Various TUM Scholarships for International Students in Germany

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is one of the leading universities in Europe. It combines top-class facilities for cutting-edge research with unique learning opportunities for students. It is committed to finding solutions to the major challenges facing society: health and nutrition, energy and natural resources, environment and climate, information and communications, as well as mobility and infrastructure.

tum scholarships

TUM consists of attractive scientists and students from every corner of the globe. It is active in international cooperation projects – and has established a campus and offices on several continents.

If you are an exceptional student or professional who wants to be part of a prestigious university in Germany, you should apply for TUM scholarships. Below are some of the TUMS scholarships that you may be eligible to apply for.

Germany Scholarship (Deutschlandstipendium)

The German National Scholarship Program is offered at TUM for both students and business partners of the University. With this support, young talents can fully exploit their potential. Also, the sponsors get to know future specialists and managers with excellent training at an early stage. At the TUM, this exchange works particularly well because industry and committed foundations have traditionally close ties with the University.

The German Scholarship includes 300 Euros per month for individual achievement. TUM is interested in students who take on responsibility and master their own unique life path.

Only students who have been admitted or are enrolled at the TUM are eligible for the German Scholarship. Exchange students who are enrolled at their stays abroad at the Tum are excluded. Foreign students who have been admitted or are enrolled at the TUM are also eligible for the German Scholarship.

All TUM students may apply as long as they do not exceed the official standard period of their studies. Support generally lasts 12 months but could basically be extended after a reapplication. The financing time limit is restricted by the study program’s standard period of study of the person concerned.

Scholarship for International Students

TUM awards scholarships for international students funded through budget resources from the Bavarian government. It is a one-time financial aid between €500 and €1,500 per semester. Students can reapply for the scholarship every semester.

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The target group is regular international students at TUM:

  • who are not eligible for the BAföG due to their nationality
  • as of 3rd semester in their bachelor’s studies
  • as of 2nd semester in their master’s studies (or as of 1st semester in their master’s studies, if the bachelor degree has been completed at TUM)
  • submission of the bachelor’s thesis or master’s thesis not before 30 June (summer term) and 31 December (winter term)

Oskar Karl Forster Scholarship for Books and Learning Materials

The Oskar Karl Forster Scholarship offers assistance for books and learning aids for needy and gifted students who study at TUM at least in the second semester. Eligible students are those with university entrance certificates from Germany and abroad, who have completed at least two semesters in an undergraduate or graduate program at the TUM. Furthermore, the qualification requirements for this scholarship are:

  • academically-outstanding or students demonstrating financial need
  • low income (requires proof of need)
  • no prior financial aid received from the Oskar Karl Forster scholarship fund

Oskar Karl Forster Scholarship Dissertation Printing Costs

The Oskar Karl Forster Scholarship offers aid for printing costs of dissertations for Bildungsinländer and BAföG eligible foreigners. The Oskar Karl Forster Scholarship Dissertation Printing Costs is available to PhD students at the TUM, and is valued at least €100 up to a maximum of €500.

To be eligible for this scholarship, student’s dissertation should be rated at least “magna cum laude”. Students who wish to be eligible for this scholarship should also have no income in the last 6 months that is higher than a full scholarship under the Law for the promotion of young scientists and artists (currently €1,400 per month).

Nicolaus-Fonds (Nicolaus Scholarship Fund)

The TUM Nicolaus Scholarship Fund offers financial aid for student travel, single scholarship for TUM students. This is a one-time scholarship that amounts between €150 and €450. The scholarship is offered to currently-enrolled undergraduate and graduate students with university entrance certificates from Germany and abroad.

Eligible students for the TUM Nicolaus Scholarship Fund are those who demonstrate financial need, who have completed at least four semesters in an undergraduate or graduate program at the TUM.

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Loschge Scholarship

The TUM offers the Loschge Scholarship to its undergraduate and graduate students of the School of Mechanical Engineering in the field of thermal engineering. The scholarship amounts up to €550 per month.

Selection for the Loschge Scholarship is based on admittance. Students applying for the scholarship must already be enrolled at the TUM.

Scholarship Options for Stays Abroad

For stays abroad for study, research or internships, there are various support programs for the European and non-European foreign countries. The International Center at the TUM offers numerous scholarship programs that enable study visits and internships within Europe or worldwide.

  • Foreign Scholarship for Internships and Self-organized Study Visits

This scholarship is available to German students, Bildungsinländer and foreigners with BAaföG-eligibility with enrollment at the TUM (no PhD students), and whose gross income is below €15,000 in the year of application.

