Top 11 Online Courses for Python to Take This Year

Looking to learn Python? You’re in luck! There are tons of awesome resources available. But if you’re after the best online courses for Python, you’ve hit the jackpot! In this article, we’ve got a list of top-notch Python courses for you. No time to waste, let’s dive in and get learning!

Online Courses for Python
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Top Online Courses for Python You Can Take at Your Own Pace

Python, the go-to programming language for beginners, is a smart choice to learn this year. It’s super versatile and used in tons of cool fields like data science, artificial intelligence, and web dev.

That’s why Python professionals are in high demand. According to Indeed, the national average salary for a Python developer is $114,486 per year in the U.S. If you want to jump on the Python train, we’ve got some excellent course options for you. Let’s take a look at them together!

1. Programming for Everybody (University of Michigan)

The Coursera course “Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)” is one part of a larger program called Python for Everybody Specialization from the University of Michigan.

This course teaches you the basics of Python and gives you a solid foundation in programming. It’s perfect for beginners and people who don’t have any programming experience. We can say it’s like a warm welcome into the world of coding!

You don’t need any fancy math skills to join; basic arithmetic will do just fine. Once you finish the course, you’ll be all set to dive into more advanced programming stuff.

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2. Python for Beginners (FreeCodeCamp)

If you’re a beginner interested in Python, FreeCodeCamp’s Python for Beginners course on YouTube is a total gem—and guess what? It’s completely free! No wonder it’s one of the best free online courses for Python available.

With a runtime of about five hours, the course is neatly divided into chapters for easy navigation. It’s designed to give you a solid foundation in Python by covering the fundamentals.

Not only that, but you’ll also tackle two projects, learning to write code line by line. Looking for a snappy and hassle-free way to dip your toes into Python? This class is a top contender among online Python courses for beginners.

3. An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Rice University)

Designed for students with minimal computing knowledge, “An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python” teaches the basics of creating interactive applications in Python. A bit of high school math background, like Pythagoras’ theorem, comes in handy.

What sets this course apart is its project-based approach, pushing you to build and explore from scratch—an invaluable skill for real-world developers.

Fair warning, though: this beginner course won’t be a cakewalk. The instructors believe in tackling challenging tasks for faster learning (and they’re right!). So, be ready to invest a considerable amount of effort to conquer this course.

4. Crash Course on Python (Google Career Certificates)

Google’s Python crash course on Coursera is a top pick for beginners seeking the best Python course. It’s about 26 hours long, covering everything from syntax basics to OOP, giving you a solid foundation. With exercises to practice and a final project to showcase your skills, it’s a practical way to learn Python.

Plus, you can add it to your portfolio if you’re eyeing developer positions. This course is like finding a hidden gem for your coding journey.

5. Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

This course aims to give you a taste of various computer science topics, covering a wide range without going too deep. It’s all about showing you what’s possible when using computation to achieve specific goals in your studies or career. Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python is designed to replicate the challenging and thorough experience you’d have at MIT.

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Now, here’s the catch: you should have a basic grasp of high school algebra and be ready to face some math because this computer science course won’t shy away from it.

6. Python Full Course (Programming with Mosh)

When it comes to learning programming, Programming with Mosh on YouTube is a real winner, with a whopping 2.4 million subscribers. Their Python Tutorial for Beginners is a treasure trove of knowledge, covering all aspects of Python.

Most importantly, people rave about how it boosted their skills and careers. Not only does the course dive into various Python topics, but it also throws in some cool DIY projects to solidify your understanding.

And the cherry on top? It won’t cost you a dime to watch this fantastic course, making it one of the most-sought after free online courses for Python.

7. Intro to Python for Data Science (DataCamp)

DataCamp’s Intro to Python for Data Science course lives up to its name, focusing on Python specifically for data science. Whether you’re aiming to dive into data science or just curious about it, this course is perfect for you. It’s divided into four chapters, each lasting about an hour.

And here’s the fun part: after each lesson, you get to put your knowledge into action through exercises. The best part? You can code right in your browser using DataCamp’s programming environment, so you can start with minimal setup.

Additionally, if you’re seeking an intensive immersion into data science, consider checking out the Data Science Course. This comprehensive boot camp offers a deep dive into the world of data science, ensuring you’re well-equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge.

8. Learn Intermediate Python Nanodegree Program (Udacity)

Udacity courses team up with top experts and tech companies, making their certificates highly respected by employers. If you’re an experienced learner, the Learn Intermediate Python Nanodegree Program is perfect. It’s a challenging course you can complete in two months, dedicating ten hours per week.

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This advanced Python training covers command-line skills, Python scripts, the Python standard library, Flask web development, REST APIs, OOP, app development, and more. Each module wraps up with projects to reinforce your knowledge and enhance your portfolio.

9. Using Python for Research (Harvard University)

Harvard University’s Using Python for Research course on edX is here to save the day for researchers who know a bit of Python but have no clue how to use it. This course bridges the gap between beginner and advanced Python courses, specifically tailored for research purposes.

You’ll learn essential Python modules like NumPy and SciPy, along with statistical learning. It’s time to transform from a mere knower to a doer, applying your newfound skills in real-world scenarios.

The course spans 5 weeks, with a commitment of 2 to 4 hours per week. You’ll have access to video lectures, project materials, and homework assignments to keep you engaged.

10. Python Essential Training (LinkedIn Learning)

Looking for a speedy introduction to Python? Online courses, like this one from LinkedIn Learning, got you covered. In just over 4 hours, you’ll grasp all the essentials of Python.

Python Essential Training starts with a nifty quickstart, covering variables, types, operators, data structures, control flow, classes, objects, and functions. Also, you’ll tackle error handling, threads, processes, and IO with files.

If you’re new to Python, they even teach you how to install it. To keep things interactive, they’ve thrown in quizzes and exercises to test your understanding after each section.

11. Python Certification Training Course (Edureka)

Edureka’s Python Certification Training Course is a top pick among the best online courses for Python you can find if you’re aiming for a guided learning experience and a Python certification.

It’s like going to college, but all online! The program spans four weeks, with live classes that you can attend from the comfort of your home. You’ll dive into the Python essentials, like variables, control structures, data structures, and iteration.

Once you’ve mastered those skills, it’s project time! You’ll tackle real-life projects to showcase your newfound expertise.

Final Words

Python remains a top choice for beginners diving into programming. It’s widely used and versatile. If you’re considering learning Python, taking a Python course is a smart move.

That’s why we’ve got you covered with the 11 best online courses for Python. Our list includes both free and paid options, catering to all skill levels. Whether you’re a complete newbie or an experienced developer looking to expand your language repertoire, there’s a course for you.

Python not your cup of tea? No worries! We’ve got you covered with our list of cyber security courses instead.

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