiologist and pharmacist as well and published my work . if you give me the opportunities for PhD programs i will be very interested. With Regards.

  104. Hi my name is abdiwahab idriss mahamoud i’m from ethiopia i have finished my high school education i’m so intersted to that schoolarship contact me

  105. Hi’ My name is Mohamed Jama, I’m Student gratuated hight school 2017. I need this scholarship.


  106. Date: May 06, 2019
    From: Damtew Degefe Merga from Ethiopian country
    Application for master’s program learning;
    To- Full Scholarship company
    Dear Sir/Madam;
    I am interested to apply for masters program from your organization and really I hope that without any hesitation your organization will accept my application. I am a holder of B.Sc. Degree by Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering. I kindly request you to consider my application positively. If you feel that I am suitable for this position then please feel free to contact me with the following addresses stated below whenever you desire.
    I hope that I am the person whom you are in need!!
    Thanks for your consideration!!!

    With best regards!
    Damtew Degefe Merga.
    Phone: +251966759383
    +251935739476; Email:
    Face Book: Damtew Degefe

  107. My name is adesh . I finished my high school education here in Kenya with a good grade that enables me to pursue Degree so kindly assist me

  108. I graduated from school in 2018. and I am interested to get a scholarship.

  109. Hello i am ahmed from somalia i a need to getting schoolership plz contact me 252634886362

  110. my name is Jemal Hussen Abdella from Ethiopia I want to study masters program in public health in Turkish universities

  111. hi my name is ayan abdulle mohamud i’am students garduants high school I need this scholarships because my father was die and my mother was not money am.not able the costs of universal ilive in Somalia connect 252616699199 and email abdulleayan374

  112. My name is mohamed hassan i am from somalia just i live in istanbul, i wana shoolaship please and please help me if you can and thank you

  113. Hi’ my name is Mohamed Jama . I’m student graduated at high school, and I need this scholarship.
    Thank you.

  114. Ahmed,Mohamed, Hassen
    Jigjiga Ethiopia

    Dear sir,
    Iam applying for free scholarship from your campus, highly interested to study MBA(master) of business Administration since I have studied field related to this I have graduated from jigjiga university in the depart ment of management with B.A. Degree on june-28/2014 also I have Diploma in accounting and finance on feb-5-2011 I have also graduated in jigjiga university
    Currently , iam working in jigjiga university in finance section particularly internal revenue iam kindly interested to study in your campus if you offer me free scholarship in either master of business administration or international finance my organization give me a chance to study in any university I have got this fore, iam interested to join your campus in the above department please sent to me any information about the admission of the campus and the department

    With best regard

  115. Ahmed,Mohamed, Hassen
    Jigjiga Ethiopia

    Dear sir,
    Iam applying for free scholarship from your campus, highly interested to study MBA(master) of business Administration since I have studied field related to this I have graduated from jigjiga university in the depart ment of management with B.A. Degree on june-28/2014 also I have Diploma in accounting and finance on feb-5-2011 I have also graduated in jigjiga university
    Currently , iam working in jigjiga university in finance section particularly internal revenue iam kindly interested to study in your campus if you offer me free scholarship in either master of business administration or international finance my organization give me a chance to study in any university I have got this fore, iam interested to join your campus in the above department please sent to me any information about the admission of the campus and the department

    With best regard

  116. Hi I am Ahmed from Uganda I have finished my high school education I am so interested scholarship how to get this chance please help me my contact’s number +256791169963 imo WhatsApp thanks a lot

  117. Merhaba, I’m Ifrah Osman Ahmed from Somali, i have bachelor degree of finance and banking, and i want to prepare master degree, can you help me please, and thanks to give us chance to learn.