The scholarship is consists of a monthly package of €300 on the actual length of stay with a maximum of up to 6 months until January of the following year. The scholarship also includes travel allowance (round-trip) of €1,000 outside Europe and €500 within Europe.

  • Erasmus+ Scholarships
    • Erasmus+ Students Mobility Studies: The Erasmus+ program provides financial support and there are no tuition fees at the partner university. The semester abroad will be automatically recorded in your Diploma Supplement. Academic achievements abroad can be recognized in consultation with your faculty.
    • Erasmus+ Students Mobility for Internships and Practical Theses: The Erasmus+ program offers financial support for an internship abroad to bachelor’s and master’s students as well as graduates and registered doctoral students. The scholarships vary depending on the target country and range from €400 to €520 per full month. Your internship will be included in your Diploma Supplement.
    • Erasmus+ International Dimension: Erasmus+ program offers financial support for selected destinations of the TUMexchange program. These grants are awarded according to personal and socio-economic criteria.
  • TUM without Borders

The International Center support academic activities in developing countries with a travel allowance. Funding is given to employees and/or full-time students of the TUM. Up to 3 candidates can be supported by this means per trip.

Travel costs (usually flight costs) will be funded by TUM students and/or staff for:

    • short stays in developing countries, e.g. for coordination or initiation of projects
    • research stays in developing countries
    • stays in developing countries to carry out projects
  • PROMOS (seminar papers and final theses)
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The PROMOS program supports students with grants for the completion of seminar papers and final these in universities, companies and scientific institutes outside of Erasmus+ zone for up to 6 months. Successful candidates will receive €300 per month, travel allowance, distribution of residual funds, and transferal of the funds as a lump sum payment once the outcome of the application has been announced.

  • PROMOS (study and competition-related travel)

The PROMOS program provides grants for participation in subject-specific study and competition-related travel (group travel) to countries inside and outside Europe. This scholarship is available to German and international students enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program at TUM. The scholarship includes grants of €30 per day per participant within the EU and €45 per day per participant outside the EU.

  • Swiss-European Mobility Program

These are scholarship grants provided for studying abroad, internship or graduation these as well as term papers in Switzerland.

DAAD Scholarship

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers various exchange programs and internships for specific disciplines in selected countries and/or institutions, e.g. the RISE (Research Internships in Science and Engineering) weltweit or the IFI program for international research stays for computer scientists.

Leonhard Lorenz Foundation

The purpose of the Leonhard Lorenz Foundation is to promote scientific research at the Technical University of Munich. Research projects of young scientists are given special consideration in the awarding process. The funds will only be allocated for individual demarcated research projects, in particular for:

  • Grants for research, e.g. for equipment, small appliances, auxiliary staff, travel expenses and other expenses
  • Subordinate research travel and research stays, presentation of research results at conferences
  • Not to cover the living expenses of the applicant and other personnel costs
  • Travel costs for doctoral students can only be applied for in very justified cases, and if a subsidy by TUM-GS is not possible
  • Students who have not yet started their PhD cannot be supported either.

The scholarship amount is up to €1,500 for conference participation and up to €5,000 for research projects.

Other Foundations and Scholarships

At TUM, every outstanding student has a number of opportunities to receive financial assistance. Scholarships are also offered by the following foundations through TUM:

Click here to see more foundations.

View more scholarships for TUM students to study abroad, offered at TUM on the TUM’s International Center web page.

Visit the TUM’s scholarship database for further details on the above-mentioned scholarship programs.

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18 thoughts on “Various TUM Scholarships for International Students in Germany

  1. Myname is abdirahman Arab life somaliaiam student completed highschool before this year iam very interest agricultural production so need to get scholarship to continue my education

  2. I’m second year Anesthesia student in Arsii University. If you have gate this opportunity l wiil learn it

  3. I want to the scholarship in bachelor degree, MBBs I am interested in this program benefits. Successful

  4. Salami alaykum My Name is abdulrahman Ahmed Ali I need and want this scholarship please But how can I Apply it
    contact me
    I am from Somalia A country that I would like to Develop and improve it later in the future So that I Need A highly Quality Education system

  5. My name Khair Ali from Afganista kabul city i need scholarship to study abroad pleas say me how i can apply

  6. Hello can you help me with scholarship to study abroad please am in Sierra Leone west Africa I really appreciate your help

  7. My name is Genet Tesfaye I’m interested shoolership in Germany I’m civil engineering graduate madawalabuu University from Ethiopia I want to study master degree please help me

  8. My name Kapole Kable I’m studing General Forestry in Gondar university, Ethiopia I want to study my BSc please help me.

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