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Eagle Scout (Boy Scouts of America) is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Scouts BSA program of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Since its inception in 1911, only four percent of Scouts have earned this rank after a lengthy review process. The Eagle Scout rank has been earned by over 2.5 million youth.
The rank of Eagle Scout may be earned by a Scout who:
- has been a Life Scout for at least 6 months
- has earned a minimum of 21 merit badges
- has demonstrated Scout Spirit, and
- has demonstrated leadership within their troop, crew or ship
Additionally, he plan, develop, and lead a service project – the Eagle Project – that demonstrates both leadership and a commitment to duty.
After all requirements are met, he must complete an Eagle Scout board of review. The board of review can be completed up to 3 months after their 18th birthday as long as all other requirements are completed before their 18th birthday.
Venturers and Sea Scouts who attained First Class as a Scout may continue working toward the Star, Life and Eagle Scout ranks, as well as Eagle Palms, while registered as a Venturer or Sea Scout up yo their 18th birthday. Scouts with permanent mental or physical disability may use alternate requirements based on abilities, if approved by the council.
With the introduction of Scouts BSA and the acceptance of girls, the age limit for Eagle Scout may be extended. New youth members, girls or boys, 16 years of age or older, but not yet 18 who join in acceptable periods may request an extension to complete the Eagle Scout Award requirements after they turn 18 years of age.
Eagle Scouts are expected to set an example for other Scouts and to become the leaders in life that they have demonstrated themselves to be in Scouting. They are disproportionately represented in the military, service academy graduates, in higher education and academia, major professions, the clergy, business and politics. Eagles are more likely to exercise for 30 minutes or more every day, volunteer for religious and non-religious organizations, have closer relationships with family and friends, be in a leadership position at their place of employment or local community, donate money to charitable groups, and to work with others to improve their neighborhoods.
Academic scholarships can be awarded to Eagle Scouts based upon academic, financial need and Scouting participation. The general application requirement for the Scout is to have a minimum score of 1290 on the SAT Reasoning Test or 28 on the ACT.
In this article, you will find scholarships for Eagle Scouts that can provide financial assistance for your post-secondary studies.
NESA Scholarships
The National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) is an organization of individuals who have earned the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America. NESA’s stated objective is to serve Eagle Scouts and, through them, the entire movement of Scouting.
NESA allows Eagle Scout alumni to continue to stay in touch with BSA programs, hear positive stories about the BSA’s impact on the community, and learn the latest methods provided by Scouting to transform the lives of young men and women through the tenets of leadership, character development, citizenship, and physical fitness. NESA is also an outlet for alumni under the common banner of Scouting, which may include increasing business connections and participating in service to the BSA or other organizations.
NESA also assists Eagle Scouts with their educational pursuits whether it be at a four-year university, vocational trade school or field study opportunities.
If you are an Eagle Scout and you are looking for funds for post-secondary education, NESA’s Eagle Scout scholarships may be exactly what you need.
There are three types of scholarships for Eagle Scouts provided by NESA: academic, merit, and the field study. The scholarship window for all scholarships is August 1st through October 31st (ending at midnight Central Standard Time).
Academic Scholarships
Academic scholarships weigh academic performance, school and Scouting participation and financial need. These scholarships include a range of scholarships, up to four $25,000 scholarships (payable at $6,250 per year for four years), one $48,000 scholarship (payable at up to $12,000 per year for four years), and a $50,000 STEM scholarship for an Eagle Scout planning to major in a science, technology, engineering, or math field.
To be eligible for NESA’s Academic Scholarship, you must meet the following requirements:
- Score a minimum of 1290 in SAT or at least 28 in ACT
- Must apply during senior year of high school. Exception: Scouts whose Eagle Scout boards of review were held after October 31 of their senior year may apply during the next scholarship cycle in the following year – even though they may be in college by this time.
- Winners may receive an academic scholarship one time only
Merit Scholarships
Merit Scholarships for Eagle Scouts weigh academic performance, school and Scouting participation, and community service. These awards cover the $2,000 and $4,000 Bailey scholarships, the $2,500 Robert and Rebeca Palmer scholarships, and the $5,000 Hall / McElwain scholarships. This also includes the Adams Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year.
Winners may receive a merit scholarship one time only. Applicants may apply multiple times (except for the Adams Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year) beginning as a graduating high school senior through junior year of college or with one year remaining at a vocational trade school in each scholarship window.
NESA World Explorer
The NESA World Explorer program is a field study scholarship program that weighs academic performance, school participation, community involvement, and passion for respective field study experience. These awards vary by opportunity, but cover majority of costs such as travel, lodging, and registration for select NESA World Explorer field research trips. NESA World Explorer field research trips are conducted around the globe over the course of 1-2 weeks.
Winners may receive a field study scholarship one time only. Applicants may apply multiple times for multiple opportunities from 18 years old to 35 years of age in each scholarship window.
Go to the NESA Scholarships website to find out more about the Eagle Scout scholarships.
Arthur M. & Berdena King Scholarships for Eagle Scouts
The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution offers the Arthur M. & Berdena King Eagle Scout Scholarship to all Eagle Scouts who are currently registered in Scouting and have not reached their 19th birthday. The competition is typically entered at the chapter level, although it may be entered at the state level in some cases.
To apply for this Eagle Scout scholarship program, applicants must submit a 500-word patriotic essay and a four-generation ancestor chart. Qualification for membership in the Sons of the American Revolution is not required.
The Arthur M. & Berdena King Eagle Scout Scholarship amounts variously; one $10,000 scholarship, one $6,000 scholarship, and one $4,000 scholarship. These Eagle Scout scholarships may also be awarded at the state and local levels.
These Eagle Scout scholarships deadline vary by state and chapter. Applicants with specific questions should contact the SAR department in their state. Contact information appears on the SAR website at To go directly to the scholarship page, click here.
Emmet J. Doerr Memorial Distinguished Scout Scholarship
The National Catholic Committee on Scouting annually awards scholarships to five outstanding Catholic young men or women who are high school seniors and currently registered and active in Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting, or Venturing.
To be eligible for these Eagle Scout scholarships, applicants must:
- have earned the Eagle Scout Award or the Silver Award
- have earned the Ad Altare Dei or Pope Pius XII religious emblem
- have held a Scouting leadership position, and
- have served in his or her home parish
Each of the five Eagle Scout scholarship amounts at $2,000. These Eagle Scout scholarships deadline is on January 31, every year.
Learn more at Application and details on the Eagle Scout scholarship program can be found on the Scholarship page.
Institution-Specific Scholarships for Eagle Scouts
Abilene Christian University Venturing and Scouting Leadership Scholarship
The Abilene Christian University Venturing and Scouting Leadership Scholarship is one of the most recommended institution-specific Eagle Scout scholarships. this annually renewable award ranges from $1,000 to $5,000 per student and is available to incoming freshmen who have received the Eagle Scout Award, Venturing Silver Award, or Sea Scouting Quartermaster Award.
Find out the details on the scholarship’s website
Bill Cotter ’73 Sponsored Scholarship
Each year, incoming freshmen in any major at Clarkson University, from any geographic area will be eligible for the Bill Cotter ’73 Sponsored Scholarship. the successful recipient will show evidence of excellence and leadership as a member of the Boy Scouts or America. The award will not be renewed past the freshman year. Each scholarship is worth $1,000.
For more information, visit the Clarkson University’s website at, or go to for inquiries.
University of Mississippi Eagle Scout Scholarship
Scholarships for Eagle Scouts by the University of Mississippi are given to entering freshmen or community college transfer students who have reached the Eagle Scout rank. The amount of each scholarship varies as the following:
- $6,000 ($1,500 per year) for freshmen
- $3,000 ($1,500 per year) for community college transfers
Find out more about this scholarships for Eagle Scouts on the University of Mississippi website.
These scholarships for Eagle Scouts may applicable for you in any states below.
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
PennsylvaniaRhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Is it applicable to African citizens
Am from Congo kishansa. Am the victim of the post war in our community, was looking forward to get an opportunity to pursue my University education but due to the outcome of the war we have come to loose the people who ever supported us , my 3brothers and 2sisters now we are hopeless, am figuring out the only way to overcome this long nightmare is to become a global ambassador for peace and Justice. Now am having a dream to go to university and come back to help out this nation. Thanks best regards mugisho birere Bob
No, it’s only for United States citizens.
We are so sorry to hear that. Don’t lose hope. You can achieve what you dream. Learn and learn to improve your skills and knowledge. Good luck!
First I greet you all the administration team and chief of the Scholarship universities,
After the greetings, I would like to thank the donors for this invaluable scholarship, as we are the ones who do not have the opportunity to complete their education and do not have enough resources and diplomatic relations in all respects.
Yet we live in a very, very poor society and are moving towards a decent standard of living with adequate education and a prosperous future that will now pave the way for this.
I am saying to you, please consider my request as we are a person who needs your support and thank you.
Wish you all the best.
Sincerely your
Hassan Omar Khadhib