  118. I am a Nurse and i want to improve my knowledge i need master degrees in Nursing program.

  119. Hello Dear;
    My name is Naod Kassa from Ethiopia I have Bsc degree in Mathematics and Civil Engeneeing I want to study differential Calcules or any branch of Civil Engenerring. My phone number is +251973656500

  120. I have grade 12,i interest Islamic studies and I know holy Quran well,i am in Ethiopia.

  121. My name is Ahmed Mohamed hassen
    From Ethiopia
    Iam vary glade to get this golden chance which is free scholarship opportunity for this turkey

  122. Being award the chance to study further in my field at the university of canada.I would love to take this opportunely of your scholarship program.IF Iam accept as its my hope and prayer to study my graduated field and related field.and I have great interest to learn in your organization also apply for any related position
    With best regard

  123. I’m nurto Suleiman Mohamed i from Somalia i want to get free scholarships i bachelor student contact me +252616802338

  124. Hi! i am ziaulislam from afghanistan.
    I am gratuated from electrical engineering faculty and want to study more , if you have master scholarship in electrical engineering please inform me.

  125. I am nurto Suleiman Mohamed i from Somalia i need scholarships i am poor student i like to get free scholarships please help me contact +252616802338

  126. hi ! I am mohamed seeraar from somalia i want chanse to study political sience and i need scholarship please give me a chanse i hope you will give me that chanse thnks for reading my comment

  127. Hi my name osmaan hazzan abdi Aziz
    Am somali young
    I need this scholarship
    I want higher education
    My country poor education
    I graduated my school secondary
    So help me
    Turkey is the best country

  128. my name is shafie Hassan Ali
    I my self live somalia
    I want this scholarship so as to get high education in abroad
    I would like to learn medicine and surgery
    Iam requesting you to allow this scholarship

  129. I am farhiya ali ahmed i from Somalia i need scholarships i am poor student i like to get free scholarships please help me contact +252615303745

  130. Hello my name is abdi wasac iam student who need to find a full scholarship in this universities. and my family they can’t puy my fee in the university level pleas if there is supports support me how i can find good quality education i want untill PHD PLEASE your support is may gaol

  131. Hi am Obert Mudau am an undergraduate student need to a scholarship to study abroad

  132. Hello.
    My name is syeda zainab and I am in last semester of BSSE(Software Engineering). I want this scholarship please help me and contact me please?

  133. Hi ma’am or sir I’m Sagal Mohamed Yusuf from Somalia. I’m so happy to get this opportunity .
    Really I like to study in Turkey. Thank you for the opportunity. Contact me

  134. My name is Mohamed Faid i life in Somalia iwant education scholarship please answer help me

  135. I need schoolership in turkey I’m from Somalia I like this country I hope one day I will come my next country I need master Education And I know little Turkish language like teşekkür ederim

  136. Great to read about the universities.. I wanna do MBBS to be a successful member and to serve humanity..

  137. I am in Somalia especially in the city of Mogadishu
    I am a medical professional with Bachelor Nursing
    and also worked for many years
    I hope we will be able to answer my request

  138. I need scholarships learning in Turkey if you have volunteered please select me. I’M from Ethiopia

  139. I need computer sciense scholarship to your country if you need any volunteers please select me.
    Thanks for your attention in your service Mohammad jawad fatulahi.

  140. Frist i wanto to help me because i wanto to learn university and i dont i have the mony i am soomaali iam muslim person the goverment of turkey what i can hell me help me help me as soon as as possible

  141. I am student that life in somalia my hope to study in Turkey in eduction to scholarship bachelor degree please receiving that

  142. Hello my name is abdishakur i am 20 years old my comment is to learn some thing i am somali somalia university is so expensive iam vapourish person insha allah i want to doctor in the future

  143. Benim adım Deka Abdi Ali 22 years somaliyim I want full master scholarship from Istanbul University Turki for the sake of low fanancial and I hope to accept my request inşa allah


  145. ASALLAMU caleykum my name ikranhusseinmohamed I’m student UNIVERSITY I’m life somali Muqdisho I went scholarship PLEASE read every time

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