Flying with Lockheed Martin Scholarship to Reach Your Dreams

lockheed martin scholarship
Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

About Lockheed Martin Scholarship

Formed by Lockheed Corporation and Martin Marietta in March 1995, Lockheed Martin is American global security, defense, and aerospace company that employs about 100,000 people worldwide. Mainly engaged in and concerned about the integration and sustainability of advanced technology systems, Lockheed Martin is seeking to hire around 50,000 new STEM professionals of all backgrounds over the next 15 years. To reach that, this Lockheed Martin Scholarship program is created as one of the tools to attract and aid the best of the best talent to create and develop breakthrough solutions that will shape the technologies of tomorrow.

The scholarship is funding undergraduate students pursuing in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), and can be applied by high school students who have interests in STEM, as well as a college freshman and sophomore from engineering and computer science majors. Although this program is focusing on undergraduates only, students from any other level can join the learning process through innovation challenges, Lockheed Martin Days on campus, and internship opportunities.

In its first opening in 2019, Lockheed Martin Scholarship has received 6,333 applications and is awarding 200 scholarships for students from 89 colleges/universities nationwide. The two biggest percentage of the scholarship winners come from Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering field. The presentation of 2019-2020 Lockheed Martin Scholarship winners is described in the picture below.

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The company entrusts Scholarship America, a nonprofit organization with more than 60 years of experience in designing and managing scholarship programs, to do the selection process and administer the whole program. Besides providing the Lockheed Martin Scholarship, the company also supports the Lockheed Martin Fighting Spirit Scholarship for wounded veterans and Lockheed Martin Corporation Scholarship for female STEM students.

Eligibility & Requirements

To be eligible to apply for the Lockheed Martin Scholarship, applicants have to be:

  • US citizens.
  • demonstrating financial need.
  • a high school seniors with a minimum GPA of 3.5, or current college freshmen or sophomores with a cumulative 3.0 or above GPA.
  • planning to enroll full-time at an accredited four-year college or university in the US.
  • majoring or planning to major in one of the following:
    • Aerospace Engineering
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Industrial Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Electrical and Computer Engineering
    • Information Systems or Information Assurance.
    • Computer Engineering
    • Computer Science
    • Systems Engineering
    • Math
    • Physics





Since there will be many applicants who meet the basic eligibility, an effort will be made to give preference to applicants who:

  • have participated in Project Lead the Way (PLTW) classes in high school.
    PLTW itself is a nonprofit STEM organization that has been offering project-based activities to over 600,000 students at 5,000 schools nationwide.
  • have potential leadership capabilities (proved by volunteerism, mentoring younger students, STEM-focused extracurricular activities, or work experience).
  • have a compelling personal story and/or family circumstances (i.e. military family).

How Much is the Amount of Lockheed Martin Scholarship?

The amount offered by the scholarship is up to $40,000 total in scholarship funding for each person, or $10,000 per school year for up to three additional years or until a bachelor’s degree is earned, whichever comes first.

The funds will be disbursed directly to the recipients’ college or university.

How to Apply

Students will have to complete an online application. The online registration can be done through this web portal.

The selection of winners will be prioritized for those who demonstrate financial need and come from an underrepresented group or underserved communities, like women, people of color, first-generation college students in their families, people with disabilities, and individuals who identify as LGBTQ. The reason is that only a small percentage of them working in science and engineering jobs, while their populations cover around one-third of the US citizens.

Important Date*

Applications for the 2019-2020 academic year has ended in March 2019. Registration for the 2020-2021 academic year will be opened in January 2020. To be notified when the application has started, please subscribe here, so you will not miss your chance.

  • Application Open                           : middle January
  • Application Deadline                     : middle March
  • Notification of Selection Results : late April
  • Notification of Renewal Status    : late April
  • Funds Disbursed                             : early August

*Based on 2019 academic year application

Required Documents

  • a school transcript.
  • information about extra-curricular activities.
  • one external reference.
  • electronic signature certifying that applicants meet the eligibility requirements of the program and that the
    information provided is complete and true.

Renewing the Scholarship

Awarded students can renew their scholarship annually in December as long as they still continue to meet the minimum GPA required and stay in their selected major (or another major that is listed on the requirements).

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Additional Information

  • Lockheed Martin will offer a paid internship with wraparound services, such as mentorship, to the selected recipients beginning their sophomore year of college.
  • This scholarship does not restrict students from receiving scholarships from other providers, so you can apply for Lockheed Martin Scholarship while still funded by other scholarship.
  • All applicants who meet the requirements are welcomed to apply no matter what kind of relationship their family has towards Lockheed Martin (e.g. family members of competitors, family members of Lockheed Martin employees, or family members of Lockheed Martin customers).
  • Should recipients change majors or become ineligible for other reasons, they will not have to repay any portion of the scholarship that was already given to them.

Lockheed Martin Scholarship Source of Funding

Lockheed Martin sponsors this scholarship program by increasing investment in several key areas as a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed in 2017. The tax reform legislation enabled the corporation to launch this new Lockheed Martin Scholarship program with an investment of $460 million in education and innovation, as well as increase investment in cutting-edge start-up companies, employee training and education, and research and development.

Contact Person

If you still have any inquiries regarding the scholarship, please contact the eligible party below.

Lockheed Martin Scholarship
Official website:

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One thought on “Flying with Lockheed Martin Scholarship to Reach Your Dreams

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