Pakistan Science Foundation Scholarship STFS

pakistan science foundation scholarship

Pakistan Science Foundation is an organization that funding the scientific and technological research and science popularization in the country. In general, the foundation function as a link of PMNH or PASTIC agent for the establishment of comprehensive scientific and technological information dissemination centers, promotion of research in the universities and other institutions, including providing scholarships for eligible applicants. Majorly the Pakistan student that wish to get better financial support on their next stage of education.

The foundation is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Science and Technology, is now calling for applicants to follow the selection of 5th batch of 300 young students. For more details and information about the Pakistan Science Foundation Scholarship, below are several overviews, criteria, benefits, and other detail information.

About The Scholarship

The scholarship is under Science Talent Framing Scheme (STFS). A program that focused on talented students passionate towards Science education who wish to adopt a scientific career. They will be selected and trained or groomed to become future eminent scientists through getting the scholarship.

This Pakistan Science Foundation Scholarship 2020 for matric student is now entering the 5th batch. Where the program itself is aiming to give an opportunity for about 300 young students that looking for better education financial support. Mainly for a specific scientific major as mention in the criteria below. Therefore, this scholarship shall suitable for students with a good passion for science.

Eligible Criteria

There are several criteria that need to be a concern for all applicants. Those who interest to apply the scholarship needs to check on the following eligibility criteria:

  • Students that have passed 10th class examinations of SSC or Matric in 2019 only from pure government sector schools, are eligible to apply.
  • Students shall have to score a minimum 60% overall marks and 70% marks in four science subjects viz. Biology or Computer Science, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics.
  • Attested copies of Matric or SSC result cars, B-Form and domicile certificate of student. However, in case the student domicile is not available, then the father’s domicile is also acceptable for the test.
  • Private, semi-government or any other type of schools are not eligible to apply for the scholarship as per approved PC-I of STFS.
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Selection Criteria

There also several selection criteria that shall be notified for all the applicants. The foundation brings the selection criteria to get their best candidate to fill in the scholarships opportunity. Therefore, any applicants who interest to apply shall be informed that the criteria as listed in below points:

  • Initial screening or shortlisting will be done on the basis of scores as per eligibility criteria.
  • A Science Aptitude Test or a written test will be performed as part of the criteria.
  • Paper based I.Q. test also a consideration.
  • The applicant shall also perform an interview or presentation on innovative ideas that present to the foundation.
  • Seats will be allocated as per the federal Government quota system.
  • Be notified that 30 seats are reserved for toppers of the BISEs exams, for which nominations will be called separately from relevant boards.

Required Document

Not only needs to pay attention to the selection criteria, but several documentations also need to prepare before applying for this scholarship. To apply the scholarship, there are several required documents which shall be completed by the applicants. Therefore, it is suggested to check on the following documents before applying:

  • Attested copies of result card and Detailed Mark Sheets of SSC/Matric, and CNIC or B-Form.
  • Attested copy of domicile is mandatory. However, father’s domicile is acceptable only to appear in written test.
  • Two recent color of photographs (passport size is a must).
  • Original bank deposit slip of test fee paid.
  • Application forms with incomplete, wrong/false information will be rejected. Therefore, applicants shall make sure that anything written on the form shall be able to be proven in the next future when the applicant success to receive the scholarships fee.
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Scholarship Benefit

One of the interesting part is the scholarship amount and benefit. This PSF scholarships bring several advantages for those who pass the criteria and fairly selected. The successful candidate will get several benefits as mention below:

  • The candidate will receive a monthly scholarships up to amount of @Rs. 10,000 per month for two years (F.Sc).
  • Selected candidate also will get a benefit to have study visit to S&T organizations, universities and labs.
  • Lucky candidate will undertaking research projects from first year under the mentorship of a university professors.

How to Apply

Any applicants who interest to apply the scholarship shall download STFS Application Form first. The Pakistan science foundation scholarship form download can be done through the following steps:

  • Access the website on This is a website of a testing agency called “Candidate Testing Service (CTS)” that has been approved by the Pakistan Science Foundation.
  • Download the form (Link download) together with the Fee Deposit Slip amounting to Rs. 147.
  • Fill in the form completely according to the given instruction on the form.
  • Completed the application form along with Bank Deposit Slip (it shall be original slip) which sent through courier or registered post to the following address: CTS Office N0. 6, 2nd Floor, United Plaza, 96-E, A.K. Fazal-e-Haq Road, Blue Area, Islamabad.
  • The application shall send not later than 28 January 2020. The application received after the due date will not be entertained and will not be processed further. Therefore, it is suggesting to send the application before this due date.
  • Be notify that no TA/DA is admissible for the test and interview session.
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Additional Information

Hopefully, the above information will be sufficient to apply to the Pakistan Science Foundation Scholarship. In case of any queries and unclear information please contact at 051-9202519 or 9203623. For test related queries please contact the CTS helpline on 051-2120100-2120272 (starting from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm) or visit the website.

The scholarships are very interesting to try and bring a good benefit for the Pakistan student. Therefore, it is recommended to try applying this opportunity. In case any further information is still needed, then the applicant can go through the official website at In the link, all details requirements and more information are provided.

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4 thoughts on “Pakistan Science Foundation Scholarship STFS

  1. Do you have any ideas to give your scholarships for international students who are suffering by shortcomings of financial to keep up their higher studies

  2. mudane / marwe name cabdi fitaax cumar in somalia hight school 2018 2019 dowlada pakistan

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