Scholarships in Mexico at Mexican Top Universities

Scholarships in Mexico
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Mexico is a country which doesn’t need introduction. As Latin America’s most-visited nation, it’s a direct hit with both tourists, students and locals. Full of rare treasures and breathtaking twists, the vibrant and diverse culture of Mexico has something for everyone, and is sure to give you a life time opportunity of study experience.

The Mexican higher education system is gaining serious momentum as it takes 31st place in the QS Higher Education System Strength Rankings latest edition. Coming in second just behind Brazil for representation, Mexico has over 60 universities included in the 2019 QS Latin America University Rankings – 14 of which are also included in the 2019 QS World University Rankings®.

However, the rule of higher education today is: the higher the price the higher the quality of the education. Mexican universities represent a perfect sample of this formulation. They are consistently ranked among the best universities in the world for the quality of education but at the same time they are some of the most expensive to afford.

But get excited because there are many international student scholarships in Mexico, which you can get and tackle in no time.

Here are some scholarships in Mexico for international students:

Instituto Tecnológico Autonomo de México (ITAM)

One of every three students receives financial aid to study at this institution. ITAM scholarships do not impose any conditions other than maintaining a high academic level. This means that if you receive a scholarship, you are not obligated to work for ITAM to reimburse the scholarship or to pay for it on finishing your studies.

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You can apply for one of several types of scholarships:

1. ITAM Scholarships in Mexico and SEP Scholarship

ITAM grants these scholarships in Mexico as of the first semester and they range from 10% to 90% of the tuition fees. They are granted every term and must be renewed at the beginning of the following term.

2. Baillères Scholarship

This scholarship is granted to new students that have obtained the highest scores on the admissions exam in each one of the programs and that demonstrate economic necessity. This is the only full scholarship and only one is granted per program. The Baillères Scholarship exempts full payment of tuition fees for the entire program, as long as the recipient maintains a minimum grade point average of 9.0 (nine).

3. Miguel Mancera Scholarship for Sustenance

This scholarship is granted to Economics, Actuarial Science, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Industrial Engineering, Telematics Engineering and Political Science students that obtain the highest scores on admission exams and that can demonstrate economic necessity. The amount of the scholarship is equal to 500 UDIS ( Unidades de Inversión ) [Investment Units] a month in Mexican pesos.

Two other requirements to obtain the Mancera Scholarship are that the student is not working and that he/she has financial aid to pay tuition fees.

Once the scholarship is awarded, the recipients will receive during the time they are studying at ITAM, including vacation periods, and for an additional three months while they write their thesis. This scholarship is subject to the student’s maintaining a grade point average of 9.0 (nine) and continued financial need.

4. Nissan Scholarship for Engineering

This scholarship is only granted to new students in engineering that meet the usual ITAM Scholarship requirements (economic necessity and a minimum high school grade point average of nine). 50% of tuition fees are covered with this scholarship.

5. Federico García Sámano Scholarship

This scholarship is granted to Law students from the second year onwards. Recipients must show that they need financial assistance. 75% of tuition fees are covered by this scholarship. Candidates for the scholarship must be among the students with the best class grade point averages (9.0 or higher) and be receiving financial aid from ITAM.

Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM)

Tecnológico de Monterrey is second in the national rating of Mexico. Tecnológico de Monterrey is highly renowned as a university that managed to stay in the top 5% worldwide rankings. It excels in the fields of Engineering and Technology, Social Sciences and Management. The university is famous for its high education quality ranking in the top 300 in the international rating. International rankings note that the university is popular among employers.

The university has a variety of scholarships in Mexico programs that students can take part in, including:

1. Scholarship Fund Domínguez-Rivas

It grants scholarships of tuition to the students who are studying the career of Engineer in Nanotechnology and Chemical Sciences (INCQ) and who demonstrate a high academic performance.

2. Brotherhood Ricardo Guajardo

It is a Private Charity Association composed of former Tecnológico de Monterrey scholars who lived in the Ricardo R. Guajardo Suárez residence building, and by their Fraternity graduates since 1994. Under the motto “Gratitude in Action”, he works to help the integral formation of the Fellows of the Fraternity, so that they are professionals in their area of ​​knowledge, leaders generators of change and citizens committed to the development of their community, urgently required in Mexico.

It provides moral and economic support to outstanding foreign students, who have serious economic limitations to pay for their support in the city of Monterrey (subject to availability of places).

3. Gallagher Foundation

It supports the visions of young leaders, in countries such as Mexico, South Africa and Turkey, with a commitment to their country and provides an academic community that shares a similar commitment.

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

The National Autonomous University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) is a public research university in Mexico. It ranks highly in world rankings based on the university’s extensive research and innovation. It is the largest university in Latin America and has one of the biggest campuses in the world.

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UNAM’s main campus in Mexico City, known as Ciudad Universitaria (University City), is a UNESCO World Heritage site that was designed by some of Mexico’s best-known architects of the 20th century. Murals in the main campus were painted by some of the most recognized artists in Mexican history, such as Diego Rivera and David Alfaro Siqueiros.

In 2016, it had an acceptance rate of only 8%. UNAM generates a number of strong research publications and patents in diverse areas, such as robotics, computer science, mathematics, physics, human-computer interaction, history, philosophy, among others. All Mexican Nobel laureates are either alumni or faculty of UNAM.

There are some scholarships in Mexico available for you to study in this institution, including:

1. CEP Scholarship

For over three decades, the National Autonomous University of Mexico has had a scholarship program in support of academic and professional training at the highest level. Students from foreign schools must include an average standardization issued by the Dirección General de Incorporación y Revalidación de Estudios. Foreign applicants must include a valid migratory document, issued by the Mexican Ministry of the Interior (Secretaría de Gobernación), authorizing them as graduate students pursuing an advanced degree in the UNAM.

2. Emilio Rosenblueth Fellowship

In order to strengthen its research staff, the Institute invites the national and international scientific community to submit nominations for the Emilio Rosenblueth Fellowship within the Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (PEP).

3. Scholarship Program (PBII)

The Institute of Engineering has established a Scholarship Program (PBII) aimed at developing cutting-edge specialized engineers, as well as bolstering research, education and professional practice. This program provides students —with a minimum grade point average of 8.0 in a scale of 0 -10 and with an academic background that allows them to develop the general work program devised by their tutors— with the opportunity to actively participate in research projects. The students enrolled in the program are entitled to academic tutorials so they can reach their research goals.


A program that provides scholarships for postgraduate studies, thus contributing to the training of scientists and technologists of the highest level.