20 Scholarships to Study in Belgium for International Students

You can study in Belgium on full or partially financed scholarships. Government of Belgium and Universities in Belgium offer scholarships to international students and also students from  home country consistently.

There are various scholarship programs in Belgium for international students, explicitly for those from developing countries. The Belgian Government, in their endeavors towards improvement collaboration, offers scholarships to international students wishing to seek after further educations in Belgium.

study in belgium

In this summary, we have recorded some best Ph.D. scholarships, Masters scholarships, and undergraduate level scholarships in Belgium. So, without further ado, let us check the list down below.

1. VLIR-UOS Training and Masters Scholarships

VLIR-UOS scholarships to students from chosen developing countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America to seek after a Training or Master’s Program identified with advancement at Universities in Belgium. The scholarships cover education cost, accommodation, stipend, travel expenses, and other program-related expenses.

Official Link: https://www.vliruos.be/en/scholarships/6

2. Government of Flanders Master Mind Scholarships for International Students

The Government of Flanders dispatches another scholarship program, Master Mind Scholarships that expects to advance the internationalization of the Flemish Higher Education. It grants up to 35 scholarships to remarkable Master students from all nations. The approaching student is granted a scholarship of a maximum of 7,500 Euros per scholarly year. The Flemish Host Institution can ask the candidate for an education cost of a maximum of 100 Euros every year.

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Official Link: http://www.studyinflanders.be/en/scholarship-programmes/master-mind-scholarships/

3. Erasmus Mundus Programs in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation 

Study awards are granted for Erasmus Mundus Master’s degrees and doctorate degrees at Belgian Universities.

Official Link: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/opportunities/individuals/students/erasmus-mundus-joint-master-degrees_en

4. Science@Leuven Scholarships for International Students

The Science@Leuven Scholarship is for inspired and skilled international students, keen on taking an interest in a global master program of the Faculty of Science of the K.U.Leuven. The measure of the scholarship can be as much as 10,000 Euros for one year. The scholarship will consistently cover the education cost for one year, the protection, and a fundamental medical coverage inclusion. The sum granted for everyday costs can differ.

Official Link: http://wet.kuleuven.be/english/scienceatleuvenscholarship

5. Ghent University Master Grants for Developing Countries

Ghent University gives Top-up Grants to applicants from all nations on the OESO-DAC list who wish to acquire a graduate degree at Ghent University. In 2018, the call might be open for new students applying for a master or doctoral program educated in English. The grant comprises of a stipend of 654 Euros for every month and in with no reservation’s protection.

Official Link: https://www.ugent.be/en/research/funding/devcoop/grants-scholarships/top-up-grants#AbouttheTop-upGrant

6. Lord Heritage Foundation Scholarships for International Students 

Lord University offers scholarships for both EU and non-EU students who wish to study a Master’s Degree or Ph.D. Degree at the university.

Official Link: https://www.enseignement.uliege.be/cms/c_9194280/en/bourses-et-fondations

7. ARES Scholarships

Every year, the ARES gives a normal of 150 master scholarships and 70 training scholarships through courses to nationals of developing countries. The scholarship covers global travel costs, living expenses, education costs, protection, lodging stipend, and so forth.

Official Link: https://www.ares-ac.be/en/cooperation-au-developpement/scholarships/masters-and-training-programmes-in-belgium

8. Belgian American Education Foundation Fellowships

The Belgian American Educational Foundation energizes applications from natives or lasting occupants of the United States for fellowships for advanced study or research during one scholastic year at a Belgian University or establishment of higher learning. The B.A.E.F. will grant up to ten partnerships; each conveying a stipend of 27,000 USD for Master’s or Ph.D. students or 31,000 USD for Post-doctoral Fellows.

Official Link: http://www.baef.be/documents/fellowships-for-us-citizens/study-res-fellow.-for-us-citizen-.xml?lang=en

9. JACK and JONES Scholarship

Do you make progress toward proficient improvement and need some assistance to arrive at it? At that point, do not sit around idly. To apply for the JACK and JONES Scholarship that is planning to help three motivated and inspiring students with a scholarship of 1,000 Euros each.

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Official Link: https://www.jackjones.com/gb/en/jj/scholarship/

10. European Central Bank “Women in Economics Scholarship”  

Is it true that you are a woman considering taking on a Master’s in financial aspects at a college or business college in Europe? Provided that this is true, the Women in Economics Scholarship could be for you.

The subsidizing is proposed to help account the beneficiaries’ educations. Successful competitors additionally have the chance to visit the European Central Bank to increase knowledge into their front-line look, and to find out about the profession openings they offer.

The financial matter is a differing field. They invite applications from students who are keen on an expansive scope of points – not constrained to central banking.

Official Link: https://www.ecb.europa.eu/careers/what-we-offer/wecs/html/index.en.html?utm_source=scholarshipportal.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=05092019_womenineconomics

11. Wallonia-Brussels International Excellence Grants (Post-Doctorate)

Wallonia-Brussels International (WBI) is an open authority depended on the worldwide relations of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels. In a setting of more noteworthy portability and globalization, for quite a while now WBI has been running a program of excellence grants that makes it conceivable to get foreign specialists in universities of Wallonia and Brussels.

