Inlaks Scholarship, an Opportunity Available for Numerous Fields of Study

Inlaks Scholarship
Photo: @jopwell on

About the Foundation

In 1976 Indoo Shivdasani formed the Inlaks Foundation to integrate his current philanthropic activities and also provide a fixed, independent group to extend such activities. The association has now been called Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation.

The Foundation emphasizes on providing impressive young Indians with scholarships, grants, and awards in various fields to allow them to improve their technical, science, creative, and cultural skills, both internationally and in India. It puts an emphasis itself on being accessible to a wide variety of topics, many of which are not addressed by the other donation-giving institutions. More than 460 academics have gained from abroad scholarships throughout the last several decades, while about 600 others have won prizes and take-off grants both in India and abroad.

The Inlaks alumni list is a summary of the variety of academics the Foundation has sponsored. Today many are world leaders in their respective fields.

Recognizing and acknowledging individual talent is central to the Inlaks strategy. The Foundation is looking for the uncommon, searching for the unique and talented pointing men. And once reassured, the Foundation is doing whatever it can to promote the nominee.

The Inlaks Research and Travel Grant was developed by the Foundation in 2008 to allow registered Indian university PhD students to conduct short-term visits to universities internationally to collect resources, utilize amenities and discuss with professionals.

The Foundation promotes the factors of conservation and biodiversity that have contributed to the Inlaks Ravi Sankaran (RS) system being established. The foundation funds three types of activities within this program: work towards a Master’s degree at an institution abroad; an internship with an institution abroad; and analysis or development initiatives within India.

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Indian art has enjoyed a vibrant and thriving existence worldwide in the last few decades, although the financial support for young artists joining the realm has remained minimal. In 2012 the Fine Arts Award was strengthened with all that in consideration and artist fellowships were provided to talented emerging artists as part of the award.

In many ways the Foundation has stepped up its funding for the arts. An annual Curatorial Lab at JNU School of Arts and Aesthetics was financially supported. Artists and curators as well as performers and choreographers are given fellowships, both in India and abroad. Support is shared for young artists and curators, with the ability to show. The ITP program run by the British Museum assists the museum staff.

The Foundation used to have collaborations at Kings ‘ College London with the Kings ‘ India University, Goldsmith’s, London and with LAMDA.

The Foundation has provided assistance to colleges and hospitals in Bangalore, Pune, and Mumbai.

Inlaks Scholarship Overview

Inlaks Scholarships are awarded to promising young Indian candidates to study for a full-time Bachelor, M.Phil or a Doctorate degree at highest-rated American, European and British universities.

The Foundation has collaborative scholarship programs through the Cambridge Trust, Sciences Po, Paris, with Imperial College London, Royal College of Art (RCA) London, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) London, University of Cambridge.

The Foundation does not, however, grant Inlaks Scholarship in the following subject areas:

  • Business Studies
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering
  • Fashion Design
  • Film and Film Animation
  • Medicine, Dentistry and related therapies
  • Music
  • Public Health.

Nevertheless, Inlaks Scholarship for Engineering and Natural Sciences will be granted in the case of Imperial College, London. Indian Studies is considered as a topic, only if it is of contemporary relevance. Also qualifications for degrees of Western Classical singing are regarded in the area of Music. Also submissions for Documentary Filmmaking are accepted for Video.

Inlaks Scholarship is granted for launch in September or October afterwards in May. Any scholarship not begun within 9 months of receipt will be revoked.


  • At the time of applying for a scholarship, the Inlaks Scholarship is open to all Indian citizens who have been permanently resident in India for the past six months.
  • In the year of qualification applicants may be a limit of 30 years old.
  • Applicants are required to hold a first class or comparable degree from an accredited university / institution in India.
  • Applicants eligible for art and design awards (fine / performing arts) will be evaluated solely by their portfolio.
  • Nominees who are Indian residents who keep a decent bachelor’s degree from a reputable institution overseas must have continuously resided or been working or have been studying in India for at least two years, after their return to India in order to qualify for Inlaks Scholarship.
  • Candidates with a postgraduate qualification from an institution abroad (e.g., Master’s or PhD) are not eligible for benefits. Candidates who have already commenced their doctoral education at an overseas university are also not able to apply.
  • Previous access to the organization and course selected at the time of request is necessary. The Foundation will not accept candidates without admission or approval pending.
  • The candidates for the Inlaks Scholarship must be excellent academically or otherwise and the Foundation will need the exact evidence.
  • The candidates are assessed not just on their current accomplishments but also about their potential for the future. As much as success, the Foundation focuses itself on evaluating capability.
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How to Apply

  • Applications for the fellowship must be submitted online on the website-accessible platform through They will not accept any physical application forms.
  • The site will be available from 16 January, and the deadline for uploading the full details is 12 pm on 31 March.
  • Just one application is approved per candidate.
  • Applicants applying in the fields of design, fine and applied arts and relevant subjects should submit their portfolios as a PDF file or post a portfolio website / online link.
  • Applicants for video, dance, acting and music (Western classical singing) must also upload their portfolio via the web.
  • A detailed summary of all the support provided for the course must be made. In case the fund offer comes out after the submission has been sent, the Foundation will need to be notified in writing by email.
  • If you have qualified for another course that you weren’t submitting for scholarship to the Inlaks at the same institution or another university and have a funding offer from outside, you must claim the same issue even if it is not your intent to make use of the grant.
  • Two reference letters are required, one of which must be scientific research. The letters of recommendation are preferred to be uploaded with your application. However, should your referee wish to send the letter to in confidence they should email it. The subject line must read as follows: Reference Letter | Name of Applicant | Email Address of Applicant.
  • In the case that the referees give the references directly, a word document should be submitted instead of the reference letter specifying the name, the name of the referees and the date by which the reference is required. This stage is necessary for final submission of the document.

Deadline of Inlaks Scholarship

By 12 pm, 31 March 2020

Contact Information

Link to Official Website

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