Official Link: http://wbi.be/en/services/service/obtaining-grant-excellence-pursue-high-level-education-wallonia-brussels-0#.U15Ff1RV3AU

12. AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie) Grants

A few sorts of grants are offered to cultivate the portability of students, scientists, and educators: Master’s grants, proficient temporary job grants, social entry-level position grants, doctoral grants, and research specialization grants (post-doctoral), research specialization grants (barring post-doctorate), training specialization grants, etc. Interested people must be appropriately enlisted in an advanced education foundation that is an individual from the AUF (Agency Universitaire de la Francophonie). For more data about the timetable and determination criteria, counsel the site of the AUF territorial office nearest to your host foundation.

Official Link: https://www.auf.org/auf/en-bref/anglais/auf-brief/

13. The UNESCO Fellowships Programs

Fellowships are a compelling methodology for UNESCO to upgrade the HR and limit the working of Member States, particularly developing countries. The fellowship is uncommonly customized training that is intended to give qualified people rehearsing or planning to rehearse a calling in the field of the UNESCO program that needs a chance to get extra and reasonable training.

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Official Link: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/fellowships

14. FWO Ph.D. Fellowship in Strategic Basic Research in Belgium  

The FWO is offering Ph.D. Fellowship in Strategic Basic Research to study in Belgium. Fellowships are accessible for international students. A Ph.D. fellowship strategic basic research enables youthful analysts to form into deliberately thinking and development arranged researchers.

Official Link: https://www.fwo.be/en/fellowships-funding/phd-fellowships/phd-fellowship-strategic-basic-research/

15. Elisabeth and Amelie Grants

The Elisabeth and Amelie Fund by the King Baudouin Foundation means to actuate another type of help for maintainable water management in developing countries by financing on-the-spot entry-level positions for students from developing countries who are studying in Belgium.

Official Link: https://www.kbs-frb.be/

16. Hasselt University Masters of Transportation Sciences Scholarships  

The International Course Program (ICP) train students to recognize transportation and street security issues to make creative arrangements by utilizing an integrative methodology dependent on three columns: the individual, nature, and the general public. Street security in this program is drawn closer as a cross-fringe field, joining components of brain research, economy, urban arranging, ecological studies, engineering and many more.

Official Link: https://www.uhasselt.be/UH/instruction/ICP-Scholarship-Program-Road-Safety-in-the-South.html

17. Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) Ph.D. Scholarships for Developing Countries

The Catholic University of Louvain is Belgium’s biggest French-speaking university. It is situated in Louvain-la-Neuve which was explicitly worked to house the university. UCL has satellite grounds in Brussels, Charleroi, Mons, and Tournai. The Ph.D. scholarship for students from developing countries mirrors its desire not exclusively to help reinforce the scholarly frameworks of developing countries yet, also, to make new associations among UCL and research or advanced education establishments in these nations.

Official Link: https://uclouvain.be/en/examine/phd-scholarships.html

18. MISF Du Pré Grants for Multiple Sclerosis Researchers from Developing Countries

MISF offers Du Pré Grants to MS scientists from developing countries to empower them to make short visits to build up MS research focuses outside their nation, either to gain from one another or to do portions of joint research ventures. The point is to empower cross-treatment of aptitudes through communitarian research ventures. Two of the yearly scholarships are upheld by Stichting MS Research (the Dutch MS Research Foundation).

Official Link: https://www.msif.org/research/awards-grants-and-fellowships/du-pre-grants/

19. Worldwide Society for Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD) Fellowship for Developing Countries – Belgium

The motivation behind the program is to advance the attention to peritoneal dialysis by urging qualified people to expand their insight and aptitude of peritoneal dialysis by visiting a focal point of excellence for as long as three months. Each scholarship beneficiary is required to present a short synopsis of their experience within three months after fulfillment of the visit and how they feel their experience will help them on their arrival to their home establishment and nation. The inclination is given to the advancement of peritoneal dialysis in developing countries.

Official Link: https://ispd.org/ispd-colleagues/

20. European Development Days Young Leaders Program

The European Commission is searching for 15 remarkable youngsters from over the world, with demonstrated responsibility and network commitment, to speak to the work and effect on improvement accomplished by youth. Youngsters are ‘movers and shakers’ in their networks and nations, and are critical to comprehending the general difficulties sketched out in the EDD 2018 program.

Official Link: https://eudevdays.eu/young-leaders

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19 thoughts on “20 Scholarships to Study in Belgium for International Students

  1. Hello its Awal Khan Ahmadzai from Afghanistan I graduate from 14th I want be come a good Doctor I want to goto Belgium for more Study

  2. Hi, i’am alif hussen from Ethiopian , i have degree in law and i want to study more so, please help me6

  3. Hello im asaye girma from ethiopia i have BA degree in economics and if you could give me this chance i am great full to you in order to study more

  4. I am interested in this scholarship, but I did not see the eligibility put for some countries like what some Universities do
    Second, how can I apply in case my country and I are eligible for this open scholarship?

    Master holder, need other Master in Public Administration or Ph.D. in the same discipline or in any related course


  5. Am Ibrahim from Tanzania asking if there is a full sponsored escholarship for undergraduate students in bachelor level in Masscom???

  6. It is good to give the chance to learn for these students who have financial problem to attend their masters programm. I am the one who wants to learn my maters but i have not finance to attend , so that this opportuity may also give me the chance to learn

  7. I am student which like to study in Belgium in scholordhip please give me this scholarship

  8. Really I want to join your best university ,because,it is a best university that thinks more and more to his student success pls help me to success .

  9. I am so interesting to join your university since I want to learn abroad my master’s degree

  10. I m so interested about the fully funded scholarships in Belguim but I dont know how to apply for this scholarships plz help me.